Chapter 707: Servant,Rider

It worked!

Miha Kamada happily waved her fist vigorously in her heart, so that she could really stay by this knight's side.

In fact, what she said just now was just expressing the panic in her heart.

But...ah, there's no better way to say it.

"Follow my steps, I will tell you how to sign the contract, don't worry, you have the qualifications of Master, this is the 'fate'."

Gawain couldn't help but think of the Assassin he fought with during the day.

Is that what Assassin means...

Letting myself disappear doesn't look right no matter how you look at it, so...

Do you want to start a new battle after recovering your true heyday—?

So hold on, Assassin!

Next time, his sword won't be so blunt—

"However... don't reveal your own situation. Although people like you will not be 'evil', I can guarantee this, but others may not think so. The Master of the Holy Grail War this time is evil. ...Therefore, it is only natural that the evil people will focus on this year's Master."

"Well! I know... But, aren't you protecting me?"

"That's right, my sword will be wielded by you, but—now I am in a period of extreme weakness, and I want to recover...In the current situation of the Master, it may take more than a day, even if the contract is signed There is only one, and it cannot be used casually...Miss Miu, if you are still willing to become my Master after understanding these..."

"I do!"

"That's good." Gao Wen breathed a sigh of relief: "Since you, as a young girl, already have such an awareness, I can't say anything negative—find a suitable place and sign the contract."

Night is the time to fight in the Holy Grail War.


From the beginning of this Holy Grail War to the present, there was only one real battle, and it started at ten o'clock in the morning.

However, on this night, another Servant came to this world through summoning—

"It's really boring."

The pink-haired Servant sat on the chair made of his own Master and sighed slightly: "I thought the one who summoned me would be cute if not brave. Hmm, it would be better if it was both cute and brave. But why a guy like you?"


As she said that, she flicked the whip in her hand and hit her Master.

With one hand cut off, the man who covered his eyes and gagged his mouth trembled all over, and let out a couple of 'uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu', but he couldn't say anything soon.

Kneeling on the ground with both legs, they were supported by wooden boards so that they did not fall down.

The man is exhausted.

Unforeseen circumstances, unanticipated answers...

The Servant was summoned, but... there was no time for joy.

There is only one command spell in the Holy Grail War this time—

A very dangerous number, the existence of a Servant may turn against his Master at any time.

Especially in the current situation, the Masters of this Holy Grail War are all evil.

Leaving aside the treachery and evil, such a person can form such a crime, and naturally has its powerful side.

Whether it's strength or charisma...

Although he is evil, he is a capable person.

Although there are not a few people who hate this kind of people, but—there are people who have the same kind of darkness in their hearts and are attracted by it.

But—such a person does not exist in Fuyuki City.

At least on the surface it doesn't exist.

Now that they know that the Master of this Holy Grail War is selected from the 'evil', Ryiki and Mi will of course take action.

The truly capable 'evil' in this Fuyuki City has long been emptied.

The rest are people who have ideas in this regard but have no ability.

If you want ability, you don't have ability, if you want ideas, you don't have ideas.

The eccentricity is still black.

The Holy Grail War has already begun, and it is too late to select Masters all over the world, so the selection can only be carried out in Fuyuki City.

Just like what Kotomine Kirei said, the remaining Masters who have not appeared at this point in time, even if they are reluctantly selected by the Holy Grail, are nothing but rubbish.

That is a person whom neither good nor evil look down upon.

No good help to society, but no damage either

But—Servant doesn't care about that much.

Since it is possible to leave a name in history and become a famous heroic spirit in human history, naturally everyone's personality can be said to be unique.

He has his own eyes and his own thoughts.


This summoned Servant, after a little understanding, made such a judgment, 'ah, such a person is not qualified to be my Master at all. '

So, he cut off his hand and tied it up, but only as a supplier of magic power did he not let him die.

"You can be my mount and live for a while~ Well... I feel a tricky woman, it's not wrong! Although I haven't really met her yet, it must be that guy—soldiers must hurry up, everyone Blame you!"

The Servant kicked the Master under his feet: "You are so useless, it doesn't work at all! A man like you is not even qualified to ask me to put a collar on you."


"Okay, okay, let me investigate the few clothes you just have in the closet, and find that woman! Find the powerful man—now you have no combat power at all!"

As a Servant summoned with the rank of Rider, Maeve said dissatisfiedly: "You guys made with this waste Master are simply the weakest guys I've ever seen! Well...weak to such an extent, the sea of ​​​​people tactics are already gone. It doesn't make sense anymore!"


Scathach frowned slightly: "Why... I always feel that someone is talking about me? Well... it must be an illusion."

"What's wrong, Lancer?"

"No, nothing..."