Chapter 2960

"Leader Qin, shall I call the warriors of the Anti-Yuncheng Alliance and let them join the Yuncheng Alliance?" Qi You handed over his hands and offered to subdue the warriors of the Anti-Yuncheng Alliance.

Hearing this, Qin Ming nodded slightly.

Of course he has no objection to subduing the warriors of the Anti-Cloud City Alliance.

Originally, he planned to unify the Tianlong world step by step after annihilating the Anti-Cloud City Alliance, gather all potential warriors, and gather all resources to focus on training them.

Let the strength of the entire Yuncheng Alliance increase faster than the poisonous demon forces.

If it can be done, then the longer the world drags on, the more beneficial it will be for the Yuncheng Alliance and Tianlong World.

Qin Ming did not believe that using the holy blood of the poisonous demon to increase the strength of the poisonous demon in a short period of time would have no side effects.

Qin Ming is a holy blood warrior. After his transformation, his strength will increase, but it will be accompanied by huge side effects.

If you want to come to the Holy Blood of the Poison Demon, it is impossible to improve the strength of the Poison Demon without any side effects.

Seeing that Qin Ming agreed, Qi You patted his waist, and a bright red light shot up into the sky and spread out in all directions.

This light is very dazzling, even in the daytime, it can be seen clearly from far away.

"This signal is an agreed assembly signal. After seeing the signal, other warriors of the Anti-Cloud City Alliance will gather here." Qi You explained to Qin Ming and other warriors of the Cloud City Alliance.

Several vice leaders nodded excitedly.

Qi You, the leader of the Anti-Cloud City Alliance, has already surrendered. The record of the Cloud City Alliance is against the sky. As long as the fighters of the Anti-Cloud City Alliance do not arrive at the same time, they can easily make the opponent surrender.

Even if they arrive at the same time, they can be easily subdued if they are understood with affection and moved with reason.

After all, the Anti-Yuncheng Alliance is only united because of interests, each warrior has his own ideas, plus there is no leader among the dragons, it couldn't be easier to divide such a force.

All the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance were excited and waited patiently.

At this moment, a jet-black light suddenly flashed in the sky, and everyone looked up towards the horizon in shock.

I saw that the light was blooming fiercely there, and it was as black as ink.

This signal was sent by the Demon Hunters Association. The signal means...the poisonous demon forces are attacking on a large scale.

Everyone was shocked, and a wordless fear filled the air.

"The poisonous demon forces have officially launched an attack on Tianlong World, what a shame!" Qi You's face changed drastically.

He is too aware of the terrifying power of poisonous demons.

Even when the Anti-Cloud City Alliance was in its heyday, the number of warriors in the Dragon Realm would not reach half of that of the Poison Demons.

Moreover, all the poisonous demons of the poisonous demon force obey the command of the demon ancestor.

Just like the Yuncheng Alliance, all Dragon Realm fighters of the Yuncheng Alliance obey Qin Ming's orders.

The poisonous demon force has been dormant for a thousand years, and it is obviously fully prepared to attack the Tianlong world now.

Thinking of the war situation and tragedy thousands of years ago, Qi You shuddered.

Now the strength of Tianlong World is not as good as that of a thousand years.

And the strength of the poisonous demon force is much stronger than it was a thousand years ago.

This is because of the help of the Holy Blood of the Poison Demon, but a thousand years ago, there was no Holy Blood of the Poison Demon.

The Demon Hunters Association has been probing for information about the poisonous demons, and the Demon Hunters Association has not concealed it from others, and has shared the information they obtained at the cost of their lives with countless forces.

As the master of the Anti-Cloud City Alliance, Qi You is naturally qualified to share.