CH 166

"After the maintenance time of the ritual is over, I should be dead, right?"

Li Huowang slowly lifted his sword, and the worms in his abdomen crawled up his Taoist robe and wriggled on his severed arm.

In a few breaths, he had a new left hand formed by the entanglement of the worms.

Trying his new hand, Li Huowang nodded in satisfaction. He looked again at the five "Taoist sects that deceive beings" fighting with Danyang Zi in the distance.

At this moment, in Li Huowang's eyes, Danyang Zi still looked terrifying, while the faces of the other five had completely turned into the appearance of bloody mahjong tiles.

Thinking that he would die soon, Li Huowang's heart instead began to calm down. He lifted his sword and walked towards them in the distance.

As Li Huowang rushed over, he swung his sword, cutting off the head of Danyang Zi in the center.

"Don't panic, Master, I'm here to help you!!"

Taking advantage of the moment when Li Huowang attacked Danyang Zi, the "Taoist sects that deceive beings" in the distance seized the opportunity. The five of them quickly sat cross-legged in mid-air and began to chant together, "What is forgetting to sit!"

The voice echoed constantly in the empty cave, growing louder and louder.

As soon as these words were spoken, Li Huowang and Danyang Zi kicked each other's bodies at the same time, and they each rushed towards one of the Taoist sects.

A black tile flew towards Li Huowang's wrist, and he was about to dodge it when the two fingers of the Mahjong tile in the distance quickly crossed and snapped.

The black shadow under the tile instantly changed, becoming a tile itself, and the tile turned into a shadow.

Theft is never good, try looking at

Caught off guard, the tile pierced through Li Huowang's wrist, leaving a square gap. Without the support of the bones in his wrist, Li Huowang's hand was about to go limp, but the gap was quickly filled with those worms, and he once again held his sword firmly.

"Hehe, you get what you pay for. It seems that what is obtained by sacrificing the five internal organs is different." Li Huowang said, and he stepped towards the distance, heading towards the Seven Wan.

This time, Li Huowang didn't bother to dodge anything thrown at him, and he just used his body to take it. After all, any damage or loss would be replaced by those wriggling worms.

With the ability borrowed from Bahu, Li Huowang was able to hold his own against them.

Li Huowang, Danyang Zi, and the Taoist sects that deceive beings, three people with completely different goals, fought in chaos.

Sometimes it was Li Huowang and Danyang Zi against the Taoist sects, and sometimes it was Danyang Zi and the Taoist sects against Li Huowang.

Danyang Zi, holding the blood and flesh copper coin sword, was surprisingly powerful. Even with one head missing, he could still suppress the Taoist sects.

It seemed that the Taoist sects were better at manipulating people's hearts and were not good at direct confrontations, so they were still being suppressed by Danyang Zi.

However, this was also thanks to Li Huowang.

Although Danyang Zi was stronger, the three sides were mutually balanced, and no one wanted to let the other two sides win.

Li Huowang always helped the weaker side in this melee, and he fought against whoever was stronger. He had already risked his life, so there was no reason not to drag a few more people down with him.

If Danyang Zi and the Taoist sects followed him, it would be the best outcome.

This intense battle was temporarily deadlocked, and everyone was calculating their own interests.

Taking advantage of Danyang Zi's suppression of the others, Mahjong quickly approached Li Huowang and said anxiously, "Boss! Stop playing, can't you see the power of this half-immortal? If we keep playing, someone will die!""Hehe, calling me boss just to let me spare you? Even if you call your ancestors, it's useless!!"

Li Huowang grabbed both sides of the wound on his chest and pulled hard.

The blood-red worms burst out of his abdomen like a mountain collapsing towards Yaoji Pai.

These worms were all under Li Huowang's control at the moment. As long as they touched a single one, they would instantly burrow into the flesh and stir it until it was rotten.

"Boss Hongzhong! Please stop! Touch the thing under the skin on the back of your neck! See if what I'm saying is true!"

Li Huowang reached out to touch the back of his neck, and the worms broke through his skin and pushed out a hard object.

It was a mahjong tile, the red one.

Li Huowang's expression showed hesitation. Yaoji quickly explained, "Your real identity is Hongzhong, one of the three bosses of the Taoist sects that deceive beings. You felt like you had played with everything and got bored, so you sealed your divine consciousness and let us accompany you."

"Now both Erbing and I have been played to death by you. We can't continue like this. We're all brothers, and it's too much to fight each other. We can't let you play with our lives for your own amusement."

"Is what you're saying true?" Li Huowang's expression was very confused as he looked straight at the red mahjong tile in his hand.

"Hey! Didn't you see that this mahjong tile was dug out of your flesh? Isn't that--"

Before Yaoji finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. He looked down and saw that several worms had unknowingly burrowed into his calf.

As he focused on his leg, a cold light flashed in front of him, and Li Huowang's long sword stabbed straight into his neck.

Looking at Yaoji in front of him, Li Huowang's face showed a sneering smile, following his lies.

"Yes, I remember now. I am Hongzhong, one of the three elements of the Taoist sects that deceive beings. I also remember that you robbed my woman back then, so I'm taking revenge now."

As long as he could confirm the identity of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, it was easy to deal with them. Just treat everything they spew out of their mouths as shit.

"Boss, what I said is true!" Yaoji held onto Li Huowang's sword tightly, shouting unwillingly.

"I fucking believe you!!" Li Huowang exerted force with one hand, and Yaoji's fingers and his square head were lifted into the air.

When the worms inside Yaoji quickly burrowed out and returned to Li Huowang's chest cavity, Li Huowang turned and rushed towards the battlefield in the distance.

One of the scammers of the Taoist sects that deceive beings was dead, and now it was time to weaken Danyang Zi.

"Master! Xuan Yang is here to help you!" Li Huowang carried his sword and rushed towards Danyang Zi.

Under the siege of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, Danyang Zi's childlike head was instantly chopped off with a "puchi."

But before Li Huowang could catch his breath, a bloody, underdeveloped baby's head grew out of the neck incision.

The ten thousand people beside him quickly turned to Li Huowang and said, "Your master is a half-immortal, so this is all in vain! You block him for a while, and we'll help you deal with him!"

Li Huowang's response was a mouthful of spit.

"Okay! We did play with you before, but you also killed Erbing and Yaoji. Isn't two lives enough to vent your anger? And compared to us outsiders, shouldn't you hate your master more?"