Chapter 3195

"Now they should all be in, right? Should we go back? " The East flies white to ask a way.

"Well, I can't sense them now. They should have gone in all of them!" Cheng Yu said.

"What are we waiting for? If we are too far away from them, it's hard to know what happened in front of us." The heart sea urgently says.

"Don't worry, there are so many of them, and they don't know about it. In that passage, their speed can't be too fast. We have enough time to keep up with them!" Cheng Yu didn't care that much.

Even if they want to let those people do for the dead, they can't get too close to those people, they still have to keep a certain distance, otherwise it's too unsafe.

Once those monsters are crazy, no one can stop them.

Although they took the initiative to leave, the distance was not far. A group of people soon returned to the entrance of the cave.

There is no guard outside the cave. It seems that all of them have entered together.

"They really don't worry. If they don't have a guard, aren't they afraid that someone will fire a cold gun behind them?" Xinluo said with a smile.

"Maybe they don't want us to find out. If they leave a guard here, we'll know someone has gone in." Chen Hongyuan said.

"Ha ha, these people are very popular. How can they know that we are just waiting for them to enter? Or would they think that such a large treasure house would be given to them for nothing? " Xinhai said with a smile.

"No matter how much, since there is no one to guard, it's even more difficult for us to expose. It's easier. Let's go in!" Cheng Yu was the first to enter the cave again.

Although he had gone in once, his heart was still very nervous. He knew that although there were strange animals in it, they were not here. He was still worried.

After a group of them walked inside for a while, they found that all the guys in front of them had stopped.

"They should be at the fork now!" Cheng Yu said.

With so many people coming in, there are six ways at once. They must have discussed them.

"Younger martial brother Yu, there are so many of them. In this place, they will be divided into different teams and enter different channels. What shall we do? Should we follow them separately? " Heart sea suddenly thought of a problem.

It's true that they let these people act as a shield, but if they also act separately, the number will be too small.

Moreover, if they are separated from Cheng Yu, even if they find a suitable mobile phone meeting, they don't have that ability.

"Brother Cheng, I don't think we can act separately!" Chen Hongyuan said.

Although they really want to get the treasure in each channel, the situation is obvious now. Among them, except for Cheng Yu, no one else could stop the people in front of them.

Even if they are divided into six teams, because they have been to one, they will be divided into at least five teams.

But there are few of them. If they are divided into five teams, there will be no one.

Their goal is to make these people substitute for the dead. If Cheng Yu's heavenly tree is effective, or there is some other turning point, they will have a chance to accept the strange animals and get the treasure inside.

But if they are divided into five teams, even if there is a good time ahead, can they turn the tide?

When the beast comes out, they can only run. It's meaningless to follow those people.

"Yes, younger martial brother Yu, if we are separated, even if we have a chance to accept those beasts, we can't do it. I think we should choose a channel to go in. Although we can only get the treasure of one channel at most, it's better than nothing, and it may even cost our lives! " The heart river also proposes the road.

"Well, you're all right. We're really not suitable to be separated now. Although I can let the white bone soldiers follow other people, they will not be the opponents of those beasts, so it doesn't make much sense.

In this case, let's choose a channel to follow. Even if you can only subdue a strange beast and get the treasure of one channel, it's better than nothing Cheng Yu nodded and said.

As they thought, even if they were killed by Cheng Yu, there were still 12000 people, so many people could not all go to the same passage.

It was divided into six teams, each with several hundred people.

However, they have a team that is doomed to fail. Because everything in the middle passage has already been taken away by Cheng Yu.

But then again, although this group of people did not get the treasure, they were the luckiest among them.

It is precisely because there is nothing inside, even the danger does not exist, they can not get anything, but they will not lose their most precious lives.And the other teams, it's not that simple.

Especially a group of people who are followed by Cheng Yu, they can't come back alive.

If they want to return, Cheng Yu won't give them the chance. Therefore, they will definitely meet a strange beast, and there is only one result, which is to become Cheng Yu's shield and substitute for the dead.

What about the other four teams? I don't know if they can survive, but Cheng Yu follows them. If they are in danger, at least there is a way out.

It's just that not all people can retreat safely when they are in danger. It also requires ability and luck.

So, after these two thousand people are divided into six teams, their next fate is destined to change dramatically.

"But younger martial brother Yu, which channel are we going to enter now?" When the men split into six aisles, they followed.

It's just that they don't know which of the remaining five channels they should enter!

"Except for the one we went in before, one of the remaining five should have no five elements. It's just that my white bone soldiers didn't bring back any useful information to me before. They won't continue after they have reached a certain level, so I can't judge which channel is safer now. It seems that we can only rely on guessing this time! " Cheng Yu also worried when he looked at the remaining five channels.

The middle road will definitely not be chosen again, but of the remaining five roads, only one may be safer or more dangerous than the other four, which is not sure.

"Let's take a chance. No matter which road we take, there are a group of shields in front of us. If the situation is too dangerous, let's just go back!" The East flies white to open mouth to say!