Chapter 625

The barrage is still roast!

But, brush the screen for a while, about 10 minutes, and gradually less!


Time flies, 10 days have passed in the twinkling of an eye!

It's June in the Gregorian calendar.

Dingzhaotian discusses with lidongyi and decides to change places!

Summer is coming. Fish for a quarter in the Hokkaido fishing ground, east of the Pacific Ocean.

This is a good choice.

Herring is one of the main economic fish here!

The fishing ground to the east of Hokkaido is also one of the largest fishing grounds in the world.

Almost first.

Some fishing grounds are actually abandoned.

Because of overfishing, it is not surprising that large fishing grounds have gradually become small ones.

The fishing ground east of Hokkaido is still very strong.

The output is huge, including sardine, saury, herring, some yellow croaker, and some salmon!

Salmon is actually a large category, including many.

This time, I happened to have the best time to catch herring!

The follow-up of the strange fish continues!

Someone secretly transported tenthousand four legged strange fish out to the oriental country, causing an uproar.

It was also told by the media that Ding zhaotian knew about it.

When the media asked dingzhaotian for his opinions, dingzhaotian was stunned.

The fat man next to him said, "look at the fart. What does this have to do with us?"

The reporter said: "this strange fish, four legged strange fish, was first caught by Mr. dingzhaotian. It was the product of your fleet, wasn't it?"

The fat man was speechless for a moment.

Dingzhaotian said: "let things go as they are. I sold it, and it has nothing to do with me. I can't change the status quo now, because it's obvious that everyone can see that fish doesn't belong to me anymore. It's impossible for me to take it back or destroy it, right?"

What dingzhaotian said was reasonable, so the other reporter had to give up.

It seems that the reason why the strange fish spread to the oriental country is that the tycoons of a consortium in the oriental country have heard that this kind of strange fish has a history of hundreds of millions of years and want to eat it to prolong life!

As for whether it really works, Ding zhaotian doesn't know!

Dingzhaotian couldn't feel anything himself.

The fat man couldn't feel anything. The reporter hung up the phone, and the fat man muttered: "what is this and what is this? Really!"

Dingzhaotian said, "it's OK. Let it be."

After dingzhaotian's fleet set out, it began to catch herring in mid June!

Whether it's sardine or herring, the crowds are shocking!

Dingzhaotian also knows that there is a cold current here, called Thousand Island cold current!

The cold current of Qiandao meets the warm current from a certain place to the south, forming a place rich in food, which is the fishing ground.

In this food rich place, there are also many plankton. Naturally, plankton is the food of fish, so a perfect food chain has been formed. Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat small plankton, so it has been formed!

How amazing is it?

For example, sardine, in groups, move in such a sea bottom from 200 meters to 150 meters, pile by pile, and you can often see a pile of 40000 sardine!

What is this concept?

A fish is about 30cm long, and the fat one is about a kilo and a half.

One and a half kilos, 40000 pieces?

It's 60000 Jin of fish!

Under this net

It can be seen how high the harvest is.

One net is 60000 Jin of sardine.

However, there is also a problem. Ordinary double towing fishing boats can't hold up at all!

At this time, the benefits and advantages of Ding zhaotian's large fishing ground have been shown.

Dingzhaotian experienced a bumper harvest. By August, he had made a net profit of 500million!

With a net profit of 500 million yuan, Ding zhaotian immediately contacted the shipbuilding company again!

Buy a boat!

This time, however, it was coordinated.

Dingzhaotian's own ship is called happy.

Other ships are No. 1 to No. 8, and then Lao Zhao's fish boat. They are also responsible for refueling dingzhaotian's boat!

Diesel and heavy oil.

Because dingzhaotian cooperates with Mr. Zhao, he doesn't need to do any special fishing boat.

So three ships were booked.

Preferential prices, one is 700million, a total of 2.1 billion!

The partner is John shipyard. Old friends.

But this time it was surprisingly smooth, because the other side had ready-made ships!

This ship is a large ship with purse seine technology and is highly professional.

Dingzhaotian needs three new captains.

So he was transferred from lidongyi and promoted to captain.

One of them, qianhaijie, attracted dingzhaotian's attention!

This man was promoted by lidongyi. In addition to fishing, he added fuel to learn knowledge. Lidongyi also gave him three books, all about the hull structure and the knowledge of seine technology. He was crazy about learning. He spent more than three hours a day studying and never did useless work.

Never do dramas or anything.

Others watch TV dramas and play mobile games. He studies and practices hard there!

Lidongyi was very moved when he saw it. This time it was an opportunity for promotion. Dingzhaotian ordered three more ships, so he decided to promote him to be the captain of ship 11!

All of a sudden, it was a leap to the sky.

Qianhaijie is only 25 years old. He is poor but ambitious.

Human poverty refers to the environment and family situation of birth. He was from Jiangnan City, but his parents were laid off together, as early as when he was 8 years old.

Thus, a situation of working early to support the family was formed.

I've worked out for a long time. In my last year of high school, I left school to work before graduation.

Later, I worked as a fisherman in the coastal waters for 3 and a half years. During this period, I got my driving license, but I spent 120000 yuan to cure my mother.

This is a heavy burden for families.

So he went out and worked as a seaman and fisherman on ocean going ships for a year.

With this experience, he was introduced to dingzhaotian's company. Fleet here.

Lidongyi was very concerned about this man. He recommended him three times to Lao Ding.

At this time, in September, we were faced with the problem of sending people to Europe to bring the ship back.

Midway through the Asian African border, then into the Indian Ocean, and then back.

This involves a pirate problem, and dingzhaotian is not very reassured.

Then he said, "I'll go, fat man. Come with me."

Fat man listens to orders.

Then dingzhaotian instructed lidongyi and qianhaijie to follow him.

Little five and Gu Dali followed, followed by several other young men.

There are 30 people in all.

10 people per boat!

Drive from northern Europe, across Britain, then around, from South Asia, and then to the Yellow Sea city

The whole time, you can have a look at the scenery.

Dingzhaotian has made such a decision.

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