Chapter 453

Everybody nod and sigh!

Ding zhaotian said: "the injured patients, take good care of them on the ship. Let's stay on this island for a few days. Wait, fat man, you can divide them into several groups and take turns to take care of them!"

The fat man has to order!

Daniel took the initiative to share and said, "let me come! Let me come in the first group!"

The fat man asked a Niu to be the team leader and assigned several team members to take care of the injured, especially Mr. Wang Qiang!

Wang Qiang also showed off his ability. He didn't expect to be hurt so badly!

Ashamed, he said, "Hey, I'm really ashamed! You're all right. I'm hurt, hey, hey!"

Ding zhaotian said, "you are a little rich childe. Many of them have practiced Sanda for five years. How can this be compared? There is still a gap between people and people, and we have to admit it!"

Everyone nodded.

At this time, the fat man was strange and said, "that's strange. How can you suddenly become so capable of playing? I remember when I was in junior high school..."

Ding zhaotian quickly turned off the topic and said, "no, don't you remember. I'm a special case. Oh, by the way, Wang Qiang, did you take painkillers?"

Wang Qiang said, "more than that, I also had two painkillers!"

Everybody nod!

Wang Qiang showed a helpless expression!

Everyone kept comforting him. He felt better!

Next, stay on the island and start a carefree life of treasure digging.

Mainly, there must be good things such as oysters in the shallow water around such a large island, that is, not far from the shore!

Abalone, oysters, all kinds of kelp, seaweed, shellfish and so on, one by one

Nest by nest!

Australian abalone is famous. This area should also belong to Australia.

Haliotis diversicolor should be distributed a lot!

Ding zhaotian also talked with the barrage about digging sea cucumbers.

Yes, there is a professional name for digging sea cucumbers in Huanghai city. The young men who dig sea cucumbers are called Hai Mengzi!

The sea Mengzi asked that his body was just.

The body is a little weak and the water pressure is unbearable. If it is damaged underwater, it may be semi disabled for life.

It is neither disabled nor different from ordinary people, so it is called semi disabled.

Such examples are countless in Linhai town.

At least 10 people were beaten semi disabled.

Lifelong pain.

However, there are still young men over the age of 18 who rush to catch sea cucumbers, because they can get 34000 yuan a month!

This is not comparable to ordinary white-collar workers.

In addition, Hai Mengzi is also easy to find a daughter-in-law.


Because the salary is high!

Of course, there are still many people fishing for sea cucumbers.

But now, with the progress of the times, leaders of all walks of life and people above the middle level can make money.

Unlike before, there are few ways.

Although it is still difficult to make a living, the development of various industries has led to many ways.

For example, the construction of international tourism residential areas has invested 500 billion yuan. The rise of two five-star hotels, holiday hotels and entertainment hotels, has created a lot of jobs for tourism, hotels and program performances!

In addition, the vendors.

In the past, there was a seafood wholesale market on the beach, that's all!

Now, a large number of tourists come to Haizhen to eat and drink.

This directly makes everyone rich and the vendors rich!

This is unimaginable in the past!

The simplest example, mentioned by a Niu, is a hawker who used to sell shrimp creepers. Now there are two shops.

Shops sell seafood, all kinds of seafood, not just shrimp!

In addition, there is a family who used to sell land tiles and sell land tiles door-to-door. Life is ordinary and relatively poor. Now, they have two large shopping malls to do home decoration, cabinets and range hoods!

In short, it is very developed and prosperous!

This is due to the progress of the times.

Industrial development. wait.

Strange to say, Ding zhaotian went to see Wang Qiang these days and chatted live.

There was a sense of nostalgia.

From the barrage to Lao Ding and Wang Qiang, they all have nostalgia!

Nostalgia seems to be an accident.

However, Qu Lingfeng said, "don't you find that many people begin to miss the past now?"

Ding zhaotian said, "it seems so!"

The fat man said, "when it comes to speaking, times change. I also think of the days when I used to toss seafood!"

After a pause, he said, "the days of catching up with the big fair and going to the temple fair are gone now!"

Liang Hanyun asked, "fat master, what did you do at that time? Why were you with Lao Ding?"

The fat man said, "I thought Lao Ding would go his separate ways with us after graduating from college. I didn't know he went back to the village, so it was natural to be together! Then, when Lao Ding went into the fishery, I found a problem. The gods are not as lucky as Lao Ding! It's fucking good. I ate meat with him!"

Everyone nodded, too!

Sha wending said, "you developed from a small boat to the present, didn't you?"

The fat man said proudly, "Lao Ding has changed several boats. At the earliest time, the boat was worthless. Although it was a new boat, it was very small. What's like now, the 100 meter super fishing boat is completely different and the cost is also different!"

After a pause, the fat man said, "but then again, the fishing boat had to bail out because it was small and a big wave came. I'm afraid the boat would sink!"

Everyone laughed!

Little five said, "it's true. The ship at that time was far worse than the ship now. After all, the so-called happy ship was 800 million!"

Everyone nodded yes.

Chatting, eating and eating, the sunset is coming down!

It's tropical here. It's a long day, so it's actually very late!

Everyone just fell asleep on the deck.

The front deck of the hull can sleep 50 people!

The ship itself has only 40 people. So enough to hold!

At this time, there was a problem that it was a little hot!

It's windless today, so it's a little crowded when so many people are on the deck!

When he woke up the next morning, Wang Qiang made a sound of pain.

Qu Xiaotian went to see it, and Ding zhaotian Xiaowu also went to see it. He found nothing, but the efficacy of the analgesic needle had passed!

Wang Qiang asked carefully, "Dr. Sun, does this analgesic needle have side effects?"

Dr. Sun Wenming said, "it's OK. It's not good to have too many painkillers, but you can't help it, can you?"

Wang Qiang said bitterly, "Hey, I blame myself for being careless, hey!"

Ding zhaotian secretly worked his aura to relieve Wang Qiang's pain.

Wang Qiang said strangely, "eh, this pain relief needle is really effective. It won't hurt immediately after playing it!"

Dr. Sun said strangely, "not so fast?"

Both felt inexplicable!

Fortunately, Xiao Wu changed the subject and said, "when shall we go into the water? The one headed abalone is waving!"

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