Chapter 416:

Tandy quietly left Su Sheng just after dawn the next day. She wanted to go home and tell her mother the good news. In a few days, she could really get her wish.

Not only the Tandy family got their wish, but Su Sheng as well.

The space program was launched, lifted off, and entered the space station very smoothly. However, in just one day, the space station was attacked by a passing cosmic energy cloud and fell from space. Fortunately, the location of the fall was relatively remote. The Fantastic Four, including Doctor Doom He has been sent to the hospital for treatment, and Su Sheng's trader is constantly reporting the situation.

In just two days, the 100 million US dollars that Su Sheng invested has become more than 8 billion. Su Sheng does not understand stocks or whether this rate of return is normal, but in two days, it has changed from 100 million to 8 billion. It feels really cool. Su Sheng let the trader continue to operate, this time replaced by Roxon Company.

Su Sheng then informed Tandy to take the video away. Not long after, a senior official of Roxon Company was arrested for corruption and false accusation, and the stock price began to plummet.

When this thing comes to an end.

Tandy's father's reputation has been restored, and the family's money has come back one by one. She has become a rich lady again, and Su Sheng's $100 million principal has now become 11 billion, and she can continue to buy Star. Gram industry too!


PS: I really don’t know much about stocks. Writing this is just to facilitate the progress of the plot. In addition, it is a new month, continue to ask for flowers and rewards!

Chapter 486 Entering Stark Industries and Joining the Avengers

Stark Industries is a bad stock right now, and many shareholders want to get rid of it. Su Sheng's acquisition of US dollars is naturally very smooth. The last time Su Sheng sold the military well was not without effect. First, the acquisition process was not disturbed in any way. Secondly, Su Sheng also acquired many shares secretly held by the military.

An interesting figure of 11.1 billion before and after has allowed Su Sheng to successfully own 35% of the shares, making him the largest shareholder.

Stark Industries.

Su Sheng met with several other shareholders, as well as Obadiah and Toto's secretary, Pepper. As the largest shareholder at present, the arrival of Su Sheng naturally makes them a little nervous, especially Obadiah, who planned Tony's accident and wanted to replace him as the chairman of Stark Industries. Cut off.

"Having a few gadgets designed by myself should bring good benefits to the company and restore the company's reputation and stock price. I will not participate in the normal operation of the company, but I need a personal laboratory for the research and development of other projects. ." The purpose of Su Sheng's acquisition of Stark Industries was not to be a chairman, he needed a suitable studio, a suitable identity, that's all. After hearing Su Sheng say that, the shareholders were relieved, and Obadiah was temporarily relieved.

As for willing or not? That's for later.

"Are you Tony's secretary? What are your plans in the future, do you want to stay in the company or find another job? My personality is similar to Tony's in some respects. If you want to stay, you can continue your original job. , the treatment will be doubled for you." After everyone else left, Su Sheng called out Xiao Chili and said.

Originally, Little Pepper didn't plan to find another job. Although Tony is a difficult person and has a very annoying personality, after all, the treatment is very good, and it is not bad for her. If she leaves the company, it is indeed difficult for her to find a suitable job, and she is even ready to take a pay cut. Unexpectedly, not only did the new director not reduce his salary or dismiss him, he even doubled his salary, and Xiao Chili would not leave. There are many laboratories in Stark Industries, and Su Sheng chose a relatively remote and quiet laboratory for private use.

However, Su Sheng has not yet thought about what project to throw out? The steel is gone, it seems that it is possible to get a steel battle suit? But it doesn't do much good. The laboratory is also three floors up and down, the first and second floors can be slightly remodeled to accommodate people, and the basement can be used as a laboratory.

Naturally, the remodeling was fully handed over to Xiao Chili.

Back at the residence, Su Sheng took out the key and opened the door. As soon as he came in, he saw Natasha lying lazily on the sofa wearing hot pants and a T-shirt. Seeing Su Sheng coming in, Natasha raised her mouth and smiled and said, "I found that I can't see through you more and more, how did you turn 100 million into 10 billion in a short period of time and become the star of Stark Industry? Shareholder's? Is it because you are as careless as Tony? I heard that you managed to get a neighbor's little girl and also hooked up with a wealthy girl whose family went bankrupt?"

"Just like I sold the freezer gun to S.H.I.E.L.D., what I paid will naturally be rewarded. I am willing to help others, but it does not mean that I am willing to suffer." Su Sheng picked up her feet and sat down and put them on his own. After touching it a few times, Natasha frowned and wanted to move away but stopped. "It just so happens that you press the button for me. I have been walking a lot during this time."

Su Sheng chuckled and didn't speak. Although Natasha was a spy agent, she was considered a natural beauty, at least her skin was well maintained. To say that pressing it was actually wiping oil.

"Now that your identity problem has been resolved and you have the money, what are your plans?" Natasha asked.

"What's the matter?" Su Sheng asked casually.

"Why do you ask that?" Natasha asked curiously.

Su Sheng pouted: "Most of the time, you must have something to do when you come back, so let's just say it."

"This world is very dangerous. First there are all kinds of mutants, and then there is the Hulk. By the way, the Hulk's red light ring already knows the source. The captain said that he had seen a red light before it was frozen. The sign on the ring says what the seven-lane ring is. The seven-color lamp rings represent the power of the emotional spectrum, and the red light represents anger! The Hulk of the red light has not been resolved, and there may be other colors of lamp rings, so The director decided to set up a team of special people."

"The Avengers!"

"The current members are the captain, me, and Agent Patton, whose code name is Hawkeye, do you want to join?"

"What's the benefit?" Su Sheng asked.

Natasha shrugged. "At least next time you use threats to force people to confess their crimes, you won't have to worry about extra trouble. I can see that you can finally live in the sun after hiding for so many years. You must have caused a lot of trouble. You can save a lot of trouble."

"So, you are using a beauty trick to want me to join?" Su Sheng stroked her ankle up and said with a smile.

Natasha gave her a glance, raised her foot and kicked it gently, turned around and sat up. "Want to sleep with me? You don't have that ability."

After speaking, Natasha swayed up and went upstairs.

Su Sheng pouted and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It doesn't matter if he joins the Avengers. Anyway, it's convenient for the captain to be his own person. Nick Fury will let himself join on the one hand because of his own ability, on the other hand, it is not without the convenience of 5.2 supervision.

After all, he is so low-key, but it is still too high-profile for others, and it is indeed a bit eye-catching to join Stark Industries in a short period of time.

After joining the Fulian, life has not changed much. The biggest convenience is the unimpeded entry and exit of the Trident Building. Su Sheng saw Team America again. Obviously, he had accepted the fact that he had a new life and didn't take what happened last time to his heart. In addition, Su Sheng also met Hawkeye, the captain of the special team, members of Hydra, the future Crossbones, and several hidden Hydra executives.

What surprised Su Sheng the most was that he met the baroness and the red-haired woman in the Trident Building.

Chapter 487: The Day of Destruction Comes to Marvel

The redhead, the baroness, and Jane, who replaced Mockingbird, were all very natural, and she just didn't know her own way of doing it. Su Sheng was also happy to see this, and after walking around and seeing other people, Su Sheng came to see Skye.

Su Sheng is still quite dashing during this time, either Tandy or Jemma Simmons is around him. Occasionally Natasha will show his face. Even when no one is there, he will go to the cage world to find the real Mockingbird Bobby as a pillow. . But Skye is not so easy. From a computer hacker to an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., receiving all kinds of training every day makes her very hard, and she misses the time she spent with Su Sheng before.

So as soon as Su Sheng came to Skye's room, Skye turned around and hugged Su Sheng and offered a warm kiss.

Well then!

If you talk more at this time, I'm afraid Skye will have to turn his face. It's like the couple in different places finally meet and you're still talking endlessly. This is the rhythm of the orphan. So after Skye alternated up and down, and her whole body was blue and purple, she was in the mood to chat with Su Sheng.

"You joined the Avengers?" Skye asked while lying in Su Sheng's arms.

Su Sheng hummed. "14 is just for the convenience of doing things. During this time, I have a certain understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I found that there is a problem with S.H.I.E.L.D., especially when I saw Team America, I remembered something."

"What is the problem?"

"Have you heard of Hydra?"

"Isn't it already destroyed with the Red Skull?" Skye was surprised.

Su Sheng shook his head. "It's not that simple. I suspect that Hydra has been hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D., and it is very likely that it has infiltrated into S.H.I.E.L.D. long ago. Skye, do you believe me?"

"Of course!" Skye said without hesitation.

"I will try my best to help you improve your authority and try to help you figure out your background. But I need you to investigate and collect information on some special items of SHIELD as much as possible. Once things are the same as what I think, I hope to save these as soon as possible. Don't let Hydra get anything."

"Okay." Skye agreed without much thought.

What is S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Su Sheng disliked miscellaneous things, but there were two things he was more interested in. One is a new elemental blueprint left by Iron Man's father, which can be used to make a new nuclear reactor. The other is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem. The weapon plan of cosmic magic should be implemented soon. At that time, the evil **** Loki will appear to snatch, the mind gem, the space gem, Su Sheng is not interested, but the ability to copy... He interested!

Su Sheng spent the night in Skye's dormitory without leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight. Skye had fallen asleep under his extreme speed racing. Su Sheng opened the shock wave wormhole and returned to the DC world.

DC World.

Su Sheng didn't make any preparations to create a Doomsday. Anyway, he still had a lot of Kryptonian corpses. Not long after, the hideous and ugly Doomsday was born. Su Sheng used his ability to temporarily sleep Doomsday, shrink it, and then returned to the Marvel world again.

In a very remote and desolate place, Doomsday was restored to normal to wake it up, and then Su Sheng returned to Skye's side, holding her to sleep peacefully.