Chapter 1057

The huge and mighty black-haired wolfhounds that were eager to try suddenly died down and lowered their heads.

"Go away!"

Quan Qi yelled again.

Those wolfhounds rushed into the dense forest extremely quickly as if fleeing in an instant.

Quan Qi turned around and asked Shi Ning, whose face was pale.

"Are you scared?"

Shi Ning swallowed, "How could it be, how could it be... a few wolves suddenly sprang out?"

Quan Qi looked around, it was probably the back mountain, because he sensed that there were many wolf dogs nearby.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, those wolf dogs can't hurt you."

"Sister Shi, are you alright?"

Quan Xiaoyi's voice came from a distance, and she walked towards this side quickly while supporting her swollen belly with one hand.

She was also worried that those wolf dogs would bite Shi Ning, so she turned around immediately.

No way, seeing Quan Qi scolding twice, he drove those ferocious wolfhounds away.

She was extremely shocked and couldn't believe Quan Qi's ability.

Qiao Shanhu also saw it, his face was full of surprise, and then he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly became unbelievable.

She hurriedly took out the mace whistle, put it to her mouth and blew it.

Three consecutive sounds resounded through the entire canyon of the back mountain.

The patriarch of the Quan family, Lord Zhenxiong, who was tidying up the shed for the little wolf dog, heard the sound, immediately put down his work, and walked quickly towards the direction of the sound.

Xia Jinmian folded her arms around her chest, squinted her beautiful eyes, and leaned against the tree to watch silently.

After Quan Xiaoyi made sure that Shi Ning was fine, he said in disbelief, "Quan Qi, is your ability to drive wolves inborn? Or learned?"

Quan Qi was a little angry, and asked instead: "What do you mean? You want those wolf dogs to bite me to death? Fortunately, the wolf dogs are naturally afraid of me, so they didn't let you succeed! It turns out that the Quan clan you are is so bluffing and deceitful Murdering someone's life!"

Quan Xiaoyi frowned, she just wanted to test Quan Qi's ability, she didn't want those wolf dogs to bite Quan Qi.

Before she could explain, Quan Qi said angrily again:

"The real Quan clan will have to pay the price for what you liars have done sooner or later! Today I will take care of you liars on behalf of the Quan clan!"

After the words fell, Quan Qi put two fingers between his lips and whistled.

After the whistle sounded for six seconds, the whole mountain resounded with deafening barks.

In just ten seconds, thousands of wolf dogs rushed here.

Quan Qi's angry eyes burst into flames, and those wolfhounds who were clearly tamed by the Quan clan actually stood behind Quan Qi at this moment, as if they felt Quan Qi's anger, they grinned at Quan Xiaoyi.

Quan Xiaoyi's face was full of shock and disbelief, and he took several steps back in fright.

How could this be?

This is the wolfhound of their Quan family, why are they all standing behind Quan Qi at this moment?

Qiao Shanhu was so frightened that he quickly ran closer, and said with a smile: "It's all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Master Quan Qi, this must be a misunderstanding, please don't get angry."

Quan Xiaoyi turned his head to look at his mother, wondering why his mother used respectful words to Quan Qi?

After Shi Ning came back to his senses, he was also taken aback by the densely packed wolf dogs behind him, and he subconsciously held Quan Qi's arm.

The voice trembled slightly: "What are you going to do? Don't be impulsive, Quan Xiaoyi is my sister, if you dare to hurt her, I will not let you go!"

Only then did Quan Qi retreat rationally, but still stared at Quan Xiaoyi extremely angrily.

"How is this going?"

A middle-aged man's majestic voice came.

Qiao Shanhu immediately walked up to him, nervously said: "That black guy is called Quan Qi, he has the same surname as our Quan clan, and he can drive our domesticated wolfhound with a single whistle. Could he be the one you mentioned... "

"What!" Quan Zhenxiong was shocked, and the light in his eyes trembled.