Chapter 2686: Immortal Demon Tree

Chapter 2686 The Immortal Demon Tree

Indeed, having a maid by his side would only be a drag for Su Yan.

Doesn't really help.

The only person in the Holy City eligible to travel with Su Yan is the Pope.

But the holy city always needs a super strong man to sit down, and the pope may not have the idea of ​​leaving for the lost city.

The Temple of War has fallen into eight great masters who crossed the Tribulation Realm in the Lost City. If even the Pope falls in the Lost City, then the world will really be in chaos!

Of course Su Yan understood this very well.

Su Yan said, "Frankly speaking, I have no interest in that lost city at all, but if you ask me to take action, then I will definitely go."


"Because I don't like the disappointed look of a woman."

Saying this is undoubtedly very handsome, but Su Yan definitely has the ability to play handsome at will.

Su Yan has read many books about the world of heaven and man in Yinsong City. There are four great Jedi in the world of heaven and man, and the Lost City is one of these four great Jedi.

The Lost City is said to have a miracle from ancient times.

But that place is extremely dangerous, even in the outer area, there are countless monsters infested.

Even if it is only the outer area, it is already qualified as the promotion test field of the sky warrior. You can imagine how dangerous and terrible it is!

The outer and inner core areas of the Lost City are separated by a white mist.

This white mist has existed for many years, no matter how the weather and time change, it will completely cover the Lost City.

There is no way to get a glimpse of the true face of the Lost City from the outside.

In the books Su Yan read, there was no introduction about the internal situation of the Lost City at all.

The book only says that when the sky warrior is on trial, he will never enter the white mist, the core area of ​​the Lost City.

The purpose of this is to avoid risks.

This also shows how dangerous and mysterious the Lost City is.

What is hiding in the core area behind the white mist? Su Yan believes that there must be relevant information from the Temple of War and the royal family.

The core area of ​​the Lost City is a dangerous place for those sky warriors, but it is not necessary for the existence of Crossing Tribulation Realm.

Next, Tianxuan and Su Yan told a lot of secrets about the Lost City.

These secrets are in the Temple of War, only her position as the chairman of the board and the guardian of the temple of truth can be accessed.

Regarding the information about the Lost City, a large part of it is only accessible to the dean himself.

After hearing what Tianxuan said seriously, Su Yan had already developed a great interest in the Lost City.

The Lost City is shrouded in a veil of mystery, and the true face under this veil may be terrifying to the extreme.

After all, so many grandmasters across the Tribulation Realm can fall in Di Shitian at the same time, and such a place may be really dangerous to the extreme!

After dawn, Su Yan immediately went to see the Pope.

If you want to know more about the Lost City, the easiest and direct way is of course to ask the Pope.

As the existence at the top of the power of Emperor Shitian, the pope must have the most abundant information.

When Su Yan left, the Pope was praying in the Hall of Heroes.

It seems that Su Yan will come, and the guardian directly invited Su Yan into the hall.

The pope knelt on the ground, spread his hands, and a golden light shone on him, looking extremely holy.

If Su Yan was not the Immortal Emperor in his previous life, he might be bluffed by this picture.

Su Yan, as the immortal emperor, has also been worshipped by hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, and even far surpasses the **** of war worshiped by Emperor Shitian!

The dean completed the whole prayer under Su Yan's gaze, and then stood up and said: "There is indeed a lot of information about the Lost City in this seat. If you want to know, this seat must know everything about you. ."

Communicating with smart people has such an advantage: without talking too much nonsense, everyone can go straight to the problem.

First, what is hidden in the white mist of the Lost City!

As for the periphery of the Lost City, it is naturally not worth mentioning.

The Pope bluntly told Su Yan: "The core area within the mist of the Lost City is an ancient miracle of Emperor Shitian."

"Miracles?" Su Yan was a little confused, "What miracles do you mean?"

To say the word "miracle" alone is too broad. Su Yan was obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

The Pope said: "Inside the Lost City is a city cast by the gods in ancient times. The scene inside is really very special...not only there are towering buildings, but there are many more impossible to complete with human power. Miraculous thing!"

An expression of yearning and admiration appeared on the Pope's face.

But for Su Yan, the pope’s explanation is basically the same as he didn’t say, and it’s still very abstract.

"Did you know? In the legend of Emperor Shitian, the ancient ancestors lived in the city cast by the gods, and then the gods fell, and the god-forged city disappeared on the earth one after another. This last lost city has survived thousands of calamities and still stands on the emperor. If you investigate the lost city in depth, you may be able to find out the reason for the end of the age of God."

The rise and fall of civilization on the earth is inherently natural. As the immortal emperor, Su Yan didn't know how many vicissitudes of life he had witnessed, and he didn't care about it.

Su Yan directly said to the Pope: "The mess you just said is useless at all. I will ask you three questions. First, why do your people enter the Lost City?"

"Because there is an immortal demon tree in the center of the Lost City!"

"What is the immortal demon tree?" Su Yan asked.

"The twelfth-generation pope before this seat has recorded in the manuscript that the fruits of the immortal demon tree can make elixir!"

The three words Immortal Medicine are famous in history. The first emperor asked Xu Fu to go to the east to find the elixir...

But is there really a so-called elixir in this world?

Su Yanlai is most qualified to answer this question.

Because Su Yan was once a peerless immortal emperor in the immortal world, and later he practiced for the ninth generation. Have an extremely deep understanding of many worlds.

The immortal medicine can only be refined by the Queen Mother of Kunlun in the Immortal Realm Yuxu, and there is absolutely no possibility of it falling into the mortal world!

Queen Mother Xi’s status is extremely high in the immortal world, even Su Yan in the heyday of the Emperor, she must give the Queen Mother a bit of face!

The immortal medicine that Queen Mother of the West can refine, depends on the emperors of the Celestial Realm who want to refine it?

It's ridiculous!

Although Su Yan has never heard the name of the Immortal Demon Tree, what is certain is that it is absolutely impossible for these Emperor Shitian to refine the Immortal Medicine!

Su Yan can see through it because he has the wisdom of the Immortal Emperor.

Even the pope could not resist the temptation represented by the three words of immortality.