Chapter 4106

Although Wei Qian and Luo Keya often fight against each other, they never put their personal emotions into it at the moment of life and death in the outer court.

At ordinary times, it doesn't matter whether one's own people get in touch with each other. But when there are foreign enemies, we should be consistent with them!

At this time, everyone is trapped in the array. When Wei qianrou hears rokeya's voice, she feels extremely friendly.

At this moment, she even felt that this was the voice of her relatives, which made people feel relieved.

Just let her panic is, although rokeya's voice is in the ear, but she how also did not find each other's figure.

"Sister Keya, can you see me?" Wei qianrou hears that Luo Keya is calling her and returns to her in a loud voice.

"No! But I hear your voice right by my side! " Rocoya said.

"I can hear you too, but I just can't find where you are?" At this time, the voice of Gao Ruyuan also came into their ears.

"What the hell is going on?" Hearing Gao Ruyuan's voice, Wei qianrou's heart relaxed a lot and felt that everyone was actually around.

But the only drawback is that we can't see each other, which makes people a little worried.

"It's the reason for this array. Although we can hear our own voices now, we may not be able to meet for the moment!" The voice of the elder suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

"Elder, are you all right?" Wei qianrou surprised.

"We're OK for the moment, but this array is not simple. We should be careful. This is definitely not the only one, otherwise that boy would not have made such a heavy bet with us! " The second elder Zhuang min also said.

"How are we going to get out now?" Wei qianrou asked.

This array is full of fog. They can't even see the place a few meters away, and they don't know which place is the exit!

"In fact, it's very easy for you to go out. As long as you are willing to be loyal to me, I can let you out now." At this time, Cheng Yu's voice rang in the ears of the seven people, but it startled the seven people in the array.

"Are you also in this array?" Gao Ruyuan was surprised.

"Of course not. I set up this array myself, so I left a soul power in it. If you want to give up now, you can still come.

By the way, I remind you that this array has not attacked you yet. Once the attack starts, my soul power will disappear.

At that time, even if I can control this array, it may not be so timely to save your lives. Whether you live or die depends on your own efforts! " Cheng Yu kindly reminded.

"Well! If we want to be loyal to you, don't daydream! " Wei Chenfei cheered.

"You don't have to scare us. Since we dare to break into this array, we won't be afraid of your tricks. If you have anything, just come here and see if we are afraid of you!" Gao Ruyuan also refuted.

"In that case, good luck and hope you all live!" Cheng Yu left a last word.

"Are you still there?" Rocoya asked again tentatively.

"..." but the array was very quiet, and Cheng Yu's voice did not ring again.

"He has just said that he left a trace of soul power in the array before, but now it should be exhausted." After waiting for a while, they never heard Cheng Yu's voice again. The elder said.

"Elder, is what this guy said true or false? Is there any powerful attack in this array?" Wei qianrou asked with some worry.

"It's hard to say, but we don't encounter any danger except that we can't see each other now, so we must be on guard and be ready to deal with danger at any time." Said the elder.

"Listen to this guy, this array may make several of us die. Although we don't know whether this is true or not, we have to guard against it. If it's true, we'll be in danger. " Wei said.

Although he despised Cheng Yu from top to bottom, he didn't believe what he said.

But he didn't believe that this guy made such a show just to scare him, so what he said might be true, not totally unbelievable.

"Elder, why don't we send out a signal now and let the seven prefectures fight." Said Gao Ruyuan.

"How can it be? What's the point of coming in if we signal war like this? " The elder shook his head and refused.

"That is, if the war starts now, why should we run into the array? Isn't that a trap?

Maybe he just scared us, this array may not be so terrible, maybe we can get through it.

If we can successfully escape from this array, we won't have to agree to his three conditions. " Wu Li also objected.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I mean pretending to go to war, not really going to war!" Gao Ruyuan said again.

"Pretend to go to war? How to pretend? " All of them were puzzled.

"Keep your voice down. The guy just said he could control the array. I'm not sure if he could see our situation or hear our voice." Gao Ruyuan reminds a way.

"Tell me about the plan!" Wu Li's voice is really much smaller, but everyone can hear it.

"Just because he can control this array, it means that this array will change all the time because of his control. Maybe he is the one who can't see us now." Said Gao Ruyuan.

"What can we do?"

"If that's the case, it will be difficult for us to break through now. So we must try to divert their attention.

We can send out a signal now to let the seven prefectures attack Gaofu, and those people will certainly be distracted by the seven prefectures.

We can take advantage of this guy's unwillingness to control the array. This time is definitely the weakest time of the array. When we attack together, we can easily break the array. " Gao Ruyuan explained.

"Is that true? But just now that guy said that once this array attacks, it will be very dangerous. Even he may not have time to save us.

If we use the seven mansion army to pretend to fight and distract his attention, if we are really in danger, won't he even have no chance to save us? " Wei qianrou said.

"You really believe him! I don't believe this array can be so powerful. If he says this array can trap us, maybe he still believes it. But is it so easy to kill us?

Besides, if we were dead, wouldn't it be better for him to come out and save us? " Gao Ruyuan said with disdain.