Chapter 254: He Wei is unlucky

  Chapter 254 He Wei is unlucky

After hearing what He Wei said, Wu Yue directly lit the wax for her in her heart. She threatened Li Ergou, and Li Ergou was already furious, but He Wei even learned to hit the muzzle of a gun.

As Wu Yue thought, He Wei's words successfully aroused Li Ergou's anger.

Li Ergou rushed over and slapped He Wei, and then greeted He Wei, "I will die when you die." How dare you threaten him?

After Li Ergou slapped her, he grabbed He Wei's hair and dragged her into the woods.

He Wei screamed in fright, his voice was particularly strange in this silent night.

"Shut up, if you dare to yell again, I will strangle you to death."

After Li Ergou roared, He Wei's screams also stopped.

Not long after, He Wei's whimpering and Li Ergou's rough panting began to be heard in the woods.

In this dark night, the chirping of insects and birds is especially clear.

Wu Yue tried her best to ignore the magic sounds coming from the woods.

About an hour later, Li Ergou came out of the woods with his trousers in his hands, and said to Liu Shanwa who was standing by the car door, "Go vent your anger, too."

Shanwa nodded and went into the woods.

Not long after, He Wei whimpered again from the woods. It was obviously more painful than before, but Li Shanwa didn't make any sound at all, but in the woods, there would be a "slapping" sound of spanking from time to time.

Li Ergou seemed to be enjoying the sound. He turned on the kettle and drank a few mouthfuls of water, then lit a cigarette and leaned leisurely on the car seat, with his feet on the steering wheel, very comfortable.

Wu Yue didn't know how long it had passed. When she was in a daze and was about to fall asleep, He Wei came back. It was dark and Wu Yue couldn't see the expression on her face clearly. She just felt that she was touching her leg, Shaking, she got into the car for a while, Liu Shanwa tied her up, but didn't gag her mouth.

No one spoke in the car, and Wu Yue fell asleep not long after.

And He Wei slowly opened his eyes after hearing Wu Yue's even breathing, and looked at Wu Yue with resentment in his eyes. Originally, Li Ergou was clearly interested in Wu Yue, but in the end she became the scapegoat. Lamb, how could she not hate him?

The next day, when it was daylight, Li Ergou started to set off. Wu Yue woke up the moment the car started. When she looked at He Wei, her body froze.

It turned out to be He Wei?

Yesterday, He Wei's mouth was stuffed with a cloth ball all the time, her face was swollen, and her facial features were squeezed and deformed. After a night, the swollen parts of her face disappeared a lot, so Wu Yue recognized her.

Wu Yue moved her eyes down, and saw that two buttons of He Wei's clothes were missing, and a large piece of her chest was exposed, and the clothes inside were gone. Wu Yue slowly looked away and didn't look at He Wei again.

She is almost a stranger like He Wei, and now she is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and there is no way to sympathize with her.

Li Ergou drove like this for four days. Because of being in the car every day, Wu Yue's calf began to swell, and her whole body was sore.

During these four days, every night, Li Ergou and Li Shanwa would take He Wei out just like that night. The only difference was that He Wei stopped crying, as if he had accepted the reality. On the remote road, Li Ergou didn't gag He Wei either.

In the hot summer, several people didn't take a bath for several days, and the smell on their bodies was very unpleasant, especially the smell on He Wei, which was stenchy.

Tonight, the leader of the food shop, old drivers remember to come and watch! In order to meet the welfare of the old drivers, Piao Piao walked up.

(end of this chapter)