Chapter 3946

After observation, Qin Ming found that these young and energetic warriors were indeed as powerful as Qi Qi said.

Even the aura of some warriors is extremely strong.

The reason why the aura of these martial artists can be sensed is because they did not hide it at all.

There is no concealment, either he has confidence in his own strength, or he likes to show off.

"Qin Ming, it may be difficult to participate in the competition for Yunqing Cliff after you reach the middle stage of the True Dragon Realm after the Martial Dao Realm," Qi Qi advised.

He didn't know why Qin Ming insisted on coming here. In his opinion, after arriving in the city, what resources he didn't have was far more suitable than competing for Yunqingya.

How did he know that Qin Ming was suffering and couldn't tell, he had reached 40% of Fenghuo Dao, powerful, but he didn't dare to use it in the city.

And even in the city, if you want to enter the formation controlled by those forces, you will need a lot of black stones and a certain status.

Only in the middle stage of the True Dragon Realm, it is a long process to gain status.

It just so happens that there is a formation in the wild that can improve Fenghuo Dao, so of course Qin Ming wants to fight for it.

"Although it is difficult, I still want to try." Qin Ming pondered for a while, and said in a low voice, "Qi Qi, go find out the actual situation and see what preparations we need to make."

This time the competition for Yunqingya's spot must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Although the quota is set by default, ordinary warriors may not have a chance to get a quota.

Now that the arena has been set up and the quota is determined through public competition, as long as there is an extremely strong strength, even if there is a shady scene, there is no way to completely control it.

Unless the rules of the early years are broken.

Once the rules are broken, it will affect more than one quota, and may even affect the structure of these four big tribes.

The four big tribes are not of one mind. They struggled for this formation in the early years, and spent countless manpower and material resources. In the end, they finally reached a consensus and jointly controlled the entire formation.

Of course, in the process of the competition, ordinary warriors also participated, so in order not to leave any excuses for the outside world, they put on a show and decided who could enter by fighting.

After coming to this tribe for a long time, Qin Ming has collected some information.

Of course, specific information needs to be collected specially.

"En!" Qi Qi nodded, and did not continue to persuade.

Qin Ming is more experienced than him in handling affairs, and he is very thoughtful about things.

Moreover, although Qin Ming only has the martial arts realm of the middle stage of the True Dragon Realm, his real strength has already surpassed the late stage of the True Dragon Realm.

Qi Qi didn't know yet, but because of taking Fenghuo Pill, Qin Ming's current martial arts strength was already comparable to that of ordinary true dragon realm peak warriors.

After eating, Qin Ming and the others went to rest.

Early the next morning, Qi Qi hastily knocked on Qin Ming's door.

After entering the door, before he even had time to take a sip of tea, Qi Qi hurriedly said, "Qin Ming, there are many talented warriors participating in this competition, and most of them have reached the late stage of True Dragon Realm, and they plan to break through in Yunqing Cliff To the peak of the True Dragon Realm."

"A lot of talented warriors?" Qin Ming nodded, not surprised by this.

I met some warriors with unusual auras outside before, and those are the so-called geniuses.

Compared with ordinary warriors, their strength will be stronger, but Qin Ming is not worried, because compared to them, Qin Ming thinks he is more genius.