Chapter 1059

For Wang Teng, a miser, it is really uncomfortable for him to consume the empty attributes that he has accumulated so hard.

But when I think about it, isn't the accumulation of blank attributes on weekdays just to meet unexpected needs?

Today's situation requires the use of blank attributes.

Which one is more important, the life or the blank attribute, does not need to be chosen.

Wang Teng just hesitated for a moment, and immediately continued to consume the blank attribute, and upgraded the talent of [Heart of Yuan Magnetic] again.

The attribute value skyrocketed again.

As the [Heart of Yuan Magnetic] talent became stronger, the power of the magnetic field generated by Wang Teng also became extremely powerful.

The power of the magnetic field of that planet was finally affected!

It's a long story, but it's just a moment.


The speed of the Huohe spacecraft quickly recovered, it passed through the atmosphere, and fell towards the planet's ground.


At this moment, there was a loud noise on the Huohe spacecraft.

In the void of the outside world, the world lord-level powerhouse had already caught up, and he landed on the Huohe spaceship. The shock just now was caused by his stepping on the spaceship.

"You guys, you can't run away!" A cold voice came from his mouth, echoing in the ears of Wang Teng and Yuan Gungun.

"Hmph!" Wang Teng's eyes shone coldly, and he let out a cold snort.

The power of the magnetic field in his body exploded again, gathered at one point, and directly slammed into the world master-level powerhouse.

The power of the magnetic field is invisible and qualityless. The opponent was about to punch the spaceship and enter the interior of the spaceship, but he didn't notice this powerful magnetic field force at all. He didn't even have time to react, and he was thrown out.

People are still in the air!

His whole face was bewildered.

what happened?

Why was he blown out?

Black question marks appeared on his forehead.

"Hahaha..." Seeing the other party's appearance, Yuan Gungun couldn't help laughing out loud, and he was really relieved.

This is simply too exasperating!

The other party came aggressively and wanted to arrest them, which really made them angry.

Now, what about the world lord-level powerhouse, he was knocked out, and he was in a panic.

The world lord-level powerhouse came back to his senses, became angry from embarrassment, let out a roar, and a sword appeared in his hand, and the power of ice gathered, and he slashed towards the Huohe spacecraft.

It's a pity that he ignored the power of the planet's magnetic field, and the speed of the blade glow became very slow.

"Go! Go! This guy is crazy." Yuan Gungun shouted.

Wang Teng continued to increase the output of his own magnetic field power to resist the planet's magnetic field power.

"Old man, goodbye!"

The Huohe spacecraft immediately rushed into the planet and disappeared in front of the world master-level powerhouse.

"Ah, I will kill you!" The world lord-level powerhouse gritted his teeth angrily, and let out another roar from his mouth.

He wanted to enter the planet, but found that the power of the magnetic field around him was extremely terrifying. Even if he was a world lord-level powerhouse, his speed was severely suppressed.

In desperation, he could only keep a dark face and release his own power of the realm to resist the magnetic field.

Even so, his speed has only reached the domain master level, and he can't catch up with the Huohe spaceship at all.

In fact, with the strength of the world lord level, it is possible to forcibly destroy a planet, but this place is unusual, and he dare not mess around.

As a world lord-level powerhouse, I have encountered too many things!

He knew that in the universe, some forbidden places were very terrifying. Even the world lord level powerhouse, if he was not careful, his life might be in danger.

The world lord-level powerhouse's eyes flickered, and after landing on the ground, he glanced around and gradually frowned.

"What a weird planet. It is obviously a living planet, but it has lost all vitality and decayed like this." He murmured to himself.

The next moment, he waved his hand, and a group of figures appeared in front of him.

These are warriors of different races in the universe, ranging from star-level to cosmic-level, and there are as many as fifty of them.

The world master level powerhouse has a small world, and can usually put people in the small world.

"grown ups!"

As soon as these warriors appeared, they knelt down towards the world lord level powerhouse and shouted respectfully.

"Search for me and find him." The world lord-level powerhouse said coldly.


The orderly shouts echoed, and the fifty warriors turned into afterimages and scattered in all directions.


On the other side, Wang Teng and Yuan Gungun also landed on the surface of the planet, hiding in a mountain.

"First test the atmosphere of this planet to see if it is poisonous?" Yuan Gungun said.

Wang Teng has nothing to do, his mind is immersed in the attribute panel.

[Heart of Yuan Magnetic]: 1/300000 (third order)

After the crazy promotion just now, [Heart of Yuan Magnetic] reached the third level, and the blank attribute consumed another 200,000 points.

The corner of Wang Teng's mouth twitched, feeling a little painful.

Adding up the front and back, a full 300,000 points of blank attributes were consumed!

Three hundred thousand points!

My heart is bleeding.

Although the [Heart of Yuan Magnetic] that has been upgraded to the third level is indeed very powerful, and even the strong man of the world master level was blown away by surprise, but it is really expensive.

If he hadn't accumulated a lot of blank attributes in advance, he couldn't afford to consume them at all.

He took another look at the blank properties at the end of the properties panel.

[Blank attribute]: 586500

fine! fine!

There are at least half a million points left.

What made him even more gratified was that when he was fighting against the planet's magnetic field, he also absorbed a lot of attribute bubbles by the way.

[Magnetic Field*100]

[Magnetic Field*150]

[Magnetic Field*80]



There is no doubt that this is a kind of power in the field!

When Wang Teng just absorbed this attribute bubble, he was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that the magnetic field of this planet turned out to be a kind of domain force.

But now the power in this field belongs to him!

[Magnetic field]: 450/1000 (first order)

In the end, he obtained a total of 450 points in the [Magnetic Field] and successfully entered the first level.

This [Heart of Yuan Magnetic] talent is not in vain. If there is no confrontation between the two sides, it is impossible for him to extract the [Magnetic Field] from the magnetic field of the planet.

This blessing and misfortune depend on each other, which is really unpredictable.

"Okay, there is no toxicity on this planet." A round voice sounded.

"Then put away the Huohe, the target is too big and easy to be discovered." Wang Teng said: "The repair of the Huohe will be left to you."

"Don't worry, I have Yuangugun here, and I promise to fix it for you." Yuangungun patted his chest to assure him, and at the same time he was a little thankful: "Fortunately, we have prepared a lot of materials and engineering robots, otherwise it would be a little troublesome."

Wang Teng nodded. Thanks to his wealth, he listened to Yuan Gungun's advice and purchased a large amount of supplies before setting off, which are now in use.

Immediately, Wang Teng stepped off the spaceship and put away the Huohe spaceship.

He looked around with seriousness and surprise in his eyes.

I saw gray-brown soil all around, like gravel, lifeless at all, and without any life, some dead wood, bones of creatures, buried in the gravel, making this planet look even more desolate and lonely.

A gust of wind blew by, and countless sand and gravel flew all over the sky...