Chapter 680

Perhaps at that time, her end will be extremely miserable.

Hua Lifang's heart was trembling, but now that she was on this road, she could not turn back at all.

In any case, she must firmly grasp Gu lichen. As long as Gu lichen doesn't know the truth, he will be her biggest support!

Yi Jin left with Ling and still came to the detention center. Then Ling still saw Wan Yuming.

This is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a slight fat body and a strange face. To her, it's just a stranger.

But the stranger did her so badly!

If there is no such person, then she will not be in prison for three years, will not bear so much pain, she will still be a bright future female lawyer, and will do what she wants to do for life!

Originally, Ling still thought that even before the court session, he would not see Wan Yuming. After all, the other side had fled to a foreign country.

But I didn't expect to see this man at the detention center so soon.

But this person, after seeing Yi Jin leave and Ling still appear, on the face surged a kind of fear.

Then, the man stood up, and immediately "poop" to Ling, he still knelt down, "Miss Ling, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I hurt you, I hurt you! I am willing to accept the punishment of the law. Please forgive me! "

Ling still looked at the man kneeling in front of him.

This strange man, at that time can so ruthless let her bear the crime, changed her life, but now, but so easily kneel in front of her.

Ling still subconsciously stepped aside and didn't want to accept the kneeling apology.

Yi Jin left a hand to hold Ling's waist, "what's the matter?"

"I... I want to go out for a breath. It's uncomfortable here." She said with an ugly face.

"That's good." He took her out of the meeting room.

All the way to the tree outside, Ling still breathed heavily for several times. How could she not see it? It would be such a scene when she saw the person who killed her.

At first, she knew that when she came to see Wan Yuming today, she thought there were many questions she wanted to ask each other.

But just now when she saw the man kneeling, she couldn't ask anything, just felt disgusted!

Such a despicable personality, as long as you play tricks, can trample on the law, destroy people's lives, but in the end, you even want her to forgive?!

Forgive?! How ridiculous!

Just kneeling? Because of an apology? Can we ask the victim's forgiveness?

That man, how can you say this sentence so lightly?!

"Isn't it comfortable?" Yi Jin asked.

"Much better." Ling still said.

"Didn't you always want to see him? Why did you hurry to come out just now? "

"I just think it's ridiculous that he has done so much harm to a person, but he still hopes that the other party will forgive him. What a virgin Ling still said.