Chapter 436: Wonderful news

"I see..." Eldrian decided against asking how long it would take him to be able to actually make use of the mana inside the crystals. He assumed it would be Tier 5 at least, but that wasn't a bad thing. 

The two enjoyed the tea that stayed warm likely thanks to enhancements on the teapot. Not in a rush to get onto the next topic. After around ten minutes, Zamia spoke again. 

"Do you still wish to bond with Ceph?"

Eldrian didn't rush to answer, instead, he thought it through. The world wasn't in a peaceful state, whether Ceph came with him to war, or war came to him. The difference would just be a few months or year at most. 

Likely, the Alicorns did have some haven that would be safe for longer, where they had sent all the weaker members of their family. Leaving only the strongest to defend their home. But, even if this was the case, Zamia had clearly already thought that it would be endangered if the invasion was truly not going to stop. Else, she would have never brought up binding them. 

"I do," Eldrian said after careful consideration, "I won't be able to make any promises or guarantees that he will be safe, but... This invasion is not going to end and at some point, he is going to have to fight. I hope I can help."

Zamia didn't respond right away, going through her own thought process and especially through all that she had learned from their talk. 

"I still think it will indeed be for the best. However, you have rushed far too much. How many Tier 3 spells do you even know, and how many Tier 2?" 

This time, Eldrian did respond immediately. "I have learned twelve Tier 2 spells and two Tier 3 spells, at the same time I have mastered two Tier 2 skills and one Tier 3 skill."

Zamia was actually very impressed by these numbers, but they weren't enough. "And how many have you managed to master, of those spells?" She asked, realizing that his choice of words was not random.

He had specifically used learned and mastered, meaning, he was more confident with the skills. Which was strange, considering all she knew of him. All his breakthroughs and discoveries had been on spells. 

Hearing the question Eldrian felt embarrassed, "I have only mastered one, Anthisma." He wasn't going to lie, he had been falling back onto his Tier 1 spells for the most part, only using Tier 2 and 3 situationally. (AN: Anthisma is Tier 2)

He just wasn't nearly as comfortable with the higher Tier spells, he needed more practice and he knew this. But there were so many other things he needed to do too. 

This time Zamia was surprised by the lack of numbers. Mastering just one spell, that was not a good sign. But then again, she recognized that it had only been 4 months since she had last seen him. It was actually impressive.

"You are clearly extremely comfortable with Tier 0 spells, how about Tier 1 spells?" She asked, and Eldrian quickly counted the ones he felt he had mastered.

"Five, and I am sure I can master Mifotia given an hour or so."

'Not bad, actually that is truly impressive.' Zamia thought and then started asking Eldrian about the spells and why these spells. Quickly realizing a pattern when Eldrian also shared the spells he had learned. 

His focus spells were healing and recovery spells, followed by spells of Forst Needle's line. Spells with good damage, high speed, and a small area of effect. Focusing all the damage where they land. 

Yet, he had also learned spells for occasions. Fire spells to try and cover areas, water spells to douse fires if needed. Literally Eldrian's reason for learning them, though Nidia would do just as good now that he could expand the spell. 

Air spells to block ranged attacks, earth spells. Well just one, Vrachos, to skip the half a second or so that Frost Needle took to form. Yet, Eldrian still preferred Frost Needle which was interesting. 

"Right, I realize that you have been limited in one major way. You are still thinking of using all the spells as everyone would. But! You are capable of dynamic casting. Of controlling your spells, let me ask you. Why have you never tried to alter Vrachos to have the stones form into anything but sharpened cones?"

"I was actually planning to attempt that soon, but instead I decided to come back to Avgi."

"Why?" Zamia asked, but the answer was transparent. "Never mind, because you reached Tier 3 and feel you can go to Tier 4, am I correct?"

"You are," Eldrian smiled, happy that Zamia had picked up on this. 

"But, aren't you afraid of moving too fast? You have only learned two Tier 3 spells and you said yourself you haven't mastered even one of them."

"Maybe..." Eldrian paused to take a sip of tea, as always it helped him clear his mind and find the best way to respond. "But, the benefit of reaching a higher Tier outweighs learning more Tier 3 spells."

"How so?"

"Because, as I become stronger, I can feel my mental faculty increasing. Meaning, the quicker I reach higher Tiers, the quicker I will be able to learn what I have postponed."

Zamia paused hearing this, realizing something strange. "When you reach a higher Tier, how does your stats change?"

"It increases, not by much, but that is only because my Tiers are still low."

"No, I don't mean that. I want to know is, is it instant?"

"Of course," Eldrian replied and suddenly also realized what she was getting at, "Isn't it instant for you?"

"No, it is not. The Tiers before 5 would take a few weeks to a few months to fully take effect. After Tier 5 the time increases even more."

'That would explain them not realizing the increase," Eldrian noted, Zamia noting nearly the same but rather why Eldrian could note the change. 

"Regardless, you can't advance until you bond with Cephaphyr. And I am not going to let you until you firm your foundation."

Hearing this was like riding a rollercoaster for Eldrian, going from an instant high to an instant low. "What do you mean?" He asked, fearing she would task him with something crazy. Yet, her reply instead instantly brought him to an ultimate high. 

"I am going to train you."


"No! We can't interfere that much. Your wife is already too involved!" Amnur shouted upon hearing what Zamia said. He and Agamemas were having tea atop one of the mountain peaks, yet they could hear what the two were talking about as if they were all around the same table. 

"Amnur, do you really think it is up to you to decide?" Agamemas asked, naturally Amnur knew this wasn't a threat. Which was why the question confused him much more. 

"What on Dragos's scales do you mean?"

"If you ask us to not help him when he is the one who came here. Are you not then interfering with his path? Are you not altering the choices he can make?"