Chapter 1162

I haven't seen each other for a long time. All of them are greeting each other, which is very lively.

After some greetings, they also visited the palace of emperor Beichen, but they never had such treatment.

"Red makeup, fortunately you didn't marry xuanyuanhuan at the beginning, ha ha."

Xia Zhiqing can't help sighing as she looks at emperor Beichen's bedroom. Xuanyuanhuan and Emperor Beichen are just different. If red makeup really married xuanyuanhuan, it would be a big loss.

Listening to the words of Xia Zhiqing's emotion, Bai Li's red make-up couldn't help chuckling. In a word, many things in the world are so coincidental.

If it wasn't for xuanyuanhuan's divorce, it wouldn't have happened so much later. I think she probably wouldn't exist in the world.

"In the future, the wife of the little patriarch of Tiangang clan will be the wife of the patriarch of Tiangang clan. Such identity is enough for people to look up to just saying it."

Zhan Yunfeng's eyes are full of envy, which is a blessing that no one can have.

"By the way, where has emperor Beichen gone?" Cui Haoyan asked.

Han Xiling said that emperor Beichen had left before, but now they don't know where he went.

"He went to discuss the assessment contest with other sects. He should be back soon."

Black as ink, the eyes of Phoenix are smiling. Seeing these friends again, the mood of red make-up is very good.

When they knew that emperor Beichen was going to discuss the assessment contest, they only thought that the gap was becoming more and more obvious.

They don't know whether they are qualified to participate in the assessment contest. Emperor Beichen has become the organizer of the assessment contest. It's just

"You should be tired all the way here. Beichen and I have prepared accommodation for you. Why don't you take a rest first?"

Clear and bright clear eyes are full of caring light, and the voice of red makeup is gentle. It's a long distance from canglan college to Tiangang school.

Listening to the words of hundred Li's red make-up, people nodded in succession. They seldom stopped all the way.

Not only that, before they arrived at Tiangang clan, they were in a very high mood, but now they just feel tired after relaxing. They really need a good rest.

Seeing the exhausted color on people's faces, Bai Li's red makeup immediately led them to the room behind.

Emperor Beichen's bedroom range is very large, even if everyone lives down there is no problem.

In principle, they should live in the guest's residential area, but Han Xiling obviously won't give up easily. If they live outside, they are afraid of causing a lot of trouble.

It is for this reason that she made such a decision after discussing with emperor Beichen.

Soon, everyone went back to their own room, hundred Li red makeup and summer Zhiqing walked into the room together.

"Red makeup, I think Han Xiling is very fierce. Have you been bullied by her when you live here?"

As soon as she entered the room, Xia Zhiqing could not help asking aloud. At the thought of Xia Zhiqing's domineering appearance, she knew that she was not easy to get along with.

In this Tiangang clan, only emperor Beichen protects her. Although she has never seen it with her own eyes, she also knows that it will cause many people's opposition if she suddenly becomes the little patriarch of Tiangang clan.

Looking at the worry and concern in Xia Zhiqing's eyes, Bai Li's red makeup chuckled and asked, "do you think I just looked like I would be bullied by her?"