Chapter 2465

Hearing that Qin Ming wants to trade Yuanzhi on the spot, the warrior with Yuanzhi is excited.

According to the market price, with the help of four alliance Longjing warriors, Qin and Ming exchanged many Longjing original plants.

Unfortunately, only seven of them are very special, and other Longjing plants are very common.

Qin Ming turned to think that these warriors were not alchemists. Many of the original plants of the Dragon kingdom that had not appeared in the world of dragon could not be distinguished even in front of them.

After doing these, under the leadership of the Yuan District, people came to a huge hole.

"After entering this cave, there will be many small channels inside. Some of these channels will have suction, some will blow a strong wind, and there may be sudden poisonous demons or source animals coming out of it. We should be very careful." Yuan District warns everyone at the gate of the cave.

These words are mainly for Qin Ming.

After entering the big hole, I saw many small holes in it.

Some of these holes can allow three or five people to walk side by side, and some can only be passed by one person.

At the same time, some holes will blow strong wind, while others absorb these winds, forming a great suction.

Qin Ming stood in front of these holes, his hair flying.

There was no sound of wind outside, but when I came here, it was a continuous gale. It was amazing.

"Lord Qin, which one shall we enter?" Asked the Yuan District nearby.

Now Qin Ming is surrounded by people, in the center.

If you take Qin Ming's Dragon level pills, you should protect him.

Qin Ming pointed to the biggest hole and said, "we have many people. Let's go into this hole."

"Please be careful when you get in."

Hearing Qin Ming's instructions, many warriors clapped their chests and screamed. They regarded the wind tunnel in front of them as nothing.

"Don't worry. I've been in it several times. As long as you're careful, there's not too much danger in it."

"We have a lot of people. Even if we encounter poisonous demons and source animals, we can easily solve them."

"Unless we are calculated by the poisonous devil, we all gather together. Who is our opponent?"


The warriors talked in disorder, and they didn't feel any danger at all.

In their view, the most dangerous thing in the underground world is the poisonous devil.

They are very united and tend to ambush the fighters.

Although the camp was established in the past, none of the fighters could resist the others, and it was impossible for them to counterattack in the past.

Therefore, they often encounter poisonous demons and close themselves.

But now because of Qin Ming's reasons, they are gathered together. Although the poisonous demons are strong, they can't compare with them.

Now, if you encounter poisonous demons again, it is not them that worry about them, but the poisonous demons.

Qin Ming frowned at the sight of the unknown danger.

Qin Ming has seen the danger of the unreal secret state. Even the martial arts in the Dragon kingdom will die if they are not careful.

In the secret realm of the dragon, there must be many illusory beasts in the mysterious realm of the dragon.

Their strength has not yet reached the peak of the Dragon kingdom. Why should they be proud?

Most of the warriors here are not under their own command, and Qin Ming did not speak much.

As long as they follow orders.

Seeing the mess, Yuan District frowned and said, "be on your guard. In case of being attacked by poisonous demons, those who are most self righteous will die."

"There are a lot of dangers in the illusory and mysterious realm. If you die, you will have nothing to do. Don't delay the event organized by the Qin League."