Chapter 2609

It never occurred to me that one day they would receive such a precious gift.

These are two blood essence beyond the Dragon realm. They were simply given by Qin Ming, as if they were a common gift.

Now the unreal secret state has just ended. I don't know how many warriors can get the essence blood beyond the Dragon state this time.

But there must be very few people with such good luck.

This also means that every blood essence beyond dragon level is extremely precious.

It is a priceless treasure. It is not sold on the market, and there is no way to evaluate it, but everyone knows its value.

Often after getting this level of blood essence, the martial arts will use it themselves, and it will not spread in the market.

Seeing the two people refuse, Qin Ming smiles and pushes the blood essence in the past and says, "my blood has surpassed the Dragon level. I don't need them."

"And I have other blood essence in my hand. It's not a great thing."

On hearing this, mibei secretly laughed, jumped for a moment, jumped to Qin Ming, and said with a smile, "brother Qin Ming, do you know? The holy blood in our bodies is also beyond the realm of the dragon. "

"What?" Qin Ming was stunned.

Next to the MI Jue also said with a smile: "yes, the holy blood in my body and me has surpassed the Dragon level."

"Originally, we thought about how the holy blood in your body was, and worried about you. We didn't expect that your blood also surpassed the Dragon level. We were relieved."

The blood of him and mibe surpasses the Dragon level, nothing, but if Qin Ming's blood does not surpass the Dragon level, it will be bad.

The small world disappeared. Qin Ming needed to go through the endless void to find it.

However, if Qin Ming did not have the strength to surpass the Dragon realm, he would not have reached the endless void, and it was almost impossible for Qin ming to surpass the Dragon level in the Tianlong world.

Now that Qin Ming's blood is beyond the Dragon level, they put down their worries.

Qin Ming was very happy to hear that MI Jue said that their blood was beyond the Dragon level.

When Qin Ming was thinking of celebrating, the door was knocked violently.

"Who?" Mibe.

"It's me, Lian Ren, Xia Fang." At the sound of the two men, mibe opened the door happily. All three of them were promoted to surpass the Dragon kingdom. Qin Mingwu Dao's strength reached the Dragon realm. She is excited now.

The door opened, Xia Fang's eyes were straight at Qin Ming, and his eyes were flashing with excited tears: "Qin Ming!"

"President Xia." Qin Ming smiles.

Hearing Qin Ming call himself, Xia Fang was even more excited to jump up.

Qin Ming is alive, alive, he is alive!

At that time, Qin Ming was almost certain to die. He always thought that Qin Ming was dead.

A group of people, 22 people went in, but only two came out. It was because of Qin Ming's rescue that the whole army would be destroyed.

At that time, Qin Ming didn't come out, and Xia Fang wanted to rush up again.

Can only endure the grief, with his subordinates to leave.

Countless Cloud City Alliance warriors are very sad when they know that Qin Ming is dead, and many even blame him secretly.

Why didn't he die? It was Qin Ming who died.

Xia Fang felt guilty. He would rather die by himself.

He came here to see if it was possible to see Qin Ming. It was possible that Qin ming could escape from the devil's father.

Maybe there is no possibility at all, but he didn't see the strength of Qin Ming, and he had the idea of contingency in his heart.

But I didn't expect to hear Qin Ming's voice at the door of the room.