Chapter 2434

Qin Ming didn't know how the original beasts judged the danger. They were much more sensitive than the human warriors.

If there is an irresistible danger in some place, there must be no such source animal in that place.

The danger here has been detected by the source animals.

But even so, it is still possible occasionally that the active beast intrudes into it accidentally.

But there was no one. It was obviously killed by the unknown enemy.

"It's like your territory. No matter what creatures come in, you'll kill them."

"I don't know who you are, but it's certain that you are evil." Qin Ming murmured to himself.

Waiting for the other side's fatal strike at any time.

"The unreal secret place is extremely dangerous. No wonder Lianren advised me not to come in."

"Even if I can become a Jackie Chan monster in a crisis, even if I have been prepared in advance."

Qin Ming looked at the seal on his waist.

"It's like tearing up the seal. It may not work."

"Besides, this kind of danger is obviously not the ordinary warrior can resist. Even if they are summoned, it will not be of any use."

This time, Qin Ming didn't come in with the warriors in the alliance. It's not that he felt that his strength was enough to wander through the unreal and secret realm.

It's because he was prepared.

He can change his body, and his strength can reach the Dragon state. As long as he sticks to it for a short time and tears up the seal on his waist, there will be warriors from the Dragon kingdom.

Moreover, if everything depends on the protection of other warriors, he will not become the leader of the alliance.

Qin Ming didn't want to be the leader of the alliance and forget his real identity.

First of all, he is a warrior, who needs to experience danger.

Depending on the protection of other warriors, once dependence is formed, there will be no fighting and risk-taking spirit of warriors.

If the Warlord's vigilance is not there, how can we call it a warrior.

Over the years, Qin and Ming had their own unique views on martial arts.

Martial arts should be fighting with the sky, fighting with people, just like weeds in the wild, with tenacious vitality.

It's too difficult for a warrior to climb to the top without such spirit and indomitable life.

"If I rely on the protection of other warriors and rely on others, my mood will be much worse than I do now."

"Maybe I can't control the ferocity of holy blood, how to become a real strong one."

Qin Ming believes that although the holy blood will increase its ferocity after his transformation, there is always a limit.

Everything has its limits, and the same is true of the fierce nature in the holy blood.

When he is strong to a certain extent, and his mood is strong to a certain level, then the ferocity in the holy blood is completely emitted and can not affect him, that is, he has really conquered the holy blood.

Only in this way can the Holy Blood really belong to him.

A warrior can't even conquer his own blood. How can he become an indomitable warrior?

"I don't know whether taking Qingxue pill can completely eliminate the holy blood in the body, or just temporarily weaken it." Qin Ming pan sat down and watched the holy blood in his body while watching his surroundings.

If the other party doesn't come out, he can't spend all the time with it.

It's so neurotic. It's very hard.

If it wants to come out, it will fight bravely. If it does not come out to hide, it will wait for him here.

Qin Ming may have some worries and fears when he is completely unknown to the other party. However, when he already knows where the other party is attacking, he is quite calm.