Chapter 1487

Hua Mian was stunned for a long time before she realized that she was angry and annoyed.

"You're talking to me again!"

Ye Ziqi asked excitedly: "Aunt Hua, Lord Yedi is our father, so Lord Yedi's wife is our mother, right?"

The cotton fire is very big: "I don't know!"

Ye Zilin: "Thank you, Aunt Hua, for telling us that Daddy and Mommy love you~ Bye!"

Hanging up the phone with a beep, Hua Mian almost died of anger.

The two little guys were already clapping their hands in celebration.

Ye Ziqi's face was filled with wonder: "It turns out that little brother Ye Di is really our father!"

Ye Zilin looked excited: "You can't call him Ye Di's younger brother anymore, we will call him Daddy in the future."

Ye Ziqi said seriously: "Brother, let's not call him Daddy, he can't even recognize his son, how stupid!"

Ye Zilin nodded his head: "Master Ye Di is really stupid. We have played tricks on him for so long, and he doesn't even know that we are his sons. We will call him an idiot from now on!"

Ye Ziqi snorted coldly: "He is a big fool. With his IQ, he can catch up with a beautiful mommy. He must have saved the earth in his previous life!"

Ye Zilin: "Brother, I want to see Mommy. Mommy didn't recognize us. It must be because we didn't behave well. I like Mommy."

Ye Ziqi: "I like Mommy too. Mommy is handsome and beautiful. I really want to be kissed by Mommy."

Ye Zilin: "I want it, I want it too! But Mommy kissed the idiot first, and kissed so hard!"

Ye Zilin suddenly became angry, his cheeks puffed up like a little squirrel.

Ye Ziqi also had his hands on his hips, and said angrily, "Go, let's go get Mommy back!"

They put on their coats and strode out of the cabin.

But I saw that the yacht was already heading back.

And their small yacht is right behind the big yacht, and it will be very difficult to get on the big yacht at this moment.

Ye Zilin was a little disappointed: "Oh~ I can't go up."

Ye Ziqi pouted: "Angry! You idiot will be very happy! That's our mommy!"

"Hey, two little bastards, what the hell did you eat for us!"

The dilapidated yacht next door was driving side by side with their yacht, and a "primitive man" stood on the deck, questioning with a pale face.

The two little guys just had nowhere to vent their anger, and immediately turned into two angry little lions.

Ye Zilin: "You stole it yourself, and we didn't force you to eat it!"

Ye Ziqi: "Who made you greedy! You deserve it!"

"Yo ho? I don't show off my power, so it's easy to bully me? Xiaoxue, bump into their yacht!"

Shen Xu commanded Xia Xue loudly.

Xia Xue said helplessly: "Uncle Shen, it's better not to..."

"I come!"

Quan Qi took Xia Xue's seat, took the helm, and steered the yacht towards the yacht next to it.

Ye Ziqi clenched his little fists angrily: "Bad thief! You stole our yacht and even rammed it! Believe it or not, God will make you lose even your pants!"

Ye Zilin suddenly pulled his elder brother, and said in a low voice, "Let them crash, and we will go to the big yacht if they crash."

Ye Ziqi's eyes lit up, "Brother, you are so smart!"

Ye Zilin backed away with a dark belly, and waved his small hand behind him, so that his followers didn't have to come out to help.

Ye Ziqi also smiled slyly, folded his hands on the little man's chest, and deliberately provocatively said: "Two ugly primitive people, with your poor technology, can you hit us?"

Shen Xuqi yelled loudly: "Fuck! These two little bastards actually said that our technology is bad!? Quan Qi step aside, I will show him what is crushing today!"