Volume 2 - CH 298

Chapter 7-18. Lize’s Firepower

“Ah, I can see now.”

“A-ha ha ha …… sorry ……”

It seems that Alena’s eyes finally became able to see.

I thought she’s just being an ass there, but let’s keep it to myself. 

(T/N: He really diss Lize here, technically what I did is far more softer than the literal TL)

For now, the dead Vadids are lowered to the ground in water and solidified there.

That way I can eat them later!

[You’re new to battle, aren’t you?]

“Err, yeah ……. Since I’ve been next to Meryl the whole time, that’s why …….”

[So you’re totally capable of escorting her?]

“My skills are mostly ranged attacks, so I’m not really suited for …… protecting ……. Oh, but of course I have skills for singular attacks!”

[Since it’s already a pain in the ass, could you tell me what your skills are ……?]

“Y-you are right ……”

So I asked Lize to tell me her skills.

Now that this guy has achieved her final evolution, I was curious to see what her status was.

Lize checked her skills once and then told me and Alena her status.


Name: Lize

Race : Thunder Leopard

LⅤ : 300/300

HP : 656/656

MP :1435/1435

Attack Power : 546

Defensive Strength:879

Magic Power :789

Agility :3278

-Special Skills-

Voice of the Land, Hunting Instinct, Words of the Past

-Special Skills-

Voice of the Land, Hunting Instinct, Words of the Past


Attack : 【Thunder Cannon】【Thunder Claw】【Ice Claw】【Tiger Slash】【Thunder Roar Jaw/Bite】【Strong Flash Fist】

Magic: 【Ice Bullet】【Ice Manipulation】【Lightning Firefly】【Thunder Wave】【Thunder Pistol】【Static Electricity】【Thunder Blast】

Defense: 【Ice Barrier】【Ice Armor】

Recovery: 【Great Heal】

Trap: 【Thunder Snare】【Stop】

Unique: 【Absolute Zero】

Auto: 【Thunder Cloak】【Triple Slash】

Myth: 【Pale Thunder Hail】



…… you’re fast, aren’t you?

But I wonder, I guess she’s just fast, but I don’t see any statuses that she’s notably better at. ……

I think I’m ahead of you, buddy.

Well, you’re ten times more agile than I am. ……

I don’t know about the hunting instinct, but it’s a special skill.

There are all sorts of other skills I don’t know about, but the fact that she doesn’t have a single resistance is …….

…… Well, I guess I wouldn’t be in such danger if I spent all my time around the house. ……

She’s been spending a lot of time in the comfort zone, hasn’t she?

I mean, Lize has a mythical skill.. 

Houen and I have it too, but I haven’t seen Reizen’s yet.

I’ll ask him when he wakes up.

“The thing is. Only Ice Claw, Thunder Pistol, Ice Bullet, and Raiden Hotaru(Lightning Firefly) can do a single attack.

[Too few.]

“It depends on how they’re used, the others can be used as single attacks, too!”

Even if so, four is too little.

Depending on how I use it, there are things that can be single-target attacks, but… Lize’s skill doesn’t seem to work that way.

Originally, I would like to check them one by one, but now we are in the middle of a battle in the cave.

We shouldn’t spend too much time on it.

First, we have to deal with the Vadids in this cave.

But if they have many range attacks, then we might as well let Lize take care of them at once here.

Or rather, I want her to try.

Because I’m curious to see how much firepower she has.

Both attack and magic power are lower than mine, but …….

[So, me and Alena will stay back, and let Lize try it on her own, okay? It’s going to be faster that way.]

“Eh, are you sure? It will really only take a second, okay?”

“You’re going to do it, Lize-san? I want to see Lize-san’s skills!”

Lize said so with confidence, as if she had considerable confidence in her skills.

I definitely want to see it if she says that much. 

Alena and I moved backward and set up a pneumatic barrier so that we wouldn’t be caught in the middle of the action.

This should be enough to repel the lightning.


Confirming that she is ready, Lize lightly rolls up her arms to create a ball of lightning in her hands.

“Is this okay?”

[Go on, we’ll be fine!]

“It’s okay~!”

This time, she called out to us once, paying attention not only to her own timing but also to ours.

I think it’s a good thing that she’s trying not to make the same mistake twice.

“Alright. [Thunderwave].”

She tossed the ball of lightning she had created in her hand onto the ground.

The ball of lightning descended slowly and spread out as soon as it touched the ground.

It ran along the walls, floor, and ceiling of the cave, heading deeper and deeper at the speed of a person running.

There was no damage on this side.

Apparently, it is possible to specify the direction in which the lightning flows.

The lightning, which runs like a wave, somehow moves deeper into the cave and is no longer visible, but at the same time, the sound of the Vadid’s cry is also no longer audible.

The Vadid that was touched by that lightning has ceased to breathe.

From the distance came the sound of thunder and the sound of something falling countless times.

“I wonder if this is the way it’s going to be.”

“Wow! Amazing! It only took a second!”

“Right~! It’s slow, but I thought it would work on the Vadid stuck on the ceiling. It’s actually a longer range attack with a longer duration.”

[A wide range sustained attack skill, huh ……. Why weren’t you there when it happened?]

“What time?”

If I had this, it might have made it easier for me and Houen and everyone else to finish the fight against the monsters we all worked so hard for. ……

I wish I’d met her sooner, …….

If only I had that skill of hers!

I wouldn’t have had to drink all those mana potions!

I don’t even remember how many bottles I drank, and if anything, the adventurers brought me a box of them!

Sigh… I guess there’s no point in saying something that has passed …….

But that skill is really useful for large-scale battles.

Though it doesn’t seem like it would work against flying enemies.

“Ouren, Ouren. Quick.”

[Hmm? Oh, right. I have to eat.]

Before that, I’ll start with the collecting prey.