Chapter 3833: The first artifact

Chapter 3833: The First Artifact

"You did a very good job!" Su Yan applauded authentically.

Facing Su Yan's continuation of the battle, King Qilin showed a flattered expression. Although he was not Su Yan's subordinate, he himself did not realize this.

Although King Qilin was the leader of the Demon King, when he faced Su Yan, his aura was suppressed by Su Yan.

Although Su Yan didn't show up or deliberately pay attention to any extravagance, he was able to completely suppress the Kylin King inadvertently.

This may be the legendary self-prestige.

King Qilin then asked Su Yan several questions about cultivation.

As the saint son of Longevity Mountain, Su Yan certainly has his own set of theories regarding the cultivation of these monster races.

Just a few words directly pointed to the Dao and the original mind, and completely solved the doubts that King Kylin had been practicing for a long time, and there was a feeling that listening to your words is better than reading ten years!

And King Kylin is more respectful to Su Yan!

He only felt that Su Shangxian's strength was unfathomable, and his knowledge was absolutely extraordinary!

Future achievements must not be limited to the little golden fairy!

Su Yan carefully flipped through this ancient book of the Witch Clan.

There are most likely the whereabouts of three magic weapons in this book!

The first clue that Su Yan found was related to the Wanzai Ice Sword.

The Wanzai Ice Sword should also be the most obvious magic weapon among these seven exotic treasures.

The creation of the Wanzai Ice Sword is very complicated. The first step is to collect the eternal ice at the bottom of the underworld and refine it into an ice heart.

An iceberg can often only be refined into a small ice heart, and it takes at least five thousand ice heart to build an everlasting ice sword!

This process of collecting Bingxin requires at least one thousand years of asceticism in the absolutely harsh environment at the bottom of the underworld, even if it is a powerful person in the realm of the emperor.

After collecting enough ice hearts, the process of refining the Ten Thousand Years Frost Sword itself is also full of great dangers!

Although Bing Xin's power was stable, it was extremely extreme!

Moreover, these ice hearts came from the bottom of the underworld, and the Yin Qi contained in them was immeasurable!

If the primordial spirit is eroded by these powerful Yin Qi, then even the emperor will be at risk of falling.

After Bing Xin constructed the sword body, and then locked the soul of the divine tool into the sword body, the Wanzai Hanbing Sword was successfully refined.

High risk often brings high returns. After the Wanzai Frost Sword is successfully refined, not only the blade is extremely hard, but it can shake any magic weapon head-on at least without losing the wind.

In addition, there is the invincible cold, even time can freeze!

It can definitely be regarded as the magic weapon of the artifact series!

Even if Su Yan hadn't mastered the immortal rule of the ice system, he would be enough to challenge the immortal king after obtaining the ice sword for ten thousand years!

This is the blessing given by the magic weapon of the artifact level!

There is a very special place recorded in the ancient books of the Wu people.

There are 107 active volcanoes in this place.

These active volcanoes are either middle-aged with thick smoke billowing, or crimson magma has been flowing out of the dark river below the mountain, converging into a raging sea of ​​fire.

And this area composed of volcanoes and magma rivers is called the basaltic sea of ​​fire.

Xuanwu Huohai is a famous Jedi in Mount Xumi, even if it is a powerful monster and protoss, it will not easily go to such a place.

Once the volcano inside erupts, the smoke produced will even affect five thousand miles away!

But 13,000 years ago, the Xuanwu Sea of ​​Fire had been frozen for a while!

To seal all the lava rivers and one hundred and seven volcanoes together, this is something that requires a tremendous amount of power!

At least the power of the fairy rule needs to be used, and it is definitely not a natural evolution.

If it evolves naturally, why would the basaltic sea of ​​fire be frozen and thawed after a period of time, turning into a sea of ​​fire again?

Although the demon king of Mount Xume can also cultivate the power of the immortal rule, but to push the power of the immortal rule to such a peak, even an area of ​​at least 800 miles in a radius of at least eight hundred miles into the kingdom of ice, and last at least ten. Over a year, things like 0 can't even be done by Su Yan today, let alone these demon kings.

This abnormal change in the Xuanwu Sea of ​​Fire was the abnormal change that Su Yan was looking for through reading the ancient books.

This abnormal change can easily be associated with that magical weapon of Ten Thousand Years of Ice Sword.

This incident is also recorded in many ancient demon clan books that Su Yan consulted.

What is the reason for this strange ice seal? There are great discrepancies in these ancient books, many of which are absurd, and in Su Yan's opinion, they are not worth refuting.

The writing of the Yaozu is really too random, and there are many parts with strange power and confusion, which is simply ridiculous.

The books of the Wu family are much more rigorous in comparison.

The cultivation of the demon power relies on the essence of the sun and the moon and the feeling of oneself.

In contrast, witchcraft is much more rigorous. It is a very clear system in which all dedication and power acquisition are very clear and logical.

So for Su Yan, the book of the Witch Clan is much more credible.

The book records the Wu Clan’s investigation into this piece of ice, and found that there are many golden fairy-level monsters that have also been frozen. Even the fire-attributed divine bird Bifang has no time to escape, and it has been turned into ice. Part!

This shows that Su Yan's inference must be correct, and Frozen Seal must be able to mobilize the power of Xianze, otherwise it is impossible to have such an exaggerated effect!

The Wu Clan inferred that it was possible that the body of the Demon God Chang Geng among the seven emperors of Mount Xumi in the ancient times fell in this sea of ​​flames.

Although the Demon God of Chang Gung has fallen, there is still power remaining in the body. This remaining power turned into an enchantment and preserved the Demon God of Chang Gung in the hot magma for tens of thousands of years...

Since the Chang Geng Demon God has died, the remaining power in the body is not endless. When the remaining power is exhausted, it is when the barrier is broken!

When the sea of ​​fire eroded the body of the Chang Geng Demon God, then the body of the Demon God would also be directly destroyed in the collision of the two extreme forces of ice and fire!

The ruined corpse of the demon **** turned into dust and reintegrated into this space, but it also brought the ice of the sea of ​​basalt fire.

Judging by Su Yan's insight, the Wu clan's judgment is also a very likely situation.

But when the Demon God Chang Geng fell, the Ten Thousand Years of Frost Ice Sword might not have been taken away. Maybe he had fallen into that sea of ​​flames with him long ago.

As long as the breath of a divine tool can be found, Su Yan will have the confidence to let this divine tool see the sun again!

Finding the whereabouts of the artifact is very difficult, but it is easier for Su Yan to conquer the artifact.

After all, Immortal Emperor Su Yan's peak state of mind was placed here, and he was incarnately sanctified. For those divine artifacts that had been silent for many years, he could be regarded as the best master candidate.

Su Yan had already planned in his heart, he must go to Xuanwu Huohai to see.

Then Su Yan asked, "King Qilin knows a thing or two about Xuanwu Fire?"