Chapter 3535

Now the warriors believe that Qin Ming can establish a channel, then things will be easy afterwards, as long as they can control the Tianlong World, there should be no problem persisting for ten years.

There are more than 10,000 dragon-level warriors in the Yuncheng Alliance, and these dragon-level warriors are all experienced and powerful.

Under their management, Yuan Zhi can be given to the warriors according to the supply.

Of course, although it seems that every warrior is tightening their belts to live, in fact, they cannot be allocated Yuanzhi for no reason, and they need to rely on their own hands to obtain them.

All the high-level executives of the Yuncheng Alliance gathered together to discuss that if they want to survive these difficult ten years safely, they can only find ways to plant more plants, protect the wild plants, and then use all Yuan Zhi alchemy.

Of course, before Qin Ming leaves Tianlong World, he must first refine a large amount of perfect dragon-level pills. In this way, the existing resources of Tianlong World are enough to last for ten years.

This plan is difficult, and this is because the entire Tianlong World has been unified by the Yuncheng Alliance, otherwise it would be impossible to realize.

From now on, the Yuncheng Alliance will control every city in Tianlong World, and then allocate resources according to needs.

The Yuncheng Alliance will also organize warriors to plant source plants, train alchemists, search for source stone veins, and so on.

The most important thing for the Cloud City Alliance in the future is how to use limited resources to persist for ten years.

The growth time of Yuanzhi is too long, so only some low-level Yuanzhi can be planted, and high-level Yuanzhi is almost wild, so only warriors can be sent to guard it.

On the high platform, Qin Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have never forgotten the poisonous demon forces."

"There is a huge crisis waiting for us in Tianlong World. If there are poisonous demon forces making trouble, it will be even more difficult to overcome this crisis."

"Now with the strength of our Heavenly Dragon World, I believe it will be easy to defeat the poisonous demon forces!"

In fact, in Qin Ming's heart, he has no idea about the establishment of the channel.

No one knows what the Supreme World is like, or even how to establish a passage between the two worlds. The only thing that is certain is that it will take a lot of resources.

Moreover, even if there are resources, can a channel really be established?

It is obviously impossible. To establish a channel between the two worlds, martial arts experts and highly skilled array mages are necessary. Inviting these people to help is not just a matter of resources.

It is extremely difficult for Qin Ming to talk about how to establish channels, but how to raise these resources.

If it was an ordinary warrior, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the Supreme World.

Although the supreme world has plenty of resources, but also because of the abundance of resources, there are so many strong people, no matter where they are, the strong are respected.

A weak person who can't even protect himself wants to establish a passage between the two worlds?

The supreme world will definitely not be peaceful. If it is really as peaceful as rumored, the ancestors of the Feng family will not be forced to come to the Tianlong world.

For warriors in the supreme world, the Tianlong world is like a wild land, coming here is like being assigned by the family.

In the letters of the ancestors of the Feng family, Qin Ming could clearly perceive this unexpressed emotion. The ancestors of the Feng family yearned extremely for the Supreme World and returned to the Feng family.

On the one hand, it may be family affection, and it is also because the source energy of Tianlong World is too scarce.