Chapter 656: Little witch

"No, it's impossible. Ji Ruxue and I are just friends."

Su Yan can only explain in a hurry, if this is not explained, it may cause even greater misunderstanding.

But these relatives of Ji Ruxue didn't listen to Su Yan's explanation at all, and were still immersed in the joy of Ji Ruxue's leaving alone, feeling like self-entertainment.

"Ruxue has finally gotten off her singles, let's get married soon."

"Yes, our Ji family will be quiet after we marry."

"Miss Sister, I will miss you when you leave."


Facing such words, Su Yan's face was full of black lines. How did it feel that Ji Ruxue was the target of this family? Everyone wanted her to marry.

Of course, Ji Ruxue was also embarrassed, with a bit of anger in her eyes, which was too shameless, she actually criticized herself in front of outsiders.

"You will die of your heart. Even if I am married, I will let him in the door."

Ji Ruxue's words were like a bolt from the blue for everyone in the Ji family. Originally, all the smiling faces became bitter melon faces.

The child started crying all of a sudden, the sadness, as if he had encountered a big bad wolf.

Faced with such a scene, Ji Ruxue's face turned red and blue, and she did not dare to look at Su Yan at all.

Su Yan became interested. He couldn't help but looked at an elderly venerable and asked politely: "This old man, is Ji Ruxue okay at home?"

The old man hurriedly waved his hand, his hand speed was like a swing, his face showed anxious expression: "No, no, no, no!"

The three are not good, which shocked Su Yan. I don't know what terrible things Ji Ruxue did. His family and relatives treated him like this.

For this reason, Su Yan couldn't help looking at Ji Ruxue amused, and joked: "It seems that your position in your house is very embarrassing."

Ji Ruxue became furious, and shouted at a group of people: "Tell me what should I do, and then talk nonsense and be careful that I tear your mouth."

A group of two aunts and eight aunts, three women and four younger brothers all ran away in a hurry. This speed could almost break the sprint record.

"I'm furious!"

Ji Ruxue's shoulders trembled, her face was full of anger, and she was even sweating out of anger.

Su Yan became more and more amused: "You scared these people away with a word. I seem to know why they treat you so much."

"Hmph, they are just jealous of me, jealous of this lady's talent and talent."

Su Yan naturally understood that this Ji family was headed by Ji Gu, and that Ji Ruxue's Zhengmai naturally had a high respect in the Ji family, and these side branches did not dare to provoke her.

To sum up, Ji Ruxue is like a troublemaker, and it will definitely cause these people to suffer unspeakably.

"Your temper has changed, you are more vigorous than a man."

"Change the fart, I have this personality, but I tried to converge a lot when I entered the team. It is impossible for my family to want me to converge."

Ji Ruxue sat next to Su Yan and said with a questioning meaning: "Now they have completely misunderstood us, what should I do."

"What to do?"

"They say you are my boyfriend."

Ji Ruxue actually lowered her head, with a look of embarrassment, her ears were red.

Su Yan knew it naturally, but pretended to be stupid: "What does this have to do with me, I am also a victim."

"You are a victim!"

Ji Ruxue was furious and wanted to punch Su Yan, but Su Yan swiftly avoided it.

"Of course, my reputation has been violated."

"You still said!"

The two quarreled for a while, and in the end Ji Ruxue was exhausted and defeated, but Su Yan had nothing to do, and took the opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Su Yan, I invite you to eat at our most expensive place at noon today. The taste there is so bad."

"Ba Shi is miserable?"

"It's delicious, how can we come here without spicy and snacks?"

When Ji Ruxue, who had been exhausted, talked about spicy snacks, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately rejuvenated her, pulling Su Yan away.

When the two were gone, those two aunts and eight wives were relieved, and at least they had another calm time.

When the two arrived at the restaurant, it was really different from the others, it felt like they had entered the palace.

"Is the food really delicious here?"

"Of course, this is a collection of various snack masters, all of whom have won the competition.

Ji Ruxue was familiar with the road and directly pulled Su Yan upstairs, but the diners in this restaurant were shocked when they saw Ji Ruxue.

"Hello elder sister, I'll leave right away."

"What are you going to do, go after you are full."

"No, no, the wife is about to give birth."

The man was so scared that he stomped down and fell straight downstairs, but he didn't call any pain at all and got up and ran.

"Ji, Miss Ji."

A politician and business executive saw Ji Ruxue, his legs were weak, and he said quickly: "Miss Ji, I'm out of money, no gambling."

When a big man in the martial arts world saw Ji Ruxue, his face was pale and scared into a cold sweat.

"Miss Ji, the three ribs I broke are not good yet, let's not beat them."

"If you have a broken rib and come to eat spicy snacks, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

"No, no, no, I bought it for my child, he is greedy, I will go back and beat him."

Almost instantly, it was originally extremely popular, and the restaurant with nearly a thousand diners disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving Su Yan and Ji Ruxue in the entire huge hall.

The waiter and the manager dared not come over, lying under the counter shivering, but they heard Ji Ruxue's reputation every day, and no one dared to provoke him or her.

"I think you are the overlord in this southwest."

Not surprisingly, after all, Ji Ruxue's grandfather is Ji Gu, the eighth strongest in the rankings. Whoever dares to provoke her or touch her hair would be scared to death.

"Sit down at this table. The waiter will serve the dishes. Today I am going to treat the distinguished guests. You can handle it."

For the deserted restaurant, Ji Ruxue is not surprised, she is numb to such things.

The waiter cringed and walked over and nodded quickly, so that the back kitchen could produce the highest standard meals as quickly as possible.

At this time, a man crawled out of the table, trying to sneak away. He just thought that something serious had happened, so he was scared to hide.

It was quiet now, he thought it was all right, so he wanted to escape because he saw Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue snorted, scared that person ran away frantically, and shouted: "Little witch, please spare your life, little witch!"

Ji Ruxue was so angry that she wanted to punish her, but Su Yan stopped her.

"I didn't expect you to have such a nickname, do you always do this every time you eat?"

Ji Ruxue broke away from Su Yan's hand and said angrily: "I don't usually go out to eat, this time I invite you."

"Little witch."

"You also said, didn't you invite you to dinner, would it be like this!"

"Blam me?"

Su Yan spread his hands, revealing a helpless look.