Chapter 3984

Nobody doesn't like babies.

Even Chen Ping was the same. When he saw this thing, he couldn't move his eyes instantly.

"Let's go quickly, I guess someone will come over in a while, and if we encounter any danger by then, we won't be able to escape." The little ghost deliberately threatened Chen Ping.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that Chen Ping's strength was very strong, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

These people wanted to snatch things from Chen Ping's hands, that was simply a dream.

Chen Ping didn't say much, just turned around and left.

The place was not messed up by Chen Ping, and he even tidied up the place briefly when he left.

But at this time, a large group of people chased after him directly, and they kept searching here with very nervous expressions on their faces.

"What happened to the powerful treasure that I felt here before? Why can't I feel it now?" One of the men showed a very tangled expression on his face.

Everyone rushed over one after another, with some doubts in their hearts.

"What is this scenario?"

"Is the treasure hidden by one of you secretly? What did you do?"

This group of people fought in the hospital in an instant. Since each of them came from different places, the fight is now completely on the verge of death.

Chen Ping didn't know what happened here at all. He had an extremely calm expression on his face, and he didn't observe carefully what was going on. He turned around and left with the kid and the baby.

The group of people who came to look for the baby were suddenly stunned, and their eyes were full of panic.

"Since the baby is not on your body, whose body is this thing on? Who can give me an explanation?"

One of the elders, who was a little older, had a very angry look on his face. Since everyone is in a tight relationship, then everyone should just explain the matter openly and honestly.

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads desperately.

There was a very helpless look on their faces, no one thought that things were not in each other's hands.

At this moment, everyone felt a little flustered.

"It turns out someone else took the stuff before us!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone began to lower their heads to search for traces around here. They were all wondering what the hell was going on? At this moment, they saw a footprint on the ground.

This is left by the people who came here before, not Chen Ping's.

So at this moment they all put their minds on this footprint.

"What should we do next, is it possible that things will be handed over like this?"

A young man asked angrily.

They have great opinions on this matter.

"Then I have no other choice. We can only continue to search along this footprint. It is best if we can find it. If we can't find it, forget it. Although this treasure is indeed very precious, none of us will find it." Method."

The old man was beside him, and he spoke helplessly, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

In fact, he didn't plan to search for each other with this group of people. He planned to go there alone, because this thing looked much more powerful than he imagined.