Chapter 44

The description of "Qi" in the earth Wushu is very profound. This is the best knowledge that the ancient earth people had been born after many years of development and forced to be weak in the earth.

At the beginning, Luo Lan had a feeling of high mountains and awe, and then she was excited. If we can master these forces thoroughly, it will greatly promote our future practice. How much we can grow in the future depends on it.

Must grasp completely, Luo Lan in the heart secretly made a decision.

But the practice of earth martial arts is absolutely not easy. It condenses the simple wisdom of the earth ancients in the difficult environment. It pays attention to the development of body and mood. It is really the practice method of making the best use of every trace of energy. It runs counter to the Saiya people's long-standing open and close fighting style. It takes some time to turn it around.

Luo Lan had a general look, and then began to study the cultivation with Sophia.

Theory is a theory. If we really want to use it in combat, we need to understand it through practice.

"Sister, it seems that we should start from the most basic training. The green Milky Way king wears a golden crown on his head, and more than ten slender arms sway in mid air. Opposite him, there is a purple cosmic man in the costume of the Milky Way patrol police, with big eyes and no hair on his body. He looks like a wild" Ultraman ".

This young constable, named Gack, is responsible for three star regions, including the earth. He is one of the younger members of the Galactic patrol.

Gark Patrol's strength is not very outstanding, but has super vision, even beyond the speed of light can also see clearly.

"Gack, there is an important task for you to do now. You must finish it!" The Galactic King waved his arms.

Gack glared at a pair of golden eyes and said excitedly, "is it my turn to be an elite at last? What task is it, please?"

The Milky Way king said: "some time ago, the advanced planet bejita was destroyed, but our staff found that before the destruction of bejita, there was an aircraft that seemed to be flying towards the area under your jurisdiction. Please go to a planet called earth immediately."

"Vegeta, the planet where the saians live?"

"Well, the saians are famous for their barbarism. Fortunately, they have almost died recently. The earth is just an immature and low-level planet. Once the sais arrive, it will certainly cause great damage. However, the sais in that spaceship are not yet adults, so you can destroy them with your "excellent" talents? "

Jiake heard the galaxy King praise himself, happy to salute: "rest assured, give me excellent, absolutely complete the task."

"Well, you go!"

The Galactic King threw his arm, so GAC happily boarded the aircraft, and then flew in the direction of the earth.

"Lord galactic, it's stupid to give this task to Gack No, excellent police officer, isn't it a bit of a fuss. The sais have been exterminated, and there is no need to pay attention to them. " Asked the staff nearby.

The Milky Way king said: "just a child can't lift any storm naturally, but Gack, a fool, can't make any progress. Find something for him to experience. If he can't finish this small task, see what face he still has to stay in the headquarters."

Every member of the Galactic Patrol has a scope of inspection. Gack is responsible for the three star regions on this side of the earth, but he can't fulfill his duty. Even the Galactic king is unhappy with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!