Chapter 2748

Seeing the green feather wolf leave, Liu Xiyu took a deep breath and began to order people to inform others. He immediately returned to the room and dressed up.

Qin and Ming's party flew lower and lower, and ordinary warriors could see their appearance clearly with naked eyes.

Oppressed by their momentum, many people fled in panic, while others closed the door and hid in the room.

The streets and alleys of the whole Qiyuan city were empty in a very short time.

But in the room, a lot of martial arts talk about it.

"Here we are. The Cloud City Alliance is coming."

"I don't run away. It's said that the warriors of Cloud City Alliance will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. There is all my foundation here. If I escape, I can only drift around. I will not escape."

"I don't know how this war will develop in the end. I hope it won't start."

"I'm looking forward to fighting. With the strength of the Cloud City Alliance, I'm sure to win in the end. You don't know how prosperous Cloud City is. If we can catch up with half of Cloud City, I'll wake up laughing in my dream."

"You can dream that Cloud City has been unified by the leader of the Qin League. There is only one voice that can develop cloud city without scruple. And you don't know how many forces there are in Qiyuan City, unless Qin and Ming can unify Qiyuan city."


Some of them were worried about their own lives, while the brave ones were interested in secretly looking out of the door.

After falling to a certain height, Qin and Ming stopped descending. They stood majestically, waiting for the strong dragon kingdom in the city of Qi and Yuan to talk to each other.

Qin Ming stood at the head, followed by 200 strong people in the Dragon kingdom. Because of the high altitude, his clothes and hair fluttered in the wind.

Countless warriors admire the warriors of Cloud City Alliance and imagine that one day they can become one of them.

"The warriors of Cloud City Alliance are really strong. Their strength and power have reached the peak of Tianlong world. Men should be like this. This is my goal."

"I've always heard that Cloud City Alliance is powerful, but I didn't expect that they are so powerful. With them, I don't have to worry about the evil forces."

Many people look forward to the cloud city alliance team in the sky.

Now the strength and power of Cloud City Alliance has reached the peak of Tianlong world, which is the existence of countless ordinary warriors.

Every warrior, when he first comes into contact with martial arts, will imagine that one day, he will become the strongest one in the world of Tianlong, and no one can defeat him.

Others even hope that they can become strong and help the weak. But when they get older, they will realize how ridiculous their ambition was.

Countless warriors who seemed to be extremely powerful before were actually not free and were oppressed and humiliated by those powerful forces.

Wu Dao, which seems to have unlimited scenery, is actually full of ups and downs.

Under the gaze of countless people, all the warriors of the Dragon kingdom of Qi Yuancheng, led by Liu Qiuyu, came together and stood in front of the cloud city alliance team, facing it from afar.

Although there are more than 200 people on one side and only five poor people on the other side, both sides are not weak.

As the master of qiyuancheng, Liu Xuyu and his group should strengthen their momentum even if they are not as powerful as the alliance of Cloud City. Otherwise, they will let the momentum fall completely. How can we have an equal dialogue with Qin and Ming?

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