Chapter 843: my words are so useful

"Mr. Xu, what do you say?"

Smith became anxious immediately. If he really offended Mr. Xu, their plan to enter Pengcheng by Sotheby's would definitely be hindered. He couldn't bear the responsibility.

The old man ignored him, walked quickly to Ye Feng, and respectfully said, "Mr. Ye, I am Xu Mingyuan, the head of the Xu family in Pengcheng."

Ye Feng just nodded lightly, "Hello, Mr. Xu, what can you do for me?"

Xu Mingyuan immediately pulled Xu Pitiao who was next to him over, "The dog accidentally offended Mr. Ye before, and you also taught him a lesson."

"I brought him here this time just to apologize to you. I hope that your lord will ignore the villain and let our Xu family live."

After speaking, he hurriedly winked at Xu Belt.

Xu Belt had no choice but to bow to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, I was the one who didn't see Mount Tai before. I hope you can forgive me this time."

Hearing what the father and son said, everyone in the ward was a little shocked except Ye Feng.

Smith, in particular, was stunned.

This big man with great influence in Pengcheng actually came to apologize to Ye Feng in person? This is too unbelievable, right?

Who is this young man? Has such a great prestige?

After Ye Feng listened, he understood the purpose of the two people's visit, and immediately waved his hands, "Why is Mr. Xu doing this? If you don't come today, I will have almost forgotten about it."

Xu Mingyuan couldn't help but smiled wryly, "You have a broad mind, so naturally you don't take such trivial things to heart, but other people don't think so."

"Our Xu's real estate originally wanted to enter Yangcheng, but the local real estate developers said that because we offended Mr. Ye, they dare not cooperate with us. As a last resort, I can only come to you."

Ye Feng touched his nose with a strange expression, "They won't cooperate with you, what's the use of begging me?"

Xu Mingyuan hurriedly explained, "Of course it works. I just ask you to let the word out and say that you and our Xu family have settled down, and those people promise that they won't make things difficult for us again."

Ye Feng was a little puzzled, "Is my words so effective?"

Xu Mingyuan didn't know if he was pretending to be confused, or if he really didn't know, so he continued, "I'm afraid Mr. Ye doesn't know that you are in the real estate industry in Yangcheng, and you can be said to be a promise. As long as you say a word, who would dare not give you face?" what?"

Hearing his explanation, several people present were shocked again.

Although Xu Jingxin knew that Ye Feng was doing well in Yangcheng, she never thought that Ye Feng would be so prosperous. At least in the real estate industry, he could already be regarded as a super boss.

And Smith on the side didn't quite believe it at first, does a young man really have such a big influence?

Only then did he realize the seriousness of the matter.

Did he really offend a super boss?

Chen Qiushan glared at him resentfully, "Now it's up to you how it ends."

Although Smith has realized his mistake, he is unwilling to admit it, and continues to speak stubbornly, "Hmph, so what if he is influential in the real estate industry? Can he still affect our auction house?"

Chen Qiushan was immediately defeated by this guy's ignorance, and was about to continue to refute.

At this time, the door of the ward was knocked again.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Boren came in with several jewelers

"Master Ye, some of our colleagues representing the jewelry industry came to see you."

"Master Ye, are you feeling better?"

"You are the hope of our jewelry industry, but you must take good care of your health."

"When I see you like this, I can't help crying..."

As soon as the few people came in, they began to greet Ye Feng, and some even wanted to cry on the spot, just like their own father died.

Smith's eyes suddenly became dull.

The jewelry industry has a very close relationship with their auction houses, and they often auction some jewelry.

He knew several jewelers among them, and they were all important figures in the jewelry industry.

Especially Tang Boren, who is the vice president of a jewelry giant like Manzhu Jewelry, is no stranger to him at all.

If Xu Mingyuan is respectful to Ye Feng, that's all. After all, he has something to ask of him. But these people are all from the jewelry industry, why are they so respectful to him? There is even a kind of kneeling and licking?

"Tang... Mr. Tang, why do you call him 'Master Ye'?"

Smith hastily pulled Tang Boren over, the title "Master" was not called casually.

Seeing him in Ye Feng's ward, Tang Boren thought he had a good relationship with Ye Feng, and immediately replied enthusiastically, "Because Master Ye's stone gambling skills are superb, the 'Master' is not even worthy of his old man's strength."

Afterwards, he described Ye Feng's record in the Stone Gambling Festival vividly.

Not only Smith, but even the father and son Chen Qiushan and Xu Mingyuan who were on the side were shocked speechless.

They are also smart people, so naturally they are very clear about how terrifying a master stone gambler who can hit a hundred hits is like a **** who can turn stones into gold.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, Tang Boren and the others definitely wouldn't lie.

If this is the case, then Ye Feng can definitely be regarded as a **** in the jewelry industry. As long as he says a word, these jewelers will have to listen to him.

To offend Ye Feng is to cut himself off from the jewelry industry.

Smith had already thought of the consequences, and sweat suddenly oozed from his forehead.

Tang Boren was proudly promoting Ye Feng's glorious achievements, when he suddenly saw his face turn ugly, he immediately asked: "Mr. Smith, why is your face so ugly? Are you sick?"

Smith suddenly smiled wryly, "No, I just... accidentally offended Mr. Ye...Mr. Ye."

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