Chapter 3880

Boom boom boom!

A total of six shining human-shaped stars broke through the enchantment of the Xingyue guardian enchantment. The enchantment lethality gathered by dozens of attributes, like six starry sky swords, rushed forward in this colorful sea of ​​anger!

Xingyue guards the enchantment, it is really difficult to stop them.

"Second-order Zhou God, it's just different!"

It can be clearly seen that Zhou God's ability to pass through this protective barrier is indeed far superior to that of the Star Sea God Ship.

Long Xing couldn't escape here before, because he was a Tier 1 Eternal God at that time, and he dared to cross over, and a dozen Eternal Gods came up at once, purely looking for death.

But now, these six human-shaped stars are violently shuttling in this raging wave of stars and moons!

"Xingyue Jiangang, come on!"

Li Tianming controlled the nine-headed mechanical black dragon, chased after this group of Zhou Gods, controlled the Xingyue Guardian Barrier, and directly launched a murderous intent!

Xingyue Jiangang is similar to the lethality of the enchantment of Yanhuang Damo. It is the sword energy gathered by the power of stars, each of which is 50 meters long!

"The interior of the fortune-level star source is basically filled with the power of the universe!"

Therefore, this Xingyue Sword Gang is condensed from a large number of cosmic celestial elements, and its volume is much larger than the cosmic celestial elements in the Eastern Emperor Sword.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of millions of Xingyue sword gangs are all condensed among Long Xing and the pursuers, and the killing ability of the entire Xingyue guardian barrier is greatly gathered here!

"Even for the body of Zhou God, the Xingyue Sword Gang's lethality is equivalent to that of a wooden sword, and the violent killing of hundreds of millions of wooden swords is enough to drink a pot, right?"

Li Tianming smiled coldly.

It's so cool to take the things created by the ancestors of the Eight Gods and attack their descendants.


Seeing those Eternal Gods approaching Long Xing, he immediately drove these Xingyue Swords from a long distance, turning them into wave after wave of sword energy, blasting and killing those Eternal Gods of the Moon Demon Group!

In other words, the Huantian Star Lord is not the Moon Demon Group.

At the moment of chasing and killing, so many seas of swords suddenly appeared in all directions, the expressions of the six human-shaped stars changed slightly, and beams of anger burst out from their eyes!

"The slaves are also worthy of meddling in our territory?" Mo Tu's eyes were extremely gloomy.

Not only meddle in the territory, but also use their weapons!

Boom boom boom!

In the next instant, the countless stars, moons and swords slammed into the bodies of their six individual Zhou Gods.


Their complexions remained unchanged, they propped up the power of the gods, and smashed thousands of stars, moons and swords, like a giant ship surfing, chasing after them!

Just the opening of the two Eternal Gods and Illusory Gods of the Illusory God Clan can shake off tens of thousands of Xingyue swords and open up a path of pursuit, like two sharp claws holding up the sky, crossing the raging tide of Xingyue and heading towards Follow the dragon star to catch it and go away!

"It's really difficult to injure them with the Xingyue Sword Gang alone! Fortunately, with the Xingyue Divine Tower as its foundation, the Xingyue Sword Gang is endless, and it can still condense if broken!"

Li Tianming continued to interfere, kill, and look for opportunities. This must be a battle that tested patience, and the two sides were also engaged in a psychological game, so there was no rush.

In this way, Long Xing escaped from the dragon at the front, and a group of Moon Demon Group and Huantian Star Lord broke through the sea of ​​swords and chased after them, locking the prey with the eyes of the floating world, and in the end, Li Tianming hung them slowly with the Nine Dragon Emperor Burial!


The patience of these chasers has dropped!

"These stars, moons and swords are so annoying!" The ghost god 'Qiu Yuan' from the moral gods had long hair flying, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and his voice was cold.

"It should be Li Tianming who controls this enchantment! He is in the Xinghai God Ship, and he may be near us!" Motu blasted and killed the Xingyue Jiangang who came up, while looking around.

"Nearby?" The strange eyes of the two Huantian star masters couldn't help looking behind, and the boy said, "If he wants to keep up with us, he may end up behind us!"

"Actually, that dragon star is not something to worry about, this Li Tianming is even more weird! It's just a pity that there is no remnant star body..." Zhi Zhi controlled the phantom god, and went to check the back. Not long after, her expression changed slightly, The two big dull eyes widened a lot, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that there is really movement of the Xinghai Shenship sailing!"

Everyone immediately looked at the Demon God Clan!

He is the core!

Moon Demon glanced back, his eyes were cold, and he said immediately: "Qiu Yuan, you and your two Huantian friends stay and try!"

The moral gods and ghosts, whose astral body is as white as milk, nodded!

The Illusory God of the Illusory God Clan is also the means to control the Xinghai Godship!

As for Long Xing, with the Ukrainian Sky Eye in his hand, he would not be able to escape after all. If it wasn't for the fear of intimidating others, and the need to control the Ukiyo Sky Eye, Moon Demon himself would have wanted to turn around and chase Li Tianming.

"In terms of combat power, Dragon Star is stronger!"

Such a distribution, divided into two teams, both sides are very strong, and the configuration is reasonable!

"Take Li Tianming, this Xingyue Guardian Barrier is ours, and there is nowhere for Dragon Star to escape..."

Thinking of this, Tong Zhi and Qiu Yuan looked at each other!

"Zhou Shennian and Huan Shen opened at the same time, try to see if you can hang it on the Xinghai God Ship!" Tong and Zhi are connected with each other, and they know each other's meaning without talking.


The two Illusory Gods, together with Qiu Yuan, suddenly turned their heads, broke away from the big team, and escaped into the wave of the star sea!

"You still dare to chase us?"

At this moment when they were facing each other, the three of them all locked on the Jiulong Emperor's Tomb with their Eternal God Sense!


Standing from Li Tianming's perspective, he could see ten rock-shaped giants suddenly appeared in the raging tide of stars and moons. They suddenly appeared and suppressed the Nine Dragon Emperor Tomb!

This is part of Phantom God!

"Locked me all at once?" Li Tianming hurriedly turned to the Nine Dragon Emperor Burial and fled away.

The Taixuan dragon shield on the Nine Dragon Emperor's burial suddenly opened, the Xuanhuang dragon sword swept and slashed furiously, the Wanji dragon yuan exploded, and amidst the roar, he immediately tore the shackles of the ten rock giants in armor!

"Want to leave?!"

From the place where the stars shine behind him, there was a loud roar!

The opponent is chasing!

Li Tianming gave the other party a chance to find the emperor's tomb with Zhou Shenshen because he was so bold in art...Of course this is also his plan to seduce!

However, Li Tianming only wanted to seduce the Huantian Star Lord!

"Damn? There's an extra moral god!"

At this time, he didn't have time to think too much. He was afraid that other members of the Moon Demon Group would catch up, so he could only hurry up and pull the two groups of people apart first.

One can be divided into one!

In terms of performance, the Nine Dragon Emperor Burial is still better than the Wanzhou-class star sea god ship imagined by the opponent!

Boom boom boom!

This wave of scrambling, speeding up, turning around, and flowing water showed Li Tianming's demeanor as a top-notch old driver!

However, the rock armor giants behind them are still chasing wildly!

Not only rock armor giants, but also rock horses and rock elephants?

They are all the phantom gods of those two phantom sky star masters!


After Di Zan turned around, this group of people was officially divided into two groups by Li Tianming and Long Xing!

"Made! Give it a try, anyway, they shouldn't be able to kill me!"

One more is one more!

Before the Second Derivation Realm, Li Tianming even 1v3!