Chapter 3419


He bumped into the light and his eyes suddenly opened up.

The lights are bright!

This is a huge and closed underground space. The surrounding walls and ceilings are composed of heaven and earth divine minerals like white jade. The whole underground palace is pure white without any impurities, just like a fairyland.

"How fragrant! That's..."

Even though Qi tianmuchen was mentally prepared, when he came in and saw everything in the white underground palace, he was still stupid on the spot.

The whole man stared, stood blankly, his face stiff, looked ahead, his mouth slightly opened, and only his tongue trembled.

"This! This!"

The prince of the starry sky, who is as knowledgeable as Qi Tianmu dust, is now ignorant. It can be seen how exaggerated the things he sees and hears are!

At this moment, the first thing that comes into his eyes is a circular lake. The lake water in the lake is pure white and flawless, and the smell is pungent. It is natural to know that this is the source of ten thousand ways!

However, this is different from the ordinary Wandao source, because it condenses into a milk like state. Compared with the ordinary Wandao source, I don't know how thick it is, and its aroma is several times that of the ordinary Wandao source!

The most important thing is that this thick source of ten thousand channels does not seem to volatilize, which is also estimated to be because the source of ten thousand channels in the air in the underground palace has been extremely rich.

Of course, if it's just like this, you can't scare Qi Tianmu dust.

What really makes him dull is that in the snow-white lake, there is a giant whiter than Wandao source!

The giant is very big. Judging from the size, it is a woman. For her, the white jade lake is like a bathtub she uses to take a bath.

Many ghosts and gods can actually open the body density and expand the body to such a large size, but Qi Tianmu dust can see at a glance that this woman is a human, not a ghost, and most importantly, she has such a large body. The density of her body is no different from Qi Tianmu dust, and it is even likely to condense, which shows that the number of star particles in her body has reached a rather terrible level!

"This is the legendary real star sea giant!" Qi Tian bathed in the dust and judged it.

Xinghai giant is the top legend of Wandao valley. The ancient god phase of the prehistoric ancient road is actually the evolution of the heavenly soul of Xinghai giant.

The land has been able to change the body of the little Xinghai giant, but it is only an embryonic form. There is no way to compare it with the real Xinghai giant either in shape or in essence.

Star sea giant, star particles scattered, can shine like real stars, a star sea that can transform a piece of stars, and is in the shape of its own grand plan of the universe!

Even if the giant of the star sea seems to be silent, you can still find surging starlight on him when you bathe the dust in the sky and take a closer look. The majestic vastness of this starlight is what the little giant of the star sea in Longjing lacks!

Qi tianmuchen was startled and hurriedly stepped back.

His sweating appearance made his brother and sister laugh at him. Qi tianmuyue patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, this is our long dead ancestor of Wandao valley. Its divine body has been inherited from prehistory to the present."

"Ancestors? Dead?"

Qi Tianmu dust is even more stupid.

He never dreamed that this flesh and blood breath was so majestic and seemed to exist like a deep sleep. She had passed away, and had passed away for at least tens of millions of years?

How strong was she?

What did she die for?

How many years has she died now?

Will there be a level of existence with her?

"We call her 'Yuanzu'. Let's not talk about anything else. Kowtow first. According to the rules of wandaogu, you must kowtow 999 times before seeing Yuanzu." Qi Tian Muyu said seriously.

Qi tianmuchen was not joking when he saw him, and he also knew that it seemed impolite to look at the female Yuanzu who was taking a bath, so he quickly knelt down.

"Let Jain come out and kowtow." Qi tianmuyu added.

"Yes, yes!"

Qi tianmuchen pulled out the weak little beast. One man and one beast crawled here without saying anything first and kowtowed neatly.

When kowtowing, Qi tianmuchen thought a lot. After 999 bangs, the first thing he got up was to ask his brother and sister, "well, I want to know, the source of 10000 ways is..."

"It sounds strange, but in fact, it was soaked by the God body of Yuanzu. It was only ordinary water... But Xiaochen, this is a sacred thing. The source of ten thousand ways given by Yuanzu has benefited ten thousand trillion descendants of ten thousand way valley. Without her, there would be no glory for ten thousand generations of ten thousand way Valley ruling one million boundaries. Do you understand?" Qi Tian Muyu said seriously.


Qi tianmuchen nodded quickly. He understood, but his heart was even more shocked!

"Even if a prehistoric star sea giant died and soaked in the water of her divine body, she could become the first divine object in the starry sky to increase the talent of her descendants. How strong was she? I am a man of earth, which is much stronger than the cultivators in the world of no magnitude, not to mention the most ordinary mortals in the world of Yang. I can blow millions and tens of millions of people to death in one bite! The same life, the gap is too big."

Thinking of this, Qi tianmuchen recognized the theory of prison magic's understanding of the food chain of life. Although everyone is human, has three souls and feelings, with the transformation of the level of life, it can no longer be regarded as a species. The most obvious feature is that both the star God and the top God can no longer reproduce. Once combined, the God will die. Is it still a species?

The star God, and the giant of the star sea in front of her, are not a species at all. In terms of the volume of star particles, Qi Tianmu dust feels that she is tens of thousands of times different from the "original ancestor". She is not only huge, but also has a terrible density.

"Are you shocked by the gap in the level of life?" Qi tianmuyu seemed to see through his mind.

Qi tianmuchen nodded.

"In fact, the truth is very simple. He stands at the gate of Wandao Valley and looks at how big the starry universe is. The more endless the world is, the endless levels will be born. You think Wandao Valley is the end. In fact, it is only what your eyes can see. Who knows where the real end of the universe is? The scope of human eyes is limited after all, and the truth of the world is far from as simple as you think." Qi tianmuyu said earnestly.

"Is Yuanzu the end?" Qi Tianmu asked confused.

"I don't know. Maybe Yuanzu knew when wandaogu was still a world of creation!" Qi Tian Muyu said.