Chapter 1290

She comforted him, and suddenly there was a feeling that King Zhou of the ancient Shang Dynasty had spoiled Daji.

Not to mention, this feeling is quite novel.

But also excited, she will finally embark on this peak of life and win a happy life!

"Cough, we are about to record the program. Let's go."

The program is about to be recorded.

But the bigger the goal, the more down-to-earth it needs to be.

She is the one who runs an entertainment company. At first glance, it is the name of green tea!

But it doesn't matter if you use a pseudonym. Most people don't use more than three pseudonyms, and most people don't bother to change one name for each article. Some smart fans immediately searched all the articles written by Qingliu spring, and finally found clues.

Because every article is written differently, some clues will be revealed when it is written more, and a few lines of words obviously contain some subjective emotions.

"Tang Qingge just got to the top with these relationships. She has nothing to be conceited about. Without these relationships, I don't believe she can go on in this circle! This circle is so dark that no one can get away from it. How about trying harder than others? In the end, it's better to go to sleep with the director. Oh... "

Tang Qingge, "..."

Why is this style of speaking so like a person she knows?

Some fans also said, "Qingge baby, look at the post bar. The Qingliu spring on the post bar has also written an article to discredit you."

The Internet is a big database. As long as you leave traces on the Internet, there is nothing you can't find.

Tang Qingge immediately went to the post bar website pushed by her fans. Sure enough, she found a black article on it, saying that her private life was chaotic, she colluded with the director, and she also had a variety of black materials for cosmetic surgery.