Chapter 561

Because everyone is not leaving, stay here for a month!

Therefore, Mr. Yuangu plans to make a special event for Lao Ding.

Ding zhaotian said, "do they, xibanguo audience know me?"

He paused and said, "isn't this nonsense?"

Everybody laugh.

Mr. Yuangu said respectfully, "it's not nonsense. I investigated that the fishery here is quite developed. I also bought some of your fishing from your company, including the fragments of fighting sour squid! They can be combined! Don't worry, I'll show you when the film comes out."

This has impressed Ding zhaotian.

As a result, seven days later, Ding zhaotian watched the sample film and was stunned.

I made myself and the big guy powerful.

Three days later, the promotional film was broadcast on television stations in Xiban and Portugal.

It caused a sensation all over Western Europe!

Even to the whole of Europe.

During this period of time, during the free time of editing, Ding zhaotian and everyone went to the grape country for a tour.

The local wine is really delicious.

The fat man smiled and said, "this wine is extraordinary!"

A Niu didn't talk much. At this time, he said, "didn't you say that the grape country certainly doesn't produce wine?"

Everyone laughed!

On the second day of the broadcast of the promotional film, at this time, manager Zhao of the live broadcast website gave Ding zhaotian a message, saying: "in view of your good response in Europe, I gave you a big recommendation from the world! It lasted for 3 days!"

Ding zhaotian expressed his thanks.

But in fact, there is nothing to broadcast. They are eating and wandering.

In fact, Ding zhaotian's understanding of local history and scenic spots is very shallow.

However, in terms of food, it can be said that the food is very comprehensive.

Including all kinds of local different brands of wine, drink to meet!

Especially fat people, pour wine into their mouth.

Ding zhaotian looked at it and couldn't help laughing: "can you smash it like this?"

The fat man said, "cool! I just want to be cool!"

Everyone laughed!


In a twinkling of an eye, there are 8 days left, which is the auction day!

During this period, the media reported many times and spread all over the world.

However, the auction company is indeed a big company, not just Ding zhaotian.

Great business expansion.

They are going to put the gold pearl together with other items at an auction. Ding zhaotian's gold pearl will be the finale!

Of course, this must be approved by Ding zhaotian!

Ding zhaotian also agreed, but unexpectedly, so many people will come to the auction.

Now is the Internet age, we should book tickets online.

Not everyone can come in.

As a result, more than 200 people booked tickets!

How much is the ticket? Ding zhaotian didn't go to see it. Later, he learned that the admission ticket this time is 10000 US dollars.


Surprised Ding zhaotian!

I thought, if I come to see a pearl and other treasures, it will cost more than 60000 yuan. Isn't this nonsense?

But someone really came. On the penultimate day, the number exceeded 400!

On the day before the bidding, the nearby high-end hotel was full of people.

Many come to bid.

Of course, there are also some media reporters!

There is also a charge to enter the reporter channel.

At this time, Cole talked about his feelings.

Because the fat man is also muttering, saying, is this ticket too expensive? What do Europeans think, yunyun!

Cole said to the fat man, "people in Europe pay more and more attention to efficiency and practical interests. They know how to measure things by money!"

The fat man said, "can you explain the white point? By the way, what about the United States?"

Cole smiled, "I'll tell you how I feel!"

The barrage audience listened quietly, because Qu Fanfan aimed at Mr. Cole with his mobile phone lens!

Cole and Jeff next to him are old friends of Ding zhaotian!

Cole glanced at Jeff and said, "on the American side, there are three things that are most precious. You can be domineering if you have one of the three. No, you can't use this word, but you can live in the present and enjoy life!"

The fat man said, "three kinds?"

Cole nodded.

Little five said, "I think the same is enough. It's money!"

Cole nodded, thumbed up and said, "this is the most important thing. There are two other things, guess!"

At this time, Ding zhaotian was also interested and said, "fame and wealth, right? It should be fame and wealth, that is, fame and money!"

Cole nodded and said, "what about the third?"

We don't know!

being at a loss what to do!

Ding zhaotian said with a smile, "you'd better reveal the answer!"

Cole said, "it's youth! Why do I say that?"

Pause and make a gesture, say: "On the American side, first of all, we accept the natural process of a person growing up and aging from childhood. However, it should be noted that you are young and energetic. Of course, it includes a healthy body, so you can be proud. You can squander your youth! Everyone envies you. You can have no money, it's okay, because you're young! But when you're old, you have to have money, And fame! If you are an elegant doctor or a great philosopher, then you will naturally be respected when you have a name! "

Everybody nod!

"For example, some great writers are very famous and respected in the United States. However, if you don't have any fame, you can be an invisible rich man, above the middle class, with a rich life, and people won't look down on you! If you don't have both, you'd better be young. As the saying goes, Feng Shui turns around!"

After a pause, he said, "since Feng Shui turns around in turn, when you are young, you have enough capital. People won't look down on a 20-year-old energetic young man!"

Ding zhaotian said: "I understand that youth, money and fame must be one of the three, so we can enjoy life. If there is none, we can only say that living is better than dying!"

Cole thumbed up and nodded in agreement!

At this time, the fat man also understood and said, "I had nothing. If it weren't for Lao Ding, I, I, I would have lived in vain!"

Little five said, "if you have both fame and wealth and are still young?"

Everyone laughed and said, "well, no, isn't it the pride of the world?"

Little five nodded, and fat man and Ding zhaotian nodded too!

The fat man said, "in fact, human nature is interlinked. Lao Ding, you are young, famous and rich now. You are the pride of heaven, Lao Ding!"

After a pause, he made a funny expression and said, "I fucking found it, ha ha!"

Everyone laughed!

Qu Fanfan said, "isn't it!"

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