Chapter 1501

"The dragon is a dragon!"

Moving to the side of the holy master, Qin Ming blows out his fist in the air. A red spirit dragon flies out and roars at the holy master who is standing still.

Through the mask, the Lord just looked at the Dragon lightly. There was no panic on his face, and his hand firmly grasped the handle of the sword.

The red dragon, with a ferocious face, came to the LORD with a ferocious momentum. He was going to hit him with his next breath, as if to tear him to pieces.


The knife in the hand, raised and put down, just roaring red dragon, dissipated in the air.

As if he had never appeared in this world.

"There are few martial artists who use boxing, and those who reach your level with fist are rare, even in ancient times."

The LORD put the knife into the ground, empty handed, slowly, as if walking in front of Qin Ming.

"Since you are so dignified, I will beat you and kill you in the way you are good at!"

"Step on your dignity and let you know that your so-called dignity is worthless."

With that, the LORD raised his fist and his sleeve slipped to reveal his dry bones.

Without flesh and blood, his fists looked thin and disgusting.

But even if he gave up his best weapon and used his fist to deal with himself, Qin Ming's heart was still heavy and did not relax.

"No matter what method is used, it seems that he is not his opponent. It seems that he can only escape."

There is no shame in fighting but escaping. When he becomes the peak of Emperor Wu, he will come back for a snow.

Seeing Qin Ming, he seemed to be frightened by his own sword. His heart retreated. His eyes were not as firm as before. Instead, he swept around from time to time. The Lord seemed to see Qin Ming's mind.

"Want to escape?"

"You can't escape!"

"Those who are locked in by my momentum have never managed to escape."

With that, the body of the Lord flew straight toward Qin Ming like lightning. In an instant, he hit Qin Ming in the chest.

"This speed..."

Looking at the holy master, Qin Ming was shocked and gave up the idea of running away.

His speed is too fast, with his own is not at the same level, want to run, just wishful thinking just.

The Lord crushed him in speed and strength.

Since he couldn't escape, Qin Ming gave up all his other thoughts and put his heart into the battle.

Clenching his fist tightly, he also raised his fist and bombarded away according to the fist of the Lord.

This may be an opportunity. The Lord does not wear a boxing set on his hand, but he has a magic weapon to help him. If he can break his bones with one blow, he may be able to turn the defeat into victory.


The sound of bone breaking came from the place where they hit each other, and then Qin Ming flew upside down.

"How could it be?"

Qin Ming, who falls to the ground, takes out a perfect tonic pill from the space ring in a hurry and swallows it. His hand is broken

"How can your hands be harder than artifact?" Qin Ming exclaimed with disbelief. The boxing on his hand was not only a magic weapon, but also a fine one.

But the Holy Lord was fighting against the artifact with his body and smashed his fist.

"Nothing is impossible. How can mortals understand the power of God's blood?" Seeing the startled look on Qin Ming's face, the Lord laughed haughtily.

"Even if you become emperor Wu, your physical strength will never catch up with me."

"Do you know why I don't have flesh and blood?"

"I put the flesh and blood into my bones. After countless forging, I have become a body harder than the artifact."

"No one in the world will be my opponent except the warrior God."

"If it wasn't for the mission of the gods, do you think you are qualified to let me do it myself?"

"In this world, there will never be anyone against me."

"Forge your body harder than artifact?" Qin Ming murmured to himself that with such a hard body, even if he became the peak of Emperor Wu, he could not be his opponent.


"It must have been his blood that brought all this."

"If I become a warrior God, what blood will I awaken?"

Seeing the ability of blood, Qin Ming yearned for blood. Although he was not interested in the blood of scorpion devil power, he was still looking forward to his own blood.

"No way. I won't be a warrior God in my life."

Shaking his head, Qin Ming's heart is a pity, his eyes resolutely stare at the Lord.

He had intended to die with the Lord.

I hope that the death of the Lord will change the scorpion devil power and no longer seize the resources of the world.

The LORD did not know how many years he had lived. Seeing Qin Ming's eyes, he guessed his thoughts."Want to die together?"

"Do you deserve it?"

"I just used 50% of my strength, and your bones broke..."

"Too weak, too weak, too weak."

"You are not qualified to die together."

"Hum..." Qin Ming was not attacked. The Lord's contempt for him was his weakness.

With a light toe, Qin Ming takes off and stands in the void, holding hands tightly.

Taking a deep breath, he began to wave towards the sky in a hurry.

"Raptors." "The dragon is the last." "Raptors."

In an instant, seven spirited dragons flew out of his hands, circling the circle and flying in the air.

On the ground, the LORD did not take the opportunity to attack, but watched with interest.


Qin Ming pressed down his hands, and the seven dragons merged into one, and turned into a giant dragon covering the sky. With the momentum of covering the sky and the earth, Qin Ming rushed to the God on the earth.

The whole body of the dragon is fire red, just like burning. Its body is covered with silver white armor, interwoven with the red aura.

It flew so fast that it reached the Lord in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the flying dragon, although it looks very strong, but he is extremely confident in his body, lightly raised his hand, a trace of rhyme wandering in it.


The thin fists touch the giant dragon like covering the sky, without any flesh and blood bones, just like a needle, and pierce the Dragon easily.

The Lord stood safe and sound, not even the corner of his clothes was broken.

"The dragon is a dragon!"

The dragon was completely broken, and Qin Ming appeared. His purple fists and bulging aura, with a resolute and indomitable blow in his eyes, thundered at the head of the Lord.

In Qin Ming's eyes, there was nothing, and all the spirits were on the head of the Lord.

He didn't believe that the God's body was as hard as a artifact, without any weakness.

He had hit the body. It was as hard as a artifact. He couldn't hurt him even if he tried his best.

After thinking about it, the most likely weakness of the Lord is in his head.

Although the unity of the seven dragons is one of his strongest attacks, it is obviously impossible for him to be seriously injured with his body as hard as the artifact of the Lord.

Qin Ming's attack was just eyes, ears and eyes. The real attack was his own!

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.