Chapter 3563

Lin Yi follows the light column and carefully climbs to the top of the light column. As a result, at the top, Lin Yi sees something similar to a rotating five pointed star, which is also emitting colorful light constantly!

"The opener, put your hands on it, and run the mantra formula!" Nan Tian said loudly.

According to Lin Yi, she put her hand on the rotating five pointed star and found that the five pointed star was not a physical state, but an illusion. However, no matter what it is, Lin Yi starts to run the mental formula quickly!

At the moment when Lin Yixin's formula was running, it seemed that there was some power in the promoter Tianjie Island, which was half in the sea, suddenly rose from the sea and grew larger and larger. Finally, at the edge connecting the coastline, there suddenly appeared a channel like a channel, just like people going to Wusha wilderness and Wusha mountains Array!

At this moment, Lin Yi finally understood that this corridor was opened with his own five elements power. It seems that something is hinting at him. If he stops the operation of mental formula, this corridor will disappear!

At this moment, Lin Yi wants to jump down and rush into the Tianjie Island corridor with the inheritors, but Lin Yi is helpless to find that his hands, as if they are stuck, cannot be pulled back!

This kind of feeling is like in the cave stone gate time, lets him be unable to extricate oneself!

And when he was in retreat, it seemed that a voice was hinting at him, this was his mission! To open this inheritor, we must stick to the last moment, the last moment, before they can enter the Tianjie Island corridor!

They are burning themselves to complete other testers who want to go to the island! This is their mission!

It turns out that the opener is not a good job, and that silly bird of tagan long is very proud! But Lin Yi doesn't regret it. After all, he has to do the same for inheritors! Lin Yi can feel the heart and soul of the inheritors. If they don't do their best, the pressure will fall on Lin Yi. It's hard to say whether Lin Yi can be killed by the pressure at this moment, but the opening of Tianjie island must stop!

"Now, the experimenters begin to climb the island one after another! Xuanchen, you go ahead with this seat! " Saying that, the southern heaven sacrifice wine rushed into the corridor first, and the xuanchen ancestor followed closely!

Then, Kang lighting and other testers all entered the corridor one by one according to the order of the previous queue. They also saw that the inheritors were shaking. It's estimated that they will not hold on for long. The sooner you get to the island, the better!

Although Tian Chan, song Lingrui, Bingtang, Sydney, Wang Xinyan, Han Jing, Xiao ran, Zhong Pinliang and others are very worried about Lin Yi and the inheritors, they have to enter the corridor in order. They can only pray that Lin Yi and others can finally enter the corridor smoothly!

However, when everyone entered the corridor, Guan Xin suddenly couldn't hold on. Her body shook and fell on the ground directly! Guan Xin is the most weak woman among these inheritors!

Followed by Xiaojiu, and the following Chu Mengyao, Chen Yushu, Yu Ning, Tang Yun, Feng Xiaoxiao, all fell on the spot one by one! It seems that they can't hold on and fainted on the spot!

As soon as they fainted, Lin Yi's pressure on his side increased sharply, and his great power directly pushed him down from the light column!

Lin Yijie falls into the sea!

Lin Yi was shocked, but he was worried about the inheritors and wanted to see what happened to them. However, to Lin Yi's horror, the corridor on the terrace became more and more empty after he left the light column

And the whole Tianjie island began to sink again! Lin Yi is in a panic. At this moment, he is in a dilemma! He knew that with his departure, the corridor of the terrace island would disappear that day!

Now step up, you can go in! But what do they do?

Even if Lin Yi runs over, he can save one and bring it into the corridor, but he can't save the second one! Because the Eight Diagrams array is very large, and each inheritor is not close. It is very difficult for Lin Yi to save a turn back!

"Take care of them for me, when I get back!" Lin Yi yelled to all the children in the distance, and then flew into the Tianjie Island corridor quickly!

He has to go to Tianjie island! They seem to have no problem. At least Lin Yi can vaguely feel their vitality. Therefore, Lin Yi entrusts his younger brothers to take them back.

Song Lingshan, sun Jingyi, Xu Shihan, Cheng Yiyi and yingziyu all rushed over, which was the last scene Lin Yi saw!

Zhang naipao hesitated for a moment and followed up. However, when he followed up, the corridor began to flash. Whether he could reach Tianjie Island smoothly is unknown. It depends on luck

"Yaoyao, Xiaoshu, TangYun, Xiaoxiao, Yuning, Guanxin, Xiaojiu Wait for me! " Lin Yi sighed. He thought they would be the biggest helpers on Tianjie Island, but unexpectedly, they fainted!

The last picture Lin Yi saw was that they fainted around the eight trigrams array, and a dazzling white light flashed by, the corridor disappeared, Zhang naipao also disappeared, Lin Yi and the previous testers all disappeared under the dazzling white lightWhoo The only thing that makes Lin Yi feel at ease is that his little brother and the woman he left behind are all top experts. In the later stage of Tianjie, the peak is full of strength. Staying in the secular world is the strongest existence! With them, Lin Yi doesn't have to worry about Yao Yao's lack of care.

After entering the corridor, Lin Yi suddenly fell into a trance, as if he had entered a void space, and then suddenly a light came into his eyes

In front of her eyes, Lin Yi is completely covered by white light, which makes her blind for a short time. However, Lin Yi subconsciously closes her eyes, enters the jade pendant space, opens her spiritual power of divine sense, and wants to feel the situation around her

But what makes Lin Yi regret is that there is no other thing around her except endless white light, which seems to be a wonderful space. Lin Yi can't even see her companions or enemies.

And his feet, this moment seems to be in the air, can not step on anything, just like in the air completely weightless state.

In the light of the psychological state of being calm after coming, Lin Yi knows that what he is doing is useless and can only wait quietly.

After a while, Lin Yi felt that it should be about half an hour. The white in front of his eyes was slowly disappearing. At his feet, he suddenly seemed to step on something. It was land