Chapter 618

Qin Ming didn't want to, so he put the pill into his mouth, and his momentum soared.

Without the use of forbidden techniques, Qin ming could not deal with the evil childe. Qin ming could not break through his whip.

At the moment when Qin Ming used the forbidden technique, the evil childe and the Holy Lord in the room changed their faces.

They have sensed that there is an expanding momentum in the frontier city.

There is absolutely no Emperor Wu in this city. The possibility of Emperor Wu passing by and spreading his momentum is very small.

Well, there is only one explanation. The Emperor Wu came to them.


The evil childe and the holy master burst out of the house and looked towards the direction of momentum.

Suddenly, Qin Ming stood in the air, looking at them.

"Qin Qin Ming, how did you find us Evil childe's face changed. The worst thing happened.

"It's not uncommon for me to find you, but what I'm curious about is, how did you detect shadows before?" Qin Ming asked in doubt.

This doubt has always been in his mind.

Shadow's skill is top-notch, and with the help of shenxingdan, even the emperor of Wu can't see the difference.

The death of more than a dozen Huayu sect disciples told him that some people could find out the hidden effect of Huayu sect.

"I can tell you, but in exchange, you should also tell me why we can't detect the shadow now." Now the evil childe calmed down and began to talk about the conditions with Qin Ming.

It's good for him to delay time. As long as Qin Ming's ban on martial arts is over, they can draw with Qin Ming.

Although they still can't kill Qin Ming, at least they can escape their lives.

Qin Ming nodded and agreed.

For him, the secret is nothing. Even if he knows it, they have no way to crack it.

This is a perfect pill of six grades. It is not easy to crack it.

At least, Qin Ming didn't think that evil childe and holy master had this ability.

In exchange for this secret, the flaw of shadow, it's worth it.

See Qin Ming nod, evil childe also no longer hesitate, he looked at the Lord, said.

"In fact, this is the divine power of the Lord, which can enhance the divine sense, and even the martial arts can not be hidden in front of him."

"Oh?" Qin Ming looked at the holy master.

No wonder the Lord didn't use the divine power in the last battle. So it is. His natural power is an auxiliary function, which is useless in battle.

As for the evil childe, he probably realized that his poison was useless to himself, so he didn't waste the power of heaven and earth, and used his natural powers to fight against him.

"I didn't expect that you were so badly injured and not dead." Qin Ming looked at the Lord and spoke faintly.

If it were not for him, shadow would not have died so many people. Therefore, compared with the evil childe, the silent Saint Lord was more disgusted by Qin Ming.

The Lord saw Qin Ming's hatred in his eyes and swallowed his saliva. He had seen Qin Ming's strength and met him again. His heart was empty.


There is a voice in the bottom of the Lord's heart calling, the first time, the Lord ran toward the distance.

He was frightened by Qin Ming's eyes.

"Can you run away?" Qin Ming's momentum is boiling. Since he used the forbidden technique at the first time, his idea was to keep the two men. Now, of course, we can't let them run like this.

This time they were found by accident. Next time we find them, we don't know when to wait.