Chapter 2622

"What we need to consider now is how this plan should be carried out step by step. First of all, we should let our staff have ambition."

Thinking of this, Qin Ming remembered the appearance of Lian Ren just now.

Just now he said that he would donate resources to the demon hunter Association. Lian Ren was not willing to donate resources. He wished that all the resources would be used to develop Cloud City Alliance.

In the past, even his family donated a lot of resources to the demon hunter Association. At that time, it was a timely help. Lian's family had been enemies of poisonous demons for generations. Even if he donated more resources, Lian Ren would only be happy and would not have any opinions.

But now it's different. Lian Ren sees the rapid development of Cloud City Alliance, especially the ten blood essence stones that surpass the Dragon level brought out from the illusory and mysterious realm this time.

Let the Cloud City Alliance's influence be no worse than the demon hunter Association.

Although the strength is worse than the demon hunter Association, the centripetal force of Cloud City Alliance is stronger.

Similarly, the Cloud City Alliance has become the backbone of the force.

That's why Lian Ren thinks that it's better to give the resources to the demon hunter Association and let them deal with the poisonous demons than to give them to the Cloud City Alliance!

"I don't have to worry that they don't have ambition, even benevolence. Others will only have greater ambition." Qin Ming smiles confidently.

As long as he does not stop it, many people in the alliance will certainly expand to the outside world in order to improve their rights and develop the alliance.

In fact, Cloud City Alliance has been expanding to the outside world all the time, but the way they guess is very mild.

The caravan of Cloud City Alliance is now all over the world of Tianlong.

The establishment of caravans naturally took over the business of other caravans.

But because the perfect dragon class pill opened the way, it did not cause a big conflict, and even many cities were very welcome to the caravan.

This, of course, belongs to the expansion of strength and influence.

Before Qin and Ming Dynasties, the expansion was prevented because the alliance was just established and needed to be stable. The rash development would make the foundation of Cloud City Alliance unstable.

But now, after the battle of fantasy and mystery, there has been a life-long friendship between warriors and warriors in Cloud City Alliance.

In this way, there will be more trust between them, Cloud City Alliance will be more united, and the foundation will be more solid.

"Everything is ready. It's time to expand!"

"Because of the battle with poisonous demons thousands of years ago, the whole Tianlong world suffered a lot, and as a result, various forces were separated."

"In this case, it will be much easier for the poison devil to deal with the Dragon world."

"As long as I unify the whole Tianlong world, I can integrate the resources of the whole Tianlong world. At that time, even if our strength is not the opponent of poisonous demons, we will win in the end!"

Thinking of his future, Qin Ming was full of confidence.

If we can unify the whole Tianlong world, then he can use the resources of the whole Tianlong world.

And his strength will continue to improve, the speed of refining pills will be faster, also can cultivate more strong dragon.

War is about resources. With resources, they have no possibility of failure.

Qin Ming didn't care much about power. He just wanted to defeat the poisonous devil in peace of mind, and then break through the Dragon kingdom to find a small world.

After finding the small world, he will go to the supreme world.

"Even if all the poisonous demons in Tianlong world are destroyed, there is not much damage to the whole evil forces."

"Only when the supreme world is destroyed and the foundation of poisonous demons is destroyed, can it be once and for all."

Qin Ming looked up at the sky, and his heart was full of pride.