CH 73

[Midnight Visitor]

At midnight, loud bell tolls echoed inside the garrison.

It is just before I enter the sleeping bag, but immediately realizing the meaning of the bell tolls, I rush out of the stable and run toward the main gate of the garrison.

After I rush to the main gate, I see the giant horse that was supposed to had been handed over to the Royal Guard Knight Order standing at the entrance, waiting for my arrival.


The giant horse neighes as if saying, “Took you long enough.”

“Well, don’t be angry. You escape faster than I expected. Do you hate the meal there?”


“I see, then, I’ll prepare it right away. Wait for a bit—”

When I try to run to the stables to prepare the hay, the giant horse holds me back by biting my cloak.

“W-what is it? I’m going to prepare your mea—”

The giant horse who is holding me begin to write letters on the ground using his hoof skillfully.

I thought he is a smart guy, but to think he can even write!

Even so, what a skillful writing.

He wants me to read it, huh…

The giant horse turns his gaze to me as if telling me to read the characters written on the ground, but I can’t read them no matter how hard I try to.


The giant horse who finished writing with his hoof hold me with his mouth and put me on his back.

“Ah!? So, that’s it. I have to see it from your side.”

By riding on the back of the giant horse, I’m able to understand the meaning of the characters he wrote with his hoof.

It seems that the giant horse wants me to give him a name.

The soldier on watch who is seeing the situation opens his mouth wide, befuddled.

“Are you okay with me giving you a name?”


As if to show his affirmation, the giant horse neighs.

Actually, I had already thought of a name that was perfect for this guy.

I hope he likes it …

When we defeated the monsters in the grassland together, I came up with a name for the giant horse.

“What do you think about Diedur, which has the meaning of ‘clever’? I think it’s perfect for you.”


“I see, you like it, huh. I’ll call you Diedur from today. Nice to meet you, Diedur.”

Perhaps Diedur is pleased after having been given a name, he rears up on the spot and let out a loud neigh.

[Diedur-chan will be a junior of Dayle, right?]

“So, you’re awake, Dayle. Well, that’s how it turns out, I’m counting on you to help him with various things as his senior.”

[Understood. Nice to meet you, Diedur-chan—!?]

Diedur play-biting Dayle who is greeting him by blinking her magic stone.

[Eeeeeek! Dayle is not foood! Master, Dayle is being eateeeen!]

Dayle who is play-bitten blinks her magic stone violently and shouts.

“Diedur, your senior Dayle is still young, so you can’t tease her too much.”


After I get Dayle back from Diedur’s mouth, he nods as if saying, “Alright.”

[Master, Dayle had been eaten. Is scabbard-chan still alive? Uwaaaaaaan!]

“It’s still in good shape, so rest assured. I’ll maintain you later, so don’t cry.”

Since Diedur’s saliva doesn’t reach her blade, it seems that I only need to clean her scabbard.

[Really!? Yaaay! Maintenance!]

Dayle was crying until a while ago, but when she hears that I will maintain her, she is in a good mood immediately.

“What a self-interested thing.”


Having heard our talk, Diedur nods, agreeing with me.

“Frick-sama, what happen——eh, he is already here!?”

Noticing the bell tolls, Noelia and Suzana gather at the main gate along with the soldiers of the garrison.

Everyone is having a surprised expression seeing Diedur’s appearance.

“Ahh, it seems he didn’t really like the meal there. And he asked me to give him a name, so call him Diedur from today.”


“Pleased to meet you, Diedur—!?”

Diedur walks slowly, going to in front of Noelia, then he holds her clothes with his mouth and put her on his back.

I promptly hug Noelia so that she wouldn’t fall.

“Sorry, Noelia. He seems to be quite mischievous. He might have been feigning friendliness all this time.”

“I-I don’t mind it. You don’t need to be worried, since I know that Diedur is smart.”

Noelia gently strokes Diedur’s deep red mane.

“Frick-sama. I am sorry for interrupting your enjoyment, but the fact the Diedur escaped means that the lot of the Royal Guard Knight Order may come to this garrison soon, so I think it will be better to leave immediately so as not to cause inconvenience here.”

“Y-you’re right. Diedur, you’ll have to eat quickly and leave for our destination, but is that okay?”


Diedur returns a nod to show his understanding.

Having received his agreement, I got off Diedur, expressed polite gratitude to the warden of the garrison along with a remuneration, and after finishing the preparation to depart quickly, we decided to race through the night road to the Rahaman mine which was the sighting location of the Abyss Walker.