Chapter 4794

Although he has never fought Hu Chi, Qin Ming is sure that even if Hu Chi comprehends the Dao, he is still sure to win.

The city chief is really dealing with him, one more person, but one more burden.

Let Hu Chi follow the large army of the Yuncheng Alliance, and the city lord should not deal with them like crazy.

Qi Qi wanted to say something else, but Qin Ming waved his hand, "That's it, you guys set off quickly."

"Then... where are we going?" Qi Qi scratched his head and asked.

Originally, Qi Nancheng was the best choice, but Qin Ming and Qi Nancheng had conflicts.

While they were resting in the transfer city, he had already found out that the Chen family in Qi Nan City was in a secret realm. Due to an accident, all the Tianjiao who entered, except Qin Ming and Chen Lumeng, died. The same thing is that the compensation given by the Chen family is not the blood stone of the Divine Beast Realm.

Although it is not a beast level blood stone, the compensation given is also very generous. Those forces are also considerate of the Chen family and have already forgiven the Chen family.

Even the Lord forgave the Chen family, so naturally those ordinary warriors didn't say anything, because it was quite normal for some warriors to die because of the accident.

The reason why it has attracted the attention of countless warriors is that those people are the arrogance of heaven.

However, the two most talented people, Qin Ming and Chen Lumeng, were fine, and the impact caused was not irreversible.

In addition to having a great impact on the Martial Arts Conference, this matter is nothing.

Most of the warriors were kept in the dark by the Chen family, and they didn't even know that it was not because of an accident in the secret realm, but because of the deliberate behavior of the Chen family.

Besides the Chen family, the only martial artist who knew about it was Qin Ming. If they went to Qi Nan City, they might be targeted by the Chen family and would be dangerous. Qi Nan City was definitely not a good choice for the Yuncheng Alliance.

Qin Ming didn't know where to go. Suddenly a city appeared in his mind, and he immediately said, "Go to... Qingyang City."

"Qingyang City?" Qi Qi was taken aback, then nodded, "Okay, let's go to Qingyang City!"

"Be sure to bring all the warriors with you, don't be afraid of wasting the black stone." Qin Ming, who was about to leave, stopped and said again.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming added, "If there are warriors who don't want to go to Qingyang City to develop, don't make things difficult, um... this is because of the Yuncheng Alliance itself, so I can't blame the warriors, tell them, this time Even if you leave the Cloud City Alliance, you don't need to return the holy beast-level blood essence of the Cloud City Alliance."

The warriors originally recruited were all warriors at the peak of the True Dragon Realm, and they were not far from breaking through.

In addition, after joining the Yuncheng Alliance, all the cultivation pills he gave to the warriors were the best quality strengthening pills, and the speed of the warriors' cultivation can be described as rapid.

Most of the fighters in the Yuncheng Alliance have already asked Qi Qi for a holy beast-level blood essence. According to the rules, they have to pay for the blood essence when they leave the Yuncheng Alliance.

If Qin Ming forces the warriors to leave now, he can definitely do it, but he doesn't want to do this. What he wants is a loyal warrior, and a warrior with bad character. If he leaves him, he will only lose a holy beast level blood essence That's all.

Using a holy beast level blood stone to test out the loyalty of a warrior is really a bargain.

After saying this, Qin Ming strode towards the door without waiting for Qi Qi to reply, put on a black cloak, and left the Yuncheng Alliance secretly.

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