Chapter 3472

Qin Ming raised his head and looked at Xia Fang suspiciously.

Xia Fang said, "We are going to attack the inheritance secret realm of the poisonous demon forces. In the process, death is inevitable."

"I believe that the Secret Realm of Inheritance has been developed for countless years by the forces of poisonous demons. It must be densely covered with organs and extremely dangerous."

"The poisonous demon will also desperately resist, and will use all means to stop us."

"At that time, as long as we push behind, it will not be difficult to kill 200,000 people."

"Hiss..." Qin Ming gasped, Xia Fang's method was simple and rude, and 200,000 dragon-level fighters died, no one would suspect the Cloud City Alliance.

It is indeed a good way to use the hands of poisonous demon forces to kill redundant people, and it is also the only feasible way now.

"I'm not afraid of taking the blame. If something really cannot be done, I will come in person." Qin Ming thought for a while, looked at Xia Fang sincerely and said.

Before Qin Ming disapproved of killing 200,000 dragon-level warriors, it was because he couldn't bear it.

After thinking about the pros and cons, Qin Ming also understood that these 200,000 people might have to die.

If they don't die, Tianlong World is likely to be destroyed.

Qin Ming doesn't care what other people say, as long as he has a clear conscience.

If he was worried about other people's gossip and cared about other people's opinions, Qin Ming would definitely not be able to make it to where he is today.

Before, the Demon Ancestor took advantage of the character of ordinary warriors who were greedy for life and fear of death, and swore with the Supreme Demon God to issue a letter of challenge.

At that time, in order to save their own lives, countless warriors hoped that he would go out and die voluntarily. Qin Ming naturally knew about these remarks, but he turned a blind eye to them.

If it is really necessary to kill 200,000 dragon-level warriors, even if he can't bear it, he will do it for the sake of the overall situation.

"Qin Ming, you are the leader of the Yuncheng Alliance, you are the strongest in the Tianlong world, you can't have any stains on you, just leave these things to me." Hearing Qin Ming's agreement, Xia Fang showed a relieved expression on his face, "I I am old, and I can do something for Tianlong World before I die, and I deserve to die."

"As for reputation, it doesn't matter to me."

"A true demon hunter never fights for honor."

Hearing this, Qin Ming was in awe.

The reason why the poisonous demon can only hide in the dark is because a group of demon hunters are watching the poisonous demon all the time.

Why was the poisonous demon discovered by Tianlong World just after it appeared, and the Demon Hunters Association was established very quickly.

It is because there is a group of people who are silently fighting against the forces of poisonous demons behind.

But because this group of people is too weak compared to the huge poisonous demon forces, they can only hide themselves.

A real demon hunter cannot disclose his identity until the demon hunter association is established.

There are even many such heroes who guard the world of Tianlong in obscurity all their lives.

Xia Fang is such a hero.

It is conceivable how entangled he was with killing two hundred thousand Dragon Realm warriors.

When he made this decision, he must have been extremely tormented.

It is even very possible that after killing 200,000 dragon-level warriors, Xia Fang will die out of guilt.

There is no way to choose the lesser of two evils.

Qin Ming thought for a while, and comforted, "It may not be necessary to kill 200,000 dragon-level warriors, maybe I can think of other ways."

"If there is really no other way in the end, I agree with your approach."