Chapter 937

Cangyu wanted to say something to refute, but he couldn't speak for a long time.

Ju Jun's words stand in the great righteousness, stand in the angle of the whole clan, these elders will certainly tend to him.

"Ju Jun is right. We can't ignore all the disciples of the whole clan in order to save a disciple."

"I also think it should be like this. After all, we are the most important force to deal with the crab demon force, but we can't fall."

"Lanzhi is just spirit space and reaction, the body has died, even if the patriarch wakes up, it may not be able to save it."


When the elders discussed, most of them were in favor of dissolving the liquid of polar ice.

"Don't forget LAN Zhi's sacrifice. She came back from the dry land. She is a hero of shenwuzong."

"For the injuries suffered by the mission of zongmen, we should give her the best treatment in terms of emotion and reason."

Cangyu can only highlight the contribution of Lanzhi, want to let the elders see what Lanzhi has done, can change their minds.

"Which of us here did not contribute to dealing with the scorpion force."

"You can't do whatever you want just because you're dealing with scorpion forces!"

"And with Lanzhi's respect and love for the patriarch, I think it will also agree with us to melt the ice liquid."

Ju Jun said.

"Cangyu, this is the time. You should take the overall situation as the most important thing."

"It's not Lanzhi's business alone, it's just our family's business. It's related to the whole world. What's wrong with Zong? No one in the whole world can deal with the scorpion force."

"The overall situation is the most important, the overall situation is the most important!"

Several elders began to persuade cangyu.

Ju Jun looked at this scene with pride in his mouth. It was time for him to be supported by the public.

"Since cangyu has never intended to give up, let's vote!"

Hearing the vote, the district chief sighed and slowly raised his hand: "I am in favor of dissolving the liquid of extreme ice."

"I agree."

"I agree."


The elders raised their hands one after another.

Seeing the scene of the unification of the elders, the soldiers in blue clothes were relieved. They also hoped to melt the ice liquid.

Qin Ming, sitting in the back row, can't help but clench his fist. He wants a raptor to blow them all to death.

"It's OK. Anyway, as long as Lanzhi comes out of the ice liquid and takes my refined perfect seven tips exquisite jade heart pill, you can wake up."

"It doesn't matter whether it's broken or broken."

Cang Yu alone raised the left hand against, and held the right hand held by the elders, incompatible.

"I'm against it!"

"After a vote, the majority of the people who are in favor of melting the polar ice solution are in favor of it, and cangyu one is against invalidation."

Ju Jun announced in a loud voice, looking at the sea's expression, extremely proud.

In order to make the furnace turn on more slowly, I think it's better to use the conventional way

Hearing Ju Jun's words, Qin Ming's face was livid and his eyes were scarlet.

Alchemy with Dan furnace really can be faster and better to open the ice capped Lanzhi liquid, can be in the open ice liquid at the same time, Lanzhi will die!

Many elders talked about it for a while and thought that Lanzhi, the liquid that melted the ice, was dead. It was better to refine it directly with a furnace.

So they raised their hands one by one.

"I agree!"

"I agree."


Looking at all the elders raised their hands for approval, cangyu collapsed on the chair, and he knew that no matter how hard he tried, it would be meaningless.

"I don't agree!"