Chapter 2893

Ye Xiao did not expect that Vaal, the god of death, would appear in front of him.

He had expected that it might be someone from the Celestial Organization, but he didn't expect it to be Vaal.

Although Vaal is not one of the three main gods of the Temple of Heaven, he is the one who understands human beings best in the organization of the gods. For thousands of years, Vaal has been in human society.

"Du Hanshuang, you go first." Ye Xiao took a step back and motioned for Du Hanshuang to go first.

"I'm not leaving." Du Hanshuang was very determined, "I can't leave you behind."

"Let's go." Val smiled at Du Hanshuang, "He is afraid that you will drag him down. If we move hands with him, this place will be destroyed. You, an ordinary human, will only become an obstacle if you stay here. This is for your own good, your existence will only drag him down, but there is no way to help him."

Vaal, the god of death, can see very clearly.

Du Hanshuang is just a burden to Ye Xiao here, and Ye Xiao wants Du Hanshuang to go first, so that he will not be under pressure.

Du Hanshuang clenched his lips, although what Vaal, the god of death, said was unpleasant, but this was a fact, she would indeed be a hindrance to Ye Xiao here.

Du Hanshuang jumped up and went outside.

Ye Xiao and Val are left here.

Val's hand tugged on his face, and he took off a mask, revealing a white face.

"I'm not a big fan of wearing masks, but sometimes it's fun to wear masks," Val said. "I've played a variety of roles, and I've played many roles over my long years, including presidents, politicians, Warlords, ordinary businessmen, and I even played the role of a killer, which was interesting to me."

"What about this time? What is your goal?" Ye Xiao asked.

"It's the two fragments in your hand!" Val said, "I came for them, but to make things more interesting, I found this Liu Yunchuan!"

Val's foot kicked Liu Yunchuan's body, "This guy is very interesting, he has great ambitions, and even wants to become the Prime Minister of a country! I will play as one of his friends and play with him, anyway, he is destined will die."

"You wanted to kill him from the very beginning?" Ye Xiao asked.

Val laughed, "It's not that I want to kill him, but that he will definitely die... My ability is to know when someone else dies, and when I appear, it means that guy's life is about to end."

"I don't think so." Ye Xiao said, "Your so-called ability is not to predict the time of death of others, and you killed him, you faked that you have the ability to predict death, Val, am I wrong?"

Val smiled, "If you think so, then I have nothing to explain. For thousands of years, I have always represented death. When I appear, death is destined to come."

"Then see when I will die." Ye Xiao said.

Val looked at Ye Xiao, "You? I can't see through, so I said that you are not an ordinary human being, Ye Xiao, I don't want to be an enemy with you, I want to be a friend with you... Between us There is no contradiction, the premise is that you give me the two fragments, that thing is bound to be obtained for me."

"Can you tell me what this is?"

Ye Xiao clearly knew what it was, but he pretended not to know.

"I can tell you." Vaal said, "That's what the First Civilization does. Through the sarcophagus of the gods that can find the artifacts of the First Civilization we need, we can continue our lives."

Ye Xiao didn't expect Val to say so much to him, his eyes turned to Val, "Aren't you worried that I will leak this thing out? Since this thing is so important, there must be many people who want to get it, At that time, I can make a lot of money.”

Val smiled, "You're not short of money!"

"Who said that?" Ye Xiao said, "Even if I have more money, I want more money. This is human nature."

"I know money is useless to you." Val said, "Immortality is the most important thing. The sarcophagus of the gods can make us live forever...Aren't you interested?"

"What's the point of living so long." Ye Xiao looked at Val, "Are you still tired of living?"

"Humans are very interesting. For thousands of years, I have been wandering in human society." Val said, "I can find a lot of fun, but I am not interested in longevity. The reason why I am looking for these two fragments is to make this The world is more chaotic."

"Chaos?" Ye Xiao asked.

"That's right." Val laughed, "When the sarcophagus of the gods appears, the gods will be eager to have the sarcophagus of the gods. They know that with the sarcophagus of the gods, they will have eternal life... It's interesting, those guys go For thousands of years, we have been playing the role of gods and making humans worship them, which is ridiculous, we are just alien creatures that came to earth a thousand years ago, this planet does not belong to us, I want to go home, but those guys don't."

After Val said this, Ye Xiao paused, and suddenly threw the two fragments in his hand to Val, "There is one more, I believe you know where it is even if I don't say it."

"In the hands of that human professor," Val said.

"These three fragments record not how to find the sarcophagus of the gods, but the creation of the gods... The gods I am talking about are not you, but the real gods in the civilization of the gods."

"Giant!" Vaal said.

"Yes, it's a giant!" Ye Xiao said, "These three fragments are about how they created humans, but the information on them is incomplete."

Val's hand touched the fragment, "Do you know these pictures?"

"I don't know." Ye Xiao said, "When my hand touched these fragments, the information on the fragments flooded into my mind. I don't know what it means. Maybe I have some connection with these fragments. ."

Val threw the fragments to Ye Xiao, "Give these two pieces to your professor friend, and treat them as my present."

"The gift of the god of death cannot be accepted." Ye Xiao said, "I am worried that he will die."

Val smiled, "Don't worry, I won't kill him! Ye Xiao, would you like a drink, let's talk about interesting things, such as where we come from."

Ye Xiao looked at Val, "You also drink?"

"Of course drinking, I and this human being are one body." Val said, "He voluntarily sacrificed to me, and it is a supreme honor to be able to become a god of death."

"You bugs!" Ye Xiao suddenly said.

"You are insulting us." Val said, "We are not bugs, but more advanced intelligences, more advanced than you!"

"Advanced enough to have no body?" Ye Xiao said.

"Who said we have no body!" Val said!

"Parasite, don't argue, let's go drink." Ye Xiao said.