Chapter 4597

Cheng Yu can tell them that his ability comes from magic weapon, but he will never tell him which magic weapon his ability comes from, let alone the specific situation of his ability. Otherwise, where else do you have secrets?

Besides, it's not a good thing to expose too many secrets.

Now, although they know that this is only a magic power, as long as he does not speak, they will never understand what kind of power this power is.

"Young master, since we all know that they are more than ten miles ahead, why don't we catch them up and take them down?

Although this distance is not far, if the entrance of tianyuewaichao is ahead, and they suddenly open it, it will be very difficult for us to catch up. " Elder Xu said.

"Yes, young master, elder Xu has a point. If they open the entrance to Tianyue waichao on the spot, no matter how fast it is, we can't remember the first domain name of this book: . Reading website: M