Chapter 3302: The purpose of Nethersea

Chapter 3302 The Purpose of Nether Sea

The ancestor of Panshan said: "I want to see how hard your bones are, ancestors. Even if you are really hard bones, ancestors, I still have a soul-searching method. As long as you detain your soul, you will do everything. Say it!"

The man in black smiled and said: "Why is it so troublesome? As long as the leader of Su wants to ask, I must know that everything is endless."

The attitude of the man in black can't help but annoy Panshan Patriarch, because she always hates that others have no fear in front of her, and then speak out.

The ancestor of Panshan was about to take a shot to punish the man in black, but he heard Su Yan say: "Don't take it now, I have something to ask him."

The ancestor of Panshan had to give up after being blocked by Su Yan, and then Su Yan said: "Your Netherworld Sea is just a very small organization, how can you make the living corpses have corpses and no souls? It's not that I look down on you. Under normal circumstances, you Netherworld It is impossible for the sea to have such great ability."

Su Yan’s words were full of contempt for Netherworld Sea, but the man in black was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed and said: "Leader Su, you are right. We Netherworld Sea is indeed not as powerful as knocking at the fairy gate. Their four great gods have the power to reach the sky, and the master of the gate is even as deep as the sea. If our Nether Sea had this level of strength, we would have snatched the overseas Yunkai Island back, so why bother with the Taiji Holy Land for so many years."

In fact, You Minghai and Kouxianmen had already been in contact thousands of years ago.

The only problem is that the strength gap between the two parties is too big. Knock the Immortal Gatekeeper Nether Sea has always been a screaming attitude, and has never regarded Nether Sea as an equal partner.

At the beginning, He Qingxian of the Four Great Generals only said a word, and almost scared Netherworld Sea from going overseas, and only dared to shrink on Yunkai Island.

The man in black cleared his throat when he said that, and then said: "How to make a living corpse with a corpse and no soul? This question does involve the core secrets of the Netherworld, but since it is the leader of Su, I will also I had to say it clearly, because the Great Bull Demon King has recovered."

The attitude of the man in black made Fu Yuechi feel very strange, saying that he was confident, but not to such an extent. At this level, it can be considered smug!

It's as if they were destined to have so many masters and Su Yan couldn't do anything to him...This is really very weird.

No one can be so ecstatic when his life is under a strong threat. This is no longer a matter of death, but a violation of the most basic human nature!

Fu Yuechi's thoughts cannot be said to be wrong, but there is a slight omission in her thoughts.

There is a category of people that cannot be guessed with normal thinking. We usually call this category of lunatics.

And in the Netherworld Sea, the most indispensable is the lunatic!

Su Yan also calculated things in his mind.

The five holy places were overwhelmed by the attack of the living corpses, and of course they would summon all the princes placed outside back into the holy place.

At this time, Yunkai Island must be extremely empty, and Nether Sea wants to take Yunkai Island easily.

In such a troubled world, it is not difficult to kill hundreds of thousands of living people to make sacrifices. The seal of the Great Bull Demon King is broken, and then it is reasonable to get out of trouble.

It's just that the Three Sages of the Demon Race had already worshipped under Su Yan's sect, and the Great Sage Langya was also defeated and became a living corpse in the struggle with Knock Xianmen.

Su Yan had never heard the news about the resurrection of the Dali Bull Demon King from the demons. After all, the Dali Bull Demon King was an ancient demon saint. If it really revived, there should be some movement within the Demon Race.

Why is it so quiet?

There must be some special mystery in this!

Su Yan asked, "Should you not just resurrect the Great Bull Demon King in Netherworld for faith?"

After hearing Su Yan's words, the man in black was taken aback for a while, and said, "Why did the leader Su say this? As far as I know, the leader of Su has killed Yunkai Island, and he should have seen how many bull gods there are. The statue, the Great Bull Demon King can be said to be our totem and belief in Yunkai Island."

Su Yan snorted coldly and said, "This kind of nonsense is a lie to mortals. What use is it for you to tell me?"

The man in black couldn't help clapping his hands and applauded at this time, and said: "Wonderful! Wonderful! The leader of Su League is indeed a dragon and phoenix among people, and he immediately saw the purpose of our Netherworld Sea. Indeed, the belief in the Bull God is us The art used to deceive the general communication congregation, in fact, our Nethersea has another purpose to liberate the Great Bull Demon King. And this purpose has always been known only by the real high-level people."

Fu Yuechi frowned at this moment, and he was a little confused.

Su Yan said: "Then what do you want in Netherworld? Last time I heard what your high priest said to release the powerful bull demon king, and then defeat the five holy places, let Netherworld rule the third area, it feels absurd enough. The saints of the five holy sites are still there, and Wen Lan is still the person who participated in the sealing of the Great Bull Demon. Isn’t it enough to seal the Great Bull Demon again? The difficulty is a bit high, but it is not impossible to achieve it. ."

At that time, Su Yan only regarded the high priest as a lunatic, and did not think deeply. It turned out that the seal of the Nether Sea liberating the Great Bull Demon had another purpose.

Although the man in black is wearing a mask, he can feel the strong complacency in him through the mask.

"We Nethersea really want to resurrect the Great Bull Demon King. This is absolutely true. But resurrecting the Great Bull Demon King is only the first step."

"What will Netherworld do next?"

The human in black said: "After the strong bull demon is revived, his strength is very weak. With special medicinal materials, he can be in a half-dream and half-awake state, which is very easy to manipulate. Then we will use the strong bull demon as a heavy sacrifice to wake up the real Demon King..."

Fu Yuechi looked around and saw that the eyes of the people around were as shocked as hers. What the man in black said was too absurd, but this absurd thing is most likely true!

The Great Bull Demon King is an ancient demon saint, and needs to be dealt with by the founders of the Five Great Sacred Grounds. In the end, he cannot kill the existence that can only be sealed.

This record is already very proud among the Yaozu!

If the Strong Bull Demon King is to be used as a sacrifice, then the Demon King who will be awakened will be even more cruel!

When talking about the Demon King, Su Yan first thought of King Peacock, the only one in this world who can bear this reputation, but the Demon King said by Netherworld Sea must not be King Peacock.

Su Yan still asked calmly, "I don't know which fierce beast you are talking about?"

The man in black became more and more triumphant: "Leader Su once heard a legend that there are five world-destroying fierce beasts in the third region. Once these five fierce beasts appear, they will inevitably fall apart, and all creatures will be extinct together!"