Chapter 693: Do you have any humanitarian spirit?

"Help, I don't know how to water..."

Lu Xiaoya kept thrashing about in the pond, looking very embarrassed.

Although the water in the pond was not deep and there was no danger to his life, Ye Feng still jumped into the pond to rescue him.

When they dragged her up, both of them were drowned.


When Ye Feng saw her embarrassed look, he immediately leaned back and laughed.

"Everyone is like this, are you still laughing? Laughing fart!"

Lu Xiaoya was both ashamed and angry, and stared at this guy angrily.

Ye Feng smiled, his eyes gradually became fiery.

Lu Xiaoya wore a white silk dress today, she couldn't see anything before, but now after the dress was soaked in water, it completely stuck to her delicate body, showing her perfect curves.

Especially some of the raised parts are vaguely more alluring.

Lu Xiaoya was taking care of the aquatic plants on her body, but found that this guy suddenly became silent. Could it be that what she said just now was a little heavy, which made him angry?

But when she looked up and saw the burning eyes of the other party, she immediately realized something, and hurriedly shielded her chest, "Rogue, you... what are you looking at?"

Ye Feng didn't feel the embarrassment after being caught at all, "I didn't see it before..."

Lu Xiaoya was confused, "Didn't see anything?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows at her, "I didn't see that you are broad-minded, and you are tolerant."

Lu Xiaoya reacted for a long time before she understood the meaning of his words, her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then she glared at him in embarrassment.

"I didn't see it before, you turned out to be a womanizer."

Ye Feng is not ashamed, but proud, "Master said, food and **** are also sexual. If **** is not free, then beauty will be meaningless."

Lu Xiaoya said angrily, "Glittering, strong words are unreasonable."

Although he said so on the lips, he was still flattered in his heart.

She had a deep-rooted love for Ye Feng, and the other party had just saved her life, which made her fall completely.

Not to mention just making a few harmless jokes, even if he really wants to do something to her, she may not resist.

Just as the two were flirting, they suddenly heard a cry for help from the side, " me..."

Only then did Ye Feng remember that there was another person beside him, and he hurriedly looked back, only to see that person's face was already pale, and blood had already flowed all over the floor.

"Are you still alive?"

He muttered something and got up to help him deal with the wound.

That ninja didn't bleed to death, but was almost choked to death by his words. Is this human? Do you have a little humanitarian spirit?

Just as Ye Feng helped him stop the bleeding, the phone in the ninja's pocket rang, and he immediately took out the phone first.

I saw a text message received on my mobile phone, and the content of the text message was only two words: "Success?"

He immediately understood that this should be sent by Matsui Ishiichi, who was asking whether the matter was successful or not, and immediately turned to look at the ninja.

"According to your previous agreement, if things succeed, how will you reply?"

"You just need to answer with the word 'cheng'." The ninja replied enduring the pain.

"If you dare to lie to me, I don't mind chopping off all your limbs." Ye Feng looked at him coldly with the samurai sword in his hand.

"I didn't lie, what I said was true." The ninja couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly explained.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Ye Feng immediately edited a text message and replied.

After a while, another text message was sent from the other side: "Bring your things and come to room 2074 of Shandao International Hotel."

After a while, another one was added: "Bring those two Chinese together, especially the woman."

When Ye Feng saw this text message, he immediately smiled and turned to look at Lu Xiaoya, "Should I take you back to the hotel first?"

Lu Xiaoya hurriedly shook her head, "I want to follow you."

Ye Feng didn't refuse either, "Then let's go."

Lu Xiaoya pointed to the ninja on the ground again, "Then what should he do?"

Ye Feng glanced at the ninja who looked like a dead dog, "It's okay, I can't die, he will crawl away by himself later."

After speaking, he took Lu Xiaoya up and left.

That ninja almost vomited blood in anger, he was a ninja at any rate, how had he ever suffered such humiliation?

Unexpectedly, in Huaguo, which he despises the most, he suffered the biggest failure in history. Not only did he fail to complete the task assigned to him by his employer, but he also lost a leg and became completely crippled.

That young man is really terrifying, how could the Matsui consortium provoke such a powerful enemy? It's downright stupid.

Thinking this way in my heart, I got up and hugged my calf, leaning on the other leg to force myself to jump out.

Taking advantage of the short time, maybe we can still connect.

Matsui Shiyi sat leisurely on the sofa in the hotel, thinking of Lu Xiaoya's peerless face. I couldn't help my blood fluttering.

Such a beautiful woman, but she took advantage of that stupid Chinese, what a waste of money.

Just as he was yelling at his sexual life tonight, there was a knock on the door suddenly.


Matsui Ishiichi couldn't wait to open the door immediately, because he was so impatient that he even forgot to take a look through the cat's eyes first.

Just as the door opened a crack, a big hand suddenly stretched in and grabbed his neck.

The change came so suddenly that he didn't react for a moment.

When the door opened and the sneering face was revealed, he came back to his senses, and a chill rushed directly to the back of his head.

"It's you? Where's Yayoi-kun?"

Matsui Ishiichi looked at Ye Feng in disbelief. He had obviously received a message from Yayoi-kun saying that the matter had been successfully completed. How could there be such an accident?

Ye Feng led Lu Xiaoya in and closed the door again, "Is that the ninja you are asking about? He is dead."

Matsui Ishikazu immediately widened his eyes, "Nonsense, Yayoi-kun is a noble ninja, how could he be dead?"

Ye Feng forced him back to the center of the hall, "Ninjas are also human, and if they are human, they will die. What's so strange?"

Matsui Ishi's face immediately turned pale, and he knew that he had made another fatal mistake.

Before finding out the background of the other party, he acted rashly.

His father once taught him that one cannot fall twice in one place, because the second time is likely to be fatal.

He had ignored it before, but now he finally realized the seriousness of the matter, but it was too late.

"What do you want to do?"

Matsui Shiyi looked at Ye Feng in panic, not knowing how the other party would deal with him.

"I should be asking you this, right? Why did you send someone into my house? What do you want to do?"

Ye Feng stared at him sharply, his right hand was still pinching his throat, ready to kill him at any time.

"I... I simply like that house. After being snatched away by you, I feel unwilling, so I want to send someone to teach you a lesson..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted mercilessly by Ye Feng, "I hate liars the most. Since you don't want to say it, then shut up forever."