Chapter 4482

Xuan Yu clearly stated that Qin Ming was able to come out so early because of cheating, and he never passed the test.

Also because of Xuan Yu, many people firmly believed that Qin Ming cheated.

So in the last Alchemy Conference, everyone was waiting to see Qin Ming's jokes, and many people deeply thought that Qin Ming cheated to get to the end.

And what about the facts?

Qin Ming used his powerful alchemy strength to refine two furnaces of pills in front of everyone, which proved his strong alchemy strength and talent.

Qin Ming is a demon-level alchemy genius, such a genius, how could he cheat?

Although Xuan Yu is good at alchemy, he is far behind Qin Ming. How can he say that Qin Ming cheated.

"I think Xuan Yu should apologize to Qin Ming, seems inappropriate to kneel down. After all, Xuan Yu is also a powerful alchemist. If he kneels down, wouldn't he lose all face?"

"You are right, and Qin Ming has a good personality. Since he has forgiven others for misunderstanding him, he will not force Xuan Yu too much, as long as Xuan Yu apologizes casually and is sincere. I believe Qin Ming should have a lot of adults, so forgive Xuan Yu."

"I have a different opinion. I think Xuan Yu should kneel down and apologize. Originally, I thought there was nothing wrong with Qin Ming. If it wasn't for Xuan Yu's misleading, I would never speak ill of Qin Ming. All of this is Xuan Yu's fault. Xuan Yu What Yu did has seriously damaged Qin Ming's reputation, and if it is serious, it is likely to kill Qin Ming because of it, and kneeling down to apologize is just to embarrass Xuan Yu, and compared with Qin Ming's life, it is nothing."

"I agree with Xuan Yu who knelt down to apologize. He said it himself, and no one forced him. As an alchemist, how can he just forget what he said in public?"


There was a lot of excitement in the audience, and some people thought that they should just let it go, or apologize to Qin Ming more sincerely, without having to kneel down to apologize.

Some people feel that no one is forcing Xuan Yu, but he said it himself. Since he has the guts to insult Qin Ming, those who humiliate him should kneel down and apologize.

On the ring, several alchemists who hadn't left yet looked at Xuan Yu gloatingly.

Although they had some doubts about Qin Ming before, they didn't participate, they just criticized Qin Ming secretly.

Xuan Yu went too far, even accusing Qin Ming of cheating in public, if Xuan Yu said that about them, he would have to go through the arena of life and death.

An alchemist's reputation is very precious, and a good alchemist's reputation can even make the price of the alchemy he refines higher.

After all, when warriors take the elixirs refined by alchemists, they must hope to be safe and more effective.

Everyone hopes to be able to buy one made by a famous alchemist, not an unknown person.

Whether it is an alchemist or a warrior, reputation is very important.

Xuan Yu insulted people indiscriminately, and it really couldn't just let it go, even if he didn't apologize on his knees, he had to apologize to Qin Ming with a correct attitude.

However, in public, in front of so many people, can Xuan Yu pull down to apologize?

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Yu walked up to Qin Ming, knelt down directly, cupped his fists and said, "Qin Ming, I apologize to you for what happened to me before, and I hope you can forgive me."

Qin Ming hurriedly helped Xuan Yu up, he didn't expect that Xuan Yu actually kept his promise, and apologized to him without caring about his face in public.

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