Chapter 3199: The mysterious organization knocks on the fairy gate

Chapter 3199: The mysterious organization knocks on the fairy gate

We must know that Nanming Lihuo is already among the top sacred fires among various flames!

As Su Yan moved toward the center of the formation, various attack methods became more and more dense, not only flames, thunder and lightning, and cyclones, but also many yellow talismans appeared later!

These Fulu represent the top spells of the Taoist Heavenly Master Tao, but in front of Su Yan, they can still only turn into a meaningless nothingness!

This is the terrifying part of the power of Vientiane Senluo, but it is the Vientiane in this world, then it will definitely be suppressed by Su Yan's power!

Under the Vientiane Forest, everything is meaningless.

After the formation was activated, the heroes in the ancient territory also appeared in Su Yan's field of vision. Some people originally wanted to fight a battle with their magic weapons, but did not want to see Su Yan's appearance. !

These people can't help getting excited!

"I shouldn't be dreaming! It turned out that the leader of Su League is back!"

"Oh my god, the leader of Su is back! This is really great! I said it a long time ago, the leader of Su is not an ordinary person, the Ji people have their own natural features, even if they suddenly disappeared, it is most likely to hide. What kind of magical skill you have cultivated, and when it reappears, you will surely get to the next level! Do you think Lao Tzu is right?"

"With Leader Su, we don't have to hide here anymore! Hahaha!"

These people were extremely excited when they saw Su Yan, even Fu Yuechi’s eyes contained a little bit of tears. That day she witnessed Su Yan being sent to the underworld by the undead saint Mu Xi, and her heart sank. There is no good luck.

After all, the underworld has been a place where the living has stopped since ancient times.

And it has always been easy to go from the world to the underworld, but it is not so easy to return to the world from the underworld!

Even if Su Yan's strength surpassed ordinary people's imagination, Fu Yuechi did not fully grasp that Su Yan could kill him from the underworld.

Now that Su Yan suddenly appeared, I couldn't help but get excited!

Beiming Sword God Yin Guangzheng and Lady Taotie almost broke into tears with excitement. Now there is no chaos in the third area, but at least two-thirds of the area has turned into a terrifying ghost.

The Five Great Sacred Lands may also be destroyed overnight. Under this circumstance, who is able to turn the tide to stop this wave of destruction and become the savior of the third region, who else besides Su Yan?

Su Yan saw the masters in the ancient territory like clouds, and there were many new faces.

So Fu Yuechi introduced to Su Yan. Since the raging corpses, the cliques in the third region have felt the tremendous pressure to survive, and in order to resolve this pressure, they had to choose a side.

And the attitude of the five sacred places in this crisis is overwhelming, so naturally many sects have joined Su Yan and the others.

It's just that these people have always had great uncertainty in their hearts. That's because after the battle of the Five Great Sacred Grounds in the hill of Emperor Xin, news came out that Su Yan had fallen and halved on the hill of Emperor Xin.

The name Su Yan is no longer just a simple name in the third region today, but a signboard.

As long as this sign is still there, someone must be willing to defect to Su Yan!

After all, behind this signboard is the strength of the Grand Master and Dao Ancestor!

Seeing Su Yan's return now, people like them are very determined.

And not only were there many powerful sects in the third region joined, but also the head of the small mountain world who did not follow Su Yan at the beginning, almost all of them came to the third region.

They came here for a very simple purpose, to protect their world.

The mysterious black water and murderous living corpses are currently only raging in the third area, but if they spread to their world, how can they resist!

You know, even the five holy places can't settle all this!

The only thing that can be done is to wipe out all the black water and the murderous corpses in the third area, so as to preserve their own school and world!

The Bai Chanji who had not dealt with Su Yan at the beginning still looked very gloomy, but after seeing Su Yan, he still chose to kneel on one knee and admit his mistake. Although he was still very reluctant in his heart, he also had to admit that in this situation, the man who could turn the mansions could only be Su Yan.

With Su Yan's mind and status, naturally he wouldn't care about anything with him, the two sides were originally not at the same level.

The world that Bai Chanji could see was only 36 caves and 72 sects, plus one more holy land at most, and what Su Yan could see were the heavens and the world of countless sahas.

Su Yan smiled and said, "It's really gratifying that thirty-six caves and seventy-two sects are gathered together."

With Su Yan saying this, the atmosphere inside is naturally beaming.

Xiao Qingshi also took the initiative to greet Su Yan, and those cliques who had just taken refuge were surprised to see the ancient saints willingly and solemnly kneeling in front of Su Yan.

Xiao Qingshi had already admired Su Yan in five ways. This worship was really from the sincerity.

During the period when Su Yan was absent, Fu Yuechi, Li Shengshu, and Panshan Patriarch had been making decisions together in this alliance, but there was no disturbance.

Now that Su Yan returns, the burden of decision-making has naturally returned to Su Yan.

Now the outside situation has deteriorated to a horrible level, and the living corpses are raging everywhere, and there is no one inhabited for thousands of miles. The five holy places can only close the gates and guard the last few cities under the gates to preserve the last hope of mankind.

The ancestor of Panshan introduced here and said: "Should the war between us and the five holy places be slowed down? Now if we fight fiercely with the five holy places, I am afraid that even if we defeat the five holy places, the living corpses will be more rampant and unscrupulous. "

Of course, some of the Thirty-Six Dongtian and Seventy-Two Sects disagree with the views of the Panshan ancestors. They have been insulted by the five holy places for too long, hoping that the five holy places will soon be destroyed.

Now that I have a chance, I can't wait to beat the five holy places to death, absolutely don't want to give the five holy places a chance to breathe and recover.

If the five holy places survived this crisis, they might have to ride on them and do whatever they want. It would be better to eliminate the five sacred places first, and then integrate all the forces in the third region to deal with the living corpses, so that everyone does not have to suspect each other.

Both of these arguments have certain truths, but in the end it is Su Yan who can make the final decision.

Su Yan pondered for a moment, and said: "At present, the five holy places really cannot fall. If they fall, the next target of the living corpse will be us. Then it will inevitably expand to the heavens and the world. If the battlefield expands , If the living corpses are scattered in many worlds, this war may never end. I heard that these living corpses seem to be under orders from a mysterious organization, right?"

When Su Yan's words fell, I heard the ancestor of Panshan: "Yes! What you said should be knocking on the immortal gate! We have also had contact with them, and the purpose of these people is probably not simple at all."