Chapter 667: the **** we believe in

Isaac Barnes has something that doesn't understand the situation—

His magic eye is undoubtedly the highest level magic eye of the rainbow level!

Abilities are chaos!

The effect is the same as it has been shown in other people.

Fighting each other, even high-level magicians or dead disciples cannot resist.

The only ones who can barely maintain their willpower are those Servants, but even so, their combat power will be greatly attenuated.

If you want to keep calm and fight, your combat power will be halved, at least.

Especially in a situation like this—

A large amount of magic power gathered around him, and he didn't need to worry about anything at all. The chaotic magic eyes were constantly using them.

Before the life forms on this planet die, his magic power is unlimited!

But... this man—Yangyi and Mi didn't seem to be affected in the slightest—

This was originally impossible, even if he could block the effect of the magic eye... he couldn't stop the chaos he brought. What's so strange about that guy?


Liangyi and Mi didn't say much, D4C was attached to his arm, he clenched his fist hard and punched Isaac Barnes directly!

The power of the evil **** is useless to him!

He probably guessed the reason for this, it should be the effect of the scroll he put under his clothes.

Just in case, since he got this scroll, he hasn't let the painting from Katsushika Hokusai leave his hands for a moment.

Since this world can't stop it, then use other worlds!

Use the power of evil gods to fight against the power of evil gods—


The air is shaking!

Liangyi and Mi's expression changed slightly and they looked at Isaac Barnes who also stretched out his fist.

blocked! His full punch was blocked by this man?

"Even if the ability of the magic eye is useless to you, you are no longer my opponent!" Isaac Barnes laughed—

It wasn't his own strength that blocked Liangyi and Mi, his strength hadn't reached that level yet.

But—the magic power is released.

This ability was automatically learned when he possessed this infinite magic power!

Almost unlimited magic power is constantly released around him, strengthening everything about him!

Strength, speed—everything enhanced beyond compare—

"Go to hell—Liangyi!"

Isaac Barnes laughed wildly and swung his fist at Liangyi and Mi—magic power as propulsion, infinite power!

"Hoo..." Liangyi and Mi took a deep breath.

A golden light began to shine from the fist.


Chi Chi-!

The two collided again, but this time even though Isaac Barnes used the magic power to release, the power of Liangyi and Mi was still slightly stronger.

His current muscle strength is about B+, which is close to A+!

Normally it is B or A, but using Ripple means that his power will rise to another level again!

"Step aside-"

Hearing the voice behind them, Liangyi and Mi quickly backed away and shot arrows from behind—



Noble Phantasm Projection of the Fake Spiral Sword Heroic Spirit Emiya.

The powerful attack lifted the surrounding fog, but—the enemy is still unscathed!

"With this level of attack, how can it cause harm to me!" Isaac Barnes clenched his fist, and the magic power spread around to form a huge wave, forming countless wind blades.

It's not an attack, it's just that he simply consumed his infinite magic power.


No matter how much the next moment is consumed, it will be replenished again!

"Tsk, it still won't work?" Heroic Spirit Emiya gritted his teeth and said, in this case... maybe only the inherent barrier can be useful?

"Shoot—!" Oda Nobunaga shouted, and countless matchlock guns appeared behind him and shot at Isaac Barnes.


The bullet instantly penetrated Isaac Barnes' barrier, shooting him into a hornet's nest—

"Haha, sure enough, since it is an outer god, it is naturally divine—" Oda Nobunaga wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes and laughed loudly: "It seems that this will be the active field of my sixth-day demon king! Everyone see Come on, I, Oda Nobunaga's Three Thousand Worlds!"

bang bang bang—


As she said that, she only had time to release a piece of treasure and fell down.

Now she can't resist the magic eye of Isaac Barnes, it's not bad if she hasn't lost her mind...

"Shi, how are you?" Liang Yi and Mi took advantage of this time to jump in front of Liang Yi and asked.

"No...I'm fine." The two rituals who were also unaffected breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be the effect you gave me."

The two rituals pointed to their palms.

There, there is the "Buddha relic" that Liangyi and Mi buried in it a long time ago, snatched from Araya Zongren.

But... Is that thing playing a role in such a situation or the characteristics of the two rituals themselves...

Liangyi and Mi couldn't tell.

"That's right...that's good, be careful next time, I've already grasped a little bit of tricks, and then I'll kill him completely!"

"Kazumi, it's better for me to go." Ryoji held the treasure he got from Gilgamesh in his hand and said, "As long as my magic eye of death can really appear in this situation-it should can kill him!"

"No, this is too risky!"

"Then you take Avalon over there!"

"It doesn't work like this - that thing is to protect you!" Liangyi and Mi clenched their fists as they said, "Don't worry, I can't do anything about that guy. Look, I haven't been hurt at all until now. It's just crushing him unilaterally—"

at this time.

There are voices in the distance...

Is that... singing?

Not one, but several voices together—baptismal chant!

"The God we believe in measures the sky with the jaws of a tiger!"

The priests jumped over from behind the mud wall one by one, and rushed towards Isaac Barnes with the black keys in their hands!

Nearly ten priests chanted loudly, holding black keys in their hands, and walking around with some unusual aura.

The chaotic breath was terminated.

The sacred atmosphere covered the land.

Father Calabor, who had fallen into madness before, closed his eyes tightly, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, like blood and tears.

He shouted loudly: "The God we believe in——!"