Chapter 3387

With Qin Ming's strength, once he transforms, even with the help of the perfect dragon-level healing pill, he can't stop Qin Ming's attack.

So once Qin Ming transforms, he must also transform.

Even if he really doesn't want to transform, he has to do this, otherwise there will only be one end, he dies, and the Yuncheng Alliance wins.

He was betting that Qin Ming would not be able to recover from the sequelae of the transformation, and he was betting that Qin Ming would not dare to transform.

If Qin Ming ignored it and changed his body, but there was no way to recover from the sequelae.

Then both the Yuncheng Alliance and Huan Shizong will be losers.

Regardless of victory or defeat, Huan Shizong and the Yuncheng Alliance will eventually perish.

The Yuncheng Alliance lost Qin Ming, and it was impossible to defeat the poisonous demon forces.

Huan Shizong lost him, and he could not be the opponent of the poisonous demon forces.

It's not that he is narcissistic, but that he is too aware of those old people who call Shizong, they have no ability, they only know about dictatorship, and if they want to defeat the poisonous demon forces, it is impossible to delay it for a month.

So as long as he persists, either he wins or both lose.

Huantian was betting that Qin Ming couldn't bear the Tianlong World being occupied by poisonous demon forces.

"I really only have two pills that can restore the sequelae of transformation." Qin Ming admitted generously, clenched his fists and said, "But do you believe it? As long as I transform, you will definitely die."

"Even if you are also a holy blood fighter, you still choose to transform, you can't stop me!"

Seeing Qin Ming's swearing appearance, Huan Tian's eyes suddenly shrank.

Judging from Qin Ming's tone of voice, he seemed to be planning to transform.

Moreover, after Qin Ming transformed, he was able to kill himself.

Thinking of this, Huan Tian panicked.

"That's right, Qin Ming's transformation will completely stimulate the power of his bloodline, and his physical strength will not be able to restrict his strength."

"If Qin Ming's strength is intact and there is no physical restraint, he will definitely kill me. Even if there is a perfect dragon-level elixir, the potency will not be able to keep up." Thinking of this, Huantian panicked.

If you don't fight Qin Ming head-on, you will never know how powerful Qin Ming is.

Before Huantian thought he could be defeated by Qin Ming, maybe the Demon Ancestor was not as powerful as he imagined.

But after fighting Qin Ming head-on, Huan Tian realized that it wasn't that the Demon Ancestor was not strong, but that Qin Ming was incredibly powerful.

In the battle between him and Qin Ming, apart from the fact that Qin Ming didn't fight him with all his strength at the beginning, which was barely evenly divided, he didn't have the slightest ability to fight back in the subsequent battles.

It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, if he could take advantage of Qin Ming's exhaustion and kill him.

Then the fame and benefits will be inexhaustible, and the unification of the Tianlong world will be just a matter of words.

But during the battle, he had a premonition that as long as he took the initiative to attack, Qin Ming would probably seize the opportunity and kill him with one move.

To be on the safe side, and for his own life, Huantian chose to defend.

No matter how many flaws Qin Ming exposed, he turned a blind eye and waited wholeheartedly for the warriors called Shizong to defeat the Yuncheng Alliance.

At this time, Huantian suddenly came to his senses, widened his eyes and said, "I see, you are trying to provoke me to do it on purpose."

"I want me to take the initiative to attack you."

"Qin Ming, I admit that my strength is far inferior to yours, and I'm not even your single-handed enemy."

"But I'm not stupid, you just give up on it, unless the warriors of Huan Shizong completely defeat you, I will never take the initiative to do it."

"Of course, you can also try to kill me forcibly, it depends on whether the dragon-level perfect elixir in my space ring is enough."