Chapter 3242

Although the Yuncheng Alliance fought against the poisonous demon forces, they won several exciting battles.

But everyone knows that the poisonous demon forces are not injured, they still have great strength.

As long as the Yuncheng Alliance fails once, it will be lost forever.

No one knows what the future of the Yuncheng Alliance will be, whether it will be destroyed by the forces of poisonous demons.

Also because of this worry, many Dragon Realm fighters chose to refuse without hesitation when the Cloud City Alliance sent someone to invite them to join.

Later, the Yuncheng Alliance did not know why, not only did they not invite them again, but they also chose to refuse if they wanted to join.

Now even if you want to join the Cloud City Alliance, the Cloud City Alliance will not accept it.

This confuses many people. The Yuncheng Alliance is fighting the poisonous demon forces at the most critical moment. It should be extremely short of manpower. Why did they choose to refuse?

Let those warriors who have been hesitating can only choose to give up.

How did they know that although the Yuncheng Alliance was short of people before, after having four thousand dragon-level fighters, the Yuncheng Alliance is not short of people.

If you are a warrior with rich combat experience and a strong will, the Yuncheng Alliance and Qin Ming will definitely welcome them.

However, most warriors in Tianlong World are extremely unstable in their will. When fighting against the forces of poisonous demons, they are often frightened and unable to walk.

Letting such warriors join will only drag down the entire Yuncheng Alliance.

Therefore, only warriors who are prepared to fight against the poisonous demon forces at the very beginning, and who are psychologically prepared, will be accepted by the Cloud City Alliance.

Compared with the poisonous demons who grew up in a cruel environment and had strong willpower, the Dragon Realm fighters in the Tianlong World are many times inferior.

In addition, the blood of poisonous demons is stronger than that of ordinary warriors. When ordinary dragon-level warriors fight against dragon-level poisonous demons, it is often ordinary dragon-level warriors who lose.

Without a strong will, Qin Ming didn't think they were qualified fighters.

The will is too weak, not even qualified for training.

In the main hall, all the warriors had arrived, Huan Tian looked at the more than 4,000 dragon-level warriors, and boundless arrogance rose in his heart.

He stood up, picked up the wine glass on the table, held it up high, and said loudly, "Huan Shizong has endured for a thousand years, a full thousand years, and today is finally the time to be born again."

"Let Tianlong World see what a peerless youth I call Sejong."

"In the past, the Heavenly Dragon World belonged to warriors in the Dragon Realm. From today onwards, I declare that the Heavenly Dragon World belongs to Huan Shizong, and it will only belong to Huan Shizong!"

"Summon Sejong!" "Summon Sejong!" "Summon Sejong!" "..."

Many warriors shouted and looked at Huantian with fanaticism.

Seeing this, those newly joined dragon realm warriors also raised their wine glasses and yelled in order not to embarrass themselves.

For a moment, the voice pierced through the sky, Huan Shizong's aura was incomparable, very extraordinary.

This boundless aura affected everyone. In their eyes, Huan Shizong rose slowly like the morning sun.

Seeing his son Huan Tian uttering a few words, those Huan Shizongs were full of vitality, and their hearts were full of pride.

How did he know that he had been preparing for today's call for a long time.

This huge palace, as well as those fanatical Dragon Realm fighters, were all prepared by him secretly.

The purpose is to create an illusion that the King Sejong is united and strong.

Sometimes there is no difference between true and false.

After this incident, maybe Huan Shizong's disciples were not united in the past, but now it is completely different.