Chapter 647

Guzixuan said with a smile, "it's up to you. I won't stop you!"


So it was decided. Ding zhaotian did not hesitate, but went to Australia. In addition, the hull itself was slightly damaged. He needed to contact the shipyard in Australia for repair!

This is not a big deal!

Dingzhaotian held a meeting, video conference!

Explained the situation and said that they would go on a honeymoon tour.

Congratulations in an uproar!

Lidongyi is dingzhaotian's right-hand man, commanding 11 ships to help dingzhaotian's company make money.

Dingzhaotian gave lidongyi the biggest and most red envelopes!

It is for this reason that lidongyi jokingly said, "I want to make a red envelope to congratulate you!"

Dingzhaotian said, "no one in our company needs to give me a red envelope. No, I have to pay back my year-end bonus. It's so troublesome. Come and go!"

Everyone laughed!

From the Pacific, go straight to Australia!

The barrage is asking where we are today!

In fact, dingzhaotian's ship left South Asia. Now, there are two ways to go. One is East, the other is south, passing through Solomon Islands, and then going to Australia to find Australian abalone!

The other way is to go straight to the eastern empire.

The eastern empire is an island country, located south of the Indonesian archipelago!

Sea distance, not very far!

Papua and Solomon Islands are the two largest islands in northern Australia!

However, dingzhaotian thought it over and decided to go around!

From the East Timor islands to the south.

It's rainy season here. The ocean climate and rainy rain forest climate are not very pleasant.

There is a complete set of temperature control system in the cabin, which is not bad!

The deck is wet and hot!

The fat man said, "it's a hot day. Let's have a rest for a few days. I'll take a sea bath and get some prawns!"

Guzixuan said, "I agree with you. Take a rest and take a bath. We have been running for several days!"

Dingzhaotian thought for a while and said, "it's better to find a place where there are many reefs and go down to touch the prawns!"

The fat man nodded, recalled that year, and said: "that pair of splendid lobsters, ha ha!"

Dingzhaotian also remembered many past events!

In a daze on the ship.

The world is drizzling. In fact, during this period of time, the drizzle doesn't stop!

Bullet screen audience, I heard that Lao Ding is getting married. They all come to congratulate him. There are many gifts! Fish balls and shark fin constantly!

And Pete, it's a big gift!

Peter, the big boss of the seafood chain, directly brushed 1million dollars in cash and rewarded him!

Both at home and abroad, he was rewarded on overseas channels, and directly rewarded us dollars!

Cause an uproar!

And dingzhaotian also expressed his gratitude after learning about it!

Instead, Peter is very generous and asks laoding for dinner. He said he would have a wedding.

Dingzhaotian thought about it and thought that it seemed unreasonable for so many friends to be here without a drink at all.

Ask guzixuan. Gu Zixuan completely listens to dingzhaotian, but she makes a suggestion.

Said, "didn't our shipyard in Australia agree to repair the ship?"

Dingzhaotian said, "yes!"

Guzixuan said, "during the ship repair period, we can have a simple banquet in an Australian hotel, just three or five tables!"

Dingzhaotian was puzzled and said, "what about your father's banquet in Australia?"

Guzixuan said, "my father won't care. It's OK!"

At this time, when the ship arrived near the East Timor islands, there was a small island. The wind was strong. Ding zhaotian decided to stop for a few days!

As soon as the wind blows, the sea water churns. In fact, it is conducive to the upper surface of plankton!

Dingzhaotian said, "just stop here!"

The wind is strong, and the wind is howling outside!

Dingzhaotian found a shelter in a corner, but the problem came. The draft was not low. The 100m ship happy could not fully enter the corner!

Below, you will encounter a reef!

What shall I do?

Dingzhaotian thought for a way and said, "that's it. The ship can't be broken!"

Everyone said to the barrage, "old Ding, take precautions!"

"You are too dangerous. It doesn't mean you are dangerous, it means the hull of the ship is dangerous!"

"Think about it. If your boat breaks down, you won't be able to get out of this desert island?"

"Old Ding is gone!"

Everyone is talking about it!

And dingzhaotian said, "I guess it should be all right. The strong wind, well, maybe it will stop in twoorthree days!"

But dingzhaotian was totally wrong this time!

The gale on this island lasted until the afternoon of the third day, and there was no stopping trend!

The barrage of bullets was noisy!

Fat man, zhaodingbang, qufanfan, Jeff, Cole and others are all fishing for splendid prawns, green crabs and various shellfish!

The harvest is very rich!

However, as soon as they come out of the water, they feel uncomfortable because the wind is too strong!

There is a force 9 gale!

The wind was so strong that it never stopped. In this way, dingzhaotian and his party were trapped near the island!

About two-thirds of the hull has entered the wind shelter!

In other words, two-thirds of the hull was blocked by a sudden high rock.

Then there will be no wind. Blocked!

The other third was blown by a force 9 and force 10 wind!

It's amazing.

Dingzhaotian did not intend to move away, but let the hull get stuck by the rocks below!

This is equivalent to being fixed by a pair of pliers!

Dingzhaotian and pangzi think there is no risk!

As for what we eat these days, everyone eats a lot. They are all good things!

First of all, abalone, this place is not a high place of origin for abalone, but there are also scattered assorted abalones!

As we all know, there are many kinds of abalone in the world. However, in fact, the assorted abalone is one of the best in the world. It is big and fat!

From the perspective of nutrition, it also has great advantages!

At noon today, Ding zhaotian ate rice with abalone juice and some scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

It tastes good. Ding zhaotian ate two more bowls!

Zhaodingbang's craft is very good, and Qu Fanfan also does it. Everyone talks about cooking. Dingzhaotian thinks that cooking is definitely a craft!

The barrage was approved by many and opposed by a few!

Dingzhaotian was very strange and said, "why isn't cooking a craft?"

And said: "life is alive, eat and drink, isn't it? What else to pursue?"

The barrage said, "you are wrong. Shouldn't you want to do something bigger?"

"Lao Ding is wrong. A while ago, you still wanted to do big business!"

"Yes, it's to expand the business territory!"

Dingzhaotian said, "I have not changed. There is no conflict between expanding my career and eating and drinking enough."

Everyone said, "yes!"

But an individual said, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Dingzhaotian said, "well, I think I can do both!"

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